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词汇 your
释义 yourUK:* strong: /ˈjɔːr/ /ˈjʊər/, weak: /jər/US:/jʊr, jɔr, unstressed jɚ/US:(yŏŏr, yôr, yōr; unstressed yər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 your adj (you: possessive form)你的;你们的Is that your dog?Your name, please, sir?那是你的狗吗?usage: ‘your’You use your /jə/ or /jɔː/ to show that something belongs or relates to the person or people that you are speaking to.Can I borrow your pen?Where's your father? your pron informal (members of a group) (口语)某个特定人群的,你们,那些Your average teenager isn't interested in the stock market.那些普通青少年对股市不感兴趣。 yours adv (formula used to end letter) (用作信函结尾)您尊敬的Ellen, please write to me as soon as you can. Yours, Maddy.艾伦,请尽快回复我。您尊敬的,马蒂。 yours pron (possessive: belonging to you)你的; (尊称)您的Is this umbrella yours?这把伞是你的么? 动词短语turn your stomach vi phrasal (make nauseous)令人恶心;让人反胃The bad smell turned my stomach.复合形式: a feather in your cap n figurative (achievement)值得骄傲的事;引以为傲的成就 a millstone around your neck (US), a millstone round your neck (UK) expr figurative (burden: mental or emotional)如同套在脖子上的磨盘;成为沉重负担 act your age interj informal (stop behaving immaturely)举止与年龄相称Fred should start acting his age. all the days of your life expr (for rest of your life)余生 have ants in your pants v expr informal, figurative (be restless, unable to settle)坐立不安;手足无措 apple of [sb]'s eye n (beloved person)某人的掌上明珠Jenny loved all her children, but her eldest child was the apple of her eye.珍妮深爱着自己所有的孩子,不过长子是她的掌上明珠。 arch of your back n (curve of lower back)后腰拱起处;腰弓In this yoga pose, tuck your right arm behind the arch of your back. arch your back v expr (stretch over backwards)向后弓起背Please arch your back and take a deep breath. as long as your arm expr figurative, informal (very long)很长;长得要命 at the top of your class adj (among the best)一流的;顶尖的He graduated at the top of his class and was accepted to a very good university. at the top of your game expr figurative (performing brilliantly)表现杰出;脱颖而出;鹤立鸡群 at the top of your lungs expr (voice: as loud as possible)声嘶力竭地 at wit's end, at your wit's end, at your wits' end adj (upset, frustrated)茫然不知所措备注: Both positions of the apostrophe are in use: wit's and wits'.Kathy was at her wit's end with worry when her son failed to come home from school. at wit's end, at your wit's end, at your wits' end adj (unable to find a solution)束手无策,无计可施;黔驴技穷备注: Both positions of the apostrophe are in use: wit's and wits'.Having spent three hours unsuccessfully trying to fix the photocopier, Dave was at his wit's end.戴夫花了整整三个小时时间,试图修复复印机,但最后终究束手无策。 at [sb]'s beck and call, at the beck and call of [sb] expr (available to serve you at any time)随叫随到I will be at your beck and call. at your command adv (under your control)听您指挥 at your command adv (available to you)可供你自由使用 at your command adv humorous (ready to help you)听候您的差遣 at your convenience expr formal (when it suits you) (正式用语)在您方便的时候;看您什么时候方便Please return my books at your convenience. at your discretion adv (according to your judgement)由你决定You may sign your name or remain anonymous, at your discretion. at [sb]'s disposal, as the disposal of [sb/sth] adv (available for your use)供你自由使用;由你自由支配I'll leave the computer at your disposal.我会把电脑留给你,供你自由使用。 at [sb]'s disposal, as the disposal of [sb] adv (person: available to serve you)随时为您服务;随时听候您的差遣Once I finish this work I will be at your disposal.一旦我做完这个工作,就随时听候您的差遣。 at your earliest convenience expr (as soon as it is possible for you)尽早Please respond at your earliest convenience.Please call me back at your earliest convenience. at [sb]'s fingertips expr figurative (easily available) (比喻)唾手可得的,手边的You should have everything you need at your fingertips before you start your work. at your leisure adv (when you feel like it)你有空的时候;在你方便时You may finish the job at your leisure. at your own discretion adv (as you see fit)自己决定;自己把握 at your own pace adv (at a speed one is comfortable with)按自己的步调,按自己的节奏From the tortoise and the hare, we learn that one can proceed at one's own pace and still be a winner. at your own risk adv (without anyone else being liable)由自己负责;自担风险Swim in the river