

词汇 love child
释义 love child
love child发音




love children───私生子

flower child───鼓吹爱情与和平的嬉皮士

lap child───n.不会走路的婴儿

moon child───月光游侠(电影名)

poor child───可怜的孩子/小孩

foster child───养子或养女

little child───小孩

poster child───n.(公益广告中的)海报儿童;(幽默用法)榜样,典型人物


Eric has a secret love child.───埃里克有个不为人知的私生子。

He is a web designer and I’m a control freak and the website is our love child.───他是一个网页设计师,而我是一个控制狂,这个网站就像是我们爱的结晶。

Yesterday was the love child ban sales reported on the last day.───昨天是爱心班孩子卖报的最后一天.

After a South African newspaper first reported the love child last week, a public furor followed.───在南非一家报纸上周首先报导了祖马有这名非婚生子女的消息后, 公众的愤怒情绪随之爆发.

Yes, that's my husband's love child and her mother in our Christmas picture?───对, 我们家的圣诞全家福上有我丈夫的私生女和她妈妈?

You are such a love child.───你那么爱孩子.

I was a love child.───我是一个私生子.

There's no disgrace in being a love child.───是一个私生子也不丢人.

Mary was a love child whose father left her mother before she was born.───玛丽是个私生女,她父亲在她出生前就遗弃了她母亲.

I take it for granted that a mother should love child.───我认为母亲爱孩子是理所当然的.

The boy is a love child.───这个男孩是个私生子.

It was said he was a love child of a nobleman.───据说他是一个贵族的私生子.

rumours later escalated when bloggers claimed Miss Kabayeva had subsequently given birth to Mr Putin's love child.───随后谣言升级,有人在博客中曝料称卡巴耶娃后来生下了普京的私生子。

Eric has a secret love child.───埃里克有一个鲜为人知的私生子。

The little boy is a love child.───那个小男孩是个可爱的孩子.


Charlie? Oh, he's a treasure, loves children.

How can you love children whose every effort is directed at ignoring you or hating you?

Unlike the synonym, MAMzer, BENKert connotes love child, not one merely born out of wedlock.

He's a very loving child.

I've always loved children.

She loved children and had wanted to have several.sentencedict.com

Eric has a secret love child.

She would have made the secret love child of Leon Trotsky and Margaret Thatcher look like an uncommitted, apolitical layabout.

Director Jafar Panahi clearly loves children for what they are, big mouths and all.

  • love kill
  • love hurts
  • love you forever
  • love rabbit
  • love you like
  • love to die
  • love to like
  • love with you
  • love event
  • love me for life
  • love failure
  • love mylife
  • love stranger
  • love and do
  • love is alive
  • love my fridge
  • love lunch
  • love the last one
  • love is me
  • love the
  • love rules




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