

词汇 letting in
释义 letting in
letting in发音



getting in───进入;到达;陷入;收获

letting on───泄露;假装

setting in───开始

letting into───让…进入

settling in───v.迁入

butting in───n.紫铆素,紫铆黄酮;紫铆亭

cutting in───插嘴;超车;插入

fitting in───适应,适合;装配好;找时间做

getting on───上车,上马;进展,使前进


I'm not in the habit of letting strangers into my apartment.───我不习惯让陌生人进我家。

The door blew open, letting in a rush of cold air.───门被风刮开了,一股冷风疾冲进来。

That's not a problem. It's simply a matter of letting people know in time.───这没问题。不就是及时通知大家么。

Then the door opened, letting in light, and through slits beneath my eyelashes I saw a nurse with a hypo in her hand.───然后门打开了,光透了进来,我从眯着的眼缝里看到一个护士拿着针走了进来。

This connection is still attached to you and is stopping you from letting in new love, new experiences and new opportunities.───这个连接仍然附在你上并且正阻止你让新爱,新经历和新机会进来。

Washington was only interested in letting in Chinese money as a last resort, such as during the current financial crisis, he said.───他说,美国政府只把让中国资金进入作为最后的选择,比如在当前金融危机的情况下。

It does not allow its citizens to be extradited; letting in foreign prosecutors would be a big step.───它连引渡自己国民都不允许,所以要引进检察官就需更加困难。

or windows letting in sunlight that may make it harder to see.───或者太阳光线太多的窗户,这样一些很难让人看清楚的东西。

The Portuguese is right: the moment you start letting in coaching from the outside, you lose your power base in the dressing room.───葡萄牙人这样做是对的:一旦你同意接受外来教练进来指导,那么你就失去了更衣室里的权利基础。


Claire opened the front door, letting in a cool summery breeze.

Take up references before giving credit, lending money, letting in tenants, taking on staff.

The dress needs letting in at the waist.

She got out of bed and drew back the curtains, letting in the sun.

Methods The rats model of hemophthisis was established with the method of feeding the low iron feed and blood letting in caudal vein.

We are like wheat, here on earth to ripen. We ripen intellectually by letting in as much of the universe's complexity as we can. Morally we ripen by making our choices. And we ripen spiritually by openig our eyes to Creation's endless detail. 

In the third division, Hereford United were seeing stars at Gillingham after letting in 2 early goals.

This skirt needs letting in at the waist.

The door blew open, letting in a rush of cold air.

  • letting off steam
  • letting up




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