at your own risk. at your service adv (ready to help you)听候吩咐;乐意为您效劳I am at your service. at [sb]'s side, by [sb]'s side adv (beside) (本义)在某人身旁, 在某人身边I will sit at your side during the banquet. at [sb]'s side, by [sb]'s side adv figurative (supporting, comforting) (比喻,表示支持)和某人站在一起, 站在某人一边;支持某人, 安慰某人Fortunately, your husband will always be at your side because he loves you. the autumn of your life, your autumn years n figurative (later years of life)暮年;晚年In the autumn of his life, Charles was no longer interested in his former hobbies. at the back of your mind, in the back of your mind expr (in background thought processes)心里不自觉地; (比喻)脑袋后面 bane, bane of your life, bane of your existence n figurative (source of annoyance) (造成不快的源头)灾星,祸害My computer's crashed again; technology is the bane of my life! bang for your buck, bang for the buck n US, slang (value for money)物有所值;划算This computer is last year's model, but it has great bang for your buck. bare your teeth v expr (snarl, show teeth)露出牙齿The dog growled and bared his teeth at the cat. barge your way in v expr (enter by force, pushing)强行闯入 barge your way into [sth] v expr (enter by force, pushing)强行闯入某处Sarah has a bad habit of barging her way into places. barge your way through v expr informal (move forcefully, push)强行穿过;闯过去 barge your way through [sth] v expr informal (move forcefully, push)通过...挤过去You can't simply barge your way through the crowd like that. bawl your eyes out v expr figurative, informal (cry, weep loudly)痛哭流涕;大哭一场The little girl was bawling her eyes out because she had lost her doll. be bored out of your mind v expr figurative, informal (be extremely bored)非常厌烦;烦透了 be caught with your hand in the cookie jar v expr US, informal (be caught taking bribes)当场抓获;抓了个现行 be in [sb]'s shoes v expr figurative (be in another person's situation)站在...的角度思考;替...着想 be on your best behavior (US), be on your best behaviour (UK) v expr (behave very well)举止得当 be out of your wits v expr (be very worried or frightened)仓皇失措;六神无主 be to [sb]'s advantage, be to the advantage of [sb] v expr (benefit [sb])让…得益;对…好处I know you're not a natural linguist, but learning French would be to your advantage, given that we live in France. be your own man v expr (male: be independent)做你自己;做自己的主人;自力更生 before your eyes, right before your eyes, before your very eyes adv (right in front of you)就在眼面前;当着…的面His father was murdered right before his eyes. before your time adv informal (before your birth)在你出生前;在你卷入某事之前I remember the day President Kennedy was shot - but that's before your time.我记得肯尼迪总统被枪杀的那天,但是那发生在你出生前。 before your time adv informal (before your involvement)你来之前He used to be Managing Director here, but that was a few years before your time. behind [sb]'s back expr figurative, informal (without [sb]'s knowledge)在…背后;背着…She often told lies about him behind his back. the best bet, your best bet n informal, figurative (most promising option)最佳选择;最优措施;最好办法Your best bet would be to contact the organisers directly and ask if they still have tickets. bet your bottom dollar v expr US, figurative, informal (be certain)敢打包票;敢拿最后一块钱来打赌You can bet your bottom dollar I'll get home in time for supper. bide your time v expr (wait calmly)耐心等待 your birthday suit n slang, figurative (nakedness)裸体"What do you wear in bed?" "My birthday suit." bite [sb]'s head off, bite the head off [sb] v expr figurative, informal (respond angrily, impatiently)对..发火;生...的气 bite your nails v expr (chew fingernails)咬指甲 Bless your little cotton socks interj informal (affection, endearment) (假装喜欢)谈到某人时的用语 blow your cork, pop your cork v expr figurative, informal (become very angry)快疯了;发怒 blow [sb]'s cover v expr (reveal [sb]'s true identity)揭露...的身份;揭穿...的底细 blow [sb]'s mind v expr slang (astound [sb])让…震惊When I heard about the revolutionary new cancer treatment, it blew my mind. Wait until you see the final scene of the movie--it's going to blow your mind! blow [sb]'s mind v expr slang (drugs: disorient, overwhelm [sb]) (药物)让…无法思考;令...