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词汇 zeroed in
释义 zeroed in
zeroed in发音



zeroes in───调整归零;瞄准具校正

zero in───调整归零;瞄准具校正

zeroed in on───向…集中注意力;对准…

zeroing in───调整归零;瞄准具校正

barged in───v.闯入;干涉

bedded in───磨合;嵌入

burned in───留下不可磨灭的印象

crowd in───挤进;使拥挤入;把…挤走;在时间表中挤进,强安排进

fenced in───用栅栅围起来


They zeroed in on the key issues.───他们集中讨论了关键问题。

we had all zeroed in our guns on the enemy post, we opened fire.───我们把枪都瞄准了敌人的哨所,开火了。

The researchers have zeroed in on antibodies that react with part of the virus called its spike.───研究者们瞄准能够和病毒中被称为“长刺”部分进行反应的抗体。

He said he and his team have zeroed in on a section of a key protein in HIV's structure that does not mutate.───他和他的小组人员已经解开了HIV病毒结构中不能发生变异的的一种关键性蛋白质的存在部位。

Stevenson and other Democrats, led by DNC Chairman Stephen Mitchell, zeroed in on me with a barrage of attacks.───史蒂文森和其它民主党人在民主党全国委员会主席斯蒂芬·米切尔的领导下,集中力量对我发起了连珠炮式的进攻。

Conservatives zeroed in on her failure to disclose all the campaign contributions she received from a Kansas abortion doctor.───保守派集中火力攻击她未能披露她从堪萨斯州一位堕胎医生那里收到所有的竞选捐款。

The enemy plane zeroed in on the arms factory and destroyed it with one bomb.───敌机瞄准兵工厂并用一发炮弹摧毁了这个工厂。

The plane zeroed in on the enemy's arms factory and destroyed it with one bomb.───飞机瞄准了敌人的军工厂,一枚炸弹就把它炸毁了。

Artillery and mortars were zeroed in on the enemy position.───大炮和迫击炮对准敌人的阵地。


She immediately zeroed in on the weak point in his argument.

He raised the binoculars again and zeroed in on an eleventh-floor room.

An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad.

Have all these guns been properly zeroed in?

They zeroed in on the key issues.

When we had all zeroed in our guns on the enemy post, we opened fire.

With his usual skill, the chairman zeroed in on the most delicate subject of our meeting.

They zeroed in on the key issues for discussion.

The plane zeroed in on the arms factory and distroyed it with one bomb.





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