痴狂 blow your nose v expr (expel mucus)擤鼻子;擤鼻涕Please blow your nose instead of sniffing. blow your own horn, toot your own horn, blow your own trumpet v expr figurative (boast, praise yourself)自吹自擂;自夸 blow your own trumpet v expr figurative (boast, be self-congratulatory)自吹自擂,自夸 blow your top, blow your stack v expr figurative, informal (become very angry)暴怒,发脾气 boggle the mind, boggle your mind v expr (be bewildering, amazing)不可思议;令人惊叹 born with a silver spoon in your mouth adj figurative (have a wealthy upbringing)生在富贵之家;出身高贵She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. bounce [sb] on your knee v expr (baby, child: dandle) (放在膝上的孩子)摇逗;逗弄 bow your head vtr (lower: your head) (头)低下;垂下The parishioners bowed their heads in prayer. bow [sb] to your will v expr (force to obey)让...屈服;使...服从 break your back v expr figurative (work very hard)辛勤工作;非常辛苦地工作My dad breaks his back trying to earn enough money to feed us all. break [sb]'s fall v expr (lessen impact)减弱落势Fortunately, the pillow broke the boy's fall, and he wasn't injured. break [sb]'s heart v expr figurative (make [sb] sad)伤某人的心It breaks my heart to hear you are quitting. break [sb]'s heart v expr figurative (end relationship)和...分手That boy will only break your heart. break your neck v expr (fracture a neck bone)扭断你的脖子Chris ended up paralysed after breaking his neck in a motorcycle accident.克里斯在摩托车事故中扭断脖子导致瘫痪。 break your neck v expr figurative (make effort)尽全力做某事This project is so much work; I've been breaking my neck all week and I still don't feel like I'm getting anywhere!这个项目工作量很大,我已经拼命工作了整整一周,但我仍觉得毫无进展! break your neck to do [sth] v expr figurative (make effort)想尽一切办法We broke our necks to get our candidate elected. breathe your last breath, breathe your last v expr (die)断气;咽气After she received extreme unction, she breathed her last breath. bridge your differences v expr figurative (be reconciled)弥合分歧Once Matt and Julie had bridged their differences, they were able to be friends again. bring [sb] to his/her/their knees v expr figurative (force into submission)让...屈服;使...屈从 buck up your ideas, buck your ideas up v expr informal (work harder)小心谨慎;提高警惕 burn a hole in your pocket v expr US (eager to spend money)挥霍无度;花钱如流水 burn your bridges v expr figurative (eliminate possibility of retreat)切断退路;破釜沉舟 get your fingers burned (US), get your fingers burnt (UK), burn your fingers v expr figurative (suffer off-putting consequences)自寻烦恼;引火烧身 bury your head in the sand v expr figurative (ignore stressful situation)逃避现实;畏惧困难 butterflies in the stomach, butterflies, butterflies in your stomach npl figurative (nerves, performance anxiety)忐忑不安I had butterflies in my stomach before the exam.Nina always gets butterflies before a performance. by the seat of your pants expr (without experience or knowledge)摸石头过河;摸索行事 by the skin of your teeth expr (only just, barely)勉强;侥幸 call [sb]'s bluff v expr (challenge [sb] who may be faking)虚张声势 cast a ballot, cast your ballot v expr (vote)投票The issue has been discussed, so please cast your ballots in silence. cast a wide net, cast your net wide v expr figurative (search over a large area)大范围搜索The police cast a wide net whilst searching for the missing fugitive. cast a wide net, cast your net wide v expr figurative (use wide range of resources)广泛撒网The company is casting its net wide in its search for exactly the right person for the job. cast pearls before swine, cast your pearls before swine v expr figurative (squander [sth] on [sb] who does not value it)明珠暗投;对牛弹琴 cast your bread upon the waters v expr (do good without expecting a reward)不计回报地做好事;默默奉献 cast your mind back to [sth] v expr (recall the past)回想一下;回忆过去 cast your vote v expr (vote)投票;进行投票;开始投票You must go to a polling booth to cast your vote. cast your vote for [sth] v expr (vote for)为…而投票Are you going to cast your vote for the liberal or conservative candidate? Cat got your tongue? expr figurative, informal (Why aren't you talking?)没话说了?,怎么不说话了?What's the matter, has the cat got your tongue? catch in the throat, catch in your throat, catch in your voice n (sob, etc. that interrupts speaking)哽咽catch your breath v expr (pause to breathe)喘过气来I had to take 20 flights of stairs. It took me several minutes to catch my breath.catch your breath v expr figurative (take a break)松一口气;歇一歇Now that we're done with most of the rush jobs, we can catch our breath.catch your death, catch your death of cold v expr informal (catch a bad cold)得重感冒catch [sb]'s eye v expr (be noticed)引起…的注意change your mind v expr (reverse your decision)改变观念;改变想法I changed my mind and decided to go to the party after all.change your tune, sing a different tune v expr (change opinion)转变态度,改变想法clap hands, clap your hands v expr (clap in time to music)随音乐拍手The children clapped their hands along with the music.clap your hands v expr (applaud, get attention, etc.) (表示高兴或引起注意)拍手The children were becoming noisy and hyperactive, and the teacher had to clap her hands loudly to get their attention. Lady Winifred superciliously clapped her hands for the soup to be served.孩子变得吵闹和异常兴奋时,老师不得大声拍手来引起他们的注意。威妮弗莱德女士傲慢地拍了拍手,要求为她上碗汤。clean up your act v expr informal (behave properly)改邪归正;洗心革面clear some space on your calendar v expr (make time)腾出时间;腾出空Could you clear some space on your calendar to spend some time with her?clear your name v expr (prove your innocence)证明你的清白You'll have to sue that slanderer in court in order to clear your name.clear your throat v expr (cough before speaking) (讲话前)清嗓子,清清喉咙The butler respectfully cleared his throat.clench your fists v expr (make fist with both hands)握紧两个拳头close to your heart, near your heart expr (cherished, important)你所珍爱的;对你非常重要的;你珍视的It's a subject that's close to my heart.close your eyes v expr (shut your eyelids)闭眼When you feel stressed, just relax, close your eyes and take deep breaths.close your eyes to [sth] v expr figurative (ignore [sth])无视Most families close their eyes to the fact that they're responsible for their children's [sb]'s judgment, also UK: cloud [sb]'s judgement v expr (impair or prejudice [sb]'s reasoning)蒙蔽你的判断Don't let your love for someone cloud your judgment.collect your thoughts, gather your thoughts v expr figurative (compose yourself)定了定神;镇定下来He collected his thoughts before he started speaking.come into your own v expr (become confident and mature)充分发挥自我;展示自我才能cook [sb]'s goose v expr figurative (cause to fail)搞砸机会;弄糟cool your heels, kick your heels v expr figurative, informal (be kept waiting)久等;空等count your blessings v expr (be grateful for what you have)知足常乐count your chickens, count your chickens before they are hatched expr figurative (rely on [sth] prematurely)过早下定论;打如意算盘备注: Often used with a negative, as a caution: "Don't count your chickens before they are hatched".cover all bases, cover your bases, cover all the bases v expr figurative (take full precautions) (比喻义)做到滴水不漏We have researched it thoroughly and we believe that we have covered all the bases.cover your tracks v expr figurative (hide evidence of activity)掩盖...踪迹;掩盖...证据cover your ass v expr US, figurative, vulgar, slang (take measures not to be blamed)掩盖你犯的错;帮你收拾烂摊子cramp [sb]'s style v expr informal (hinder [sb])束缚...的风格;限制...的发挥Fred complained that having to take his little brother with him would cramp his style.crane your neck v expr (stretch your neck to see [sth])伸长脖子看;拉长脖子They craned their necks to try to get a glimpse of the princess.crick in the neck, crick in your neck n (neck cramp)颈部肌肉痛性强直;颈部肌肉抽搐I've had a crick in my neck all day because I slept in an awkward position.cross your fingers v expr (make a sign for luck)交叉手指祈祷好运cross your heart v expr (promise, swear)发誓;承诺cross my heart, cross my heart and hope to die interj (I promise, I swear)发誓;承诺Cross your heart? expr (Do you promise?)你发誓?;你保证?cross your mind v expr (occur to you, enter your thoughts)脑中浮现;想过Don't tell me a wicked thought has never crossed your mind.别告诉我你从来没有过什么坏念头。cross [sb]'s/[sth] path, cross the path of [sb/sth] v expr (encounter)与...相遇;遇见;与...不期而遇cry your heart out v expr figurative (weep bitterly)痛哭流涕;大哭一场I cried my heart out when my best friend moved away.cup [sth] vtr (form cup shape: with hands)把双手合拢做杯状He cupped his hands to catch and drink water from the fountain.他把双手合拢成杯状从饮水处接水喝。be your cup of tea v expr figurative, informal (area of interest or liking) (比喻,非正式用语)偏爱,爱好,最爱This is the sort of book that is exactly my cup of tea.Particle physics is not my cup of tea.curl your lip v expr (show contempt) (表蔑视)撇嘴curse your luck v expr informal, figurative (feel unlucky)感到不幸;倒大霉cut off your nose to spite your face v expr figurative (put self at disadvantage through spite)跟自己过不去;自讨苦吃have your work cut out for you v expr informal, figurative (have a hard task ahead)面临挑战,面对困难;面临艰巨的任务The house Joe and Maggie have bought needs a lot of renovation; they certainly have their work cut out for them.cut your losses v expr (avoid incurring further financial loss)减少更多损失;割肉cut your teeth v expr (baby: grow teeth) (非正式用语)长乳牙cut your teeth on [sth] v expr figurative (learn a trade) (新手)开始上手,开始尝试某工作It was a good simple project for the manager's son to cut his teeth on.darken [sb]'s doorstep, darken [sb]'s door v expr figurative, disapproving (come to [sb]'s house)上...的门;登门拜访Get lost, and don't ever darken my doorstep again!devote your life to [sth/sb] v expr (be totally committed: to a cause)献身于;全心致力Jeremy devoted his life to a vain cause.die by your own hand v expr (kill oneself)自杀;自尽die for your country v expr (soldier: be killed)为国捐躯My great-grandfather died for his country in 1915.我的曾祖父在1915年为国捐躯了。dig into your pockets, dig deep into your pockets, delve into your pockets, delve deep into your pockets v expr figurative (donate money)捐款;捐钱Please dig deep into your pockets - it's for a worthy cause!dig your heels in v expr figurative (be stubborn about [sth])固执己见dip your headlights v expr (set vehicle lights to low beam)关闭远光灯,开启近光灯dislocate your wrist v expr (suffer displaced wrist joint)腕关节脱臼It's quite easy to dislocate your wrist - I did it just by taking the lid off a jam jar.dismiss [sth/sb] from your mind v expr (give no more thought to)不再想某事;将...抛诸脑后I quickly dismissed the idea from my mind.我很快将那个想法抛诸了脑后。do your best v expr (try your hardest)尽全力;尽力Just do your best. That's all anybody could your best to do [sth] v expr (try your hardest to do [sth])尽全力做某事Fred did his best to give up smoking, but couldn't keep it your bit v expr informal (contribute)干好分内的事During the war, everyone felt that they had to do their bit for the your duty v expr (fulfil responsibilities)履行你的责任;尽责You should do your duty as a responsible citizen of this your hair v expr informal (style your hair)做头发;打理发型I need the hair dresser to do my hair.Every morning I do my hair so it looks your hair v expr informal (tidy your hair)梳头Just give me three minutes to do my your homework v expr figurative (become informed)做好功课,做好准备do your nut v expr slang (go crazy, be angry)大发雷霆;火冒三丈My mum'll do her nut when she finds out I've dented her car.我妈要是发现我把她的车撞瘪了一块,肯定会大发雷霆的。do your part v expr mainly US (contribute, participate)发挥你的作用Martha did her part to make the event a your shopping v expr (buy groceries)购物do your thing v expr informal (do what you are good at)做某人擅长之事;发挥某人的强项The crowd watched the swimmer doing his thing in the 200-metre breaststroke your thing v expr informal (do what makes you happy)做让自己开心的事Just do your thing and don't worry about what anyone else your utmost v expr (do everything you can)竭尽全力;尽力而为do your utmost to do [sth] v expr (do everything you can to)尽全力做某事Don't hold your breath interj informal ([sth] is unlikely to happen soon)别期望太高;还得等一阵Neil promised that he would have everything ready; don't hold your breath, though!Don't teach Granny to suck eggs, Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs interj figurative (respect [sb]'s experience)不要班门弄斧,不自量力dot the i's and cross the t's, dot your i's and cross your t's v expr figurative (attend to detail)一丝不苟;注重细节down on your luck expr (have bad luck)走霉运;运气不好drag your feet, drag your heels v expr (dawdle)拖沓;磨蹭If you don't stop dragging your feet, we'll never get there on time.你要是一直这么磨磨蹭蹭的,我们永远不能及时到达。drag your feet, drag your heels v expr figurative, informal (be slow to act) (比喻)拖拖拉拉, 故意拖延The Government is dragging its feet over the reforms, because it knows they will be unpopular with voters.draw in your horns, pull in your horns v expr figurative (become less belligerent)打退堂鼓draw your gun v expr (pull out a firearm)拔出枪;拔枪The insistent sound of the snake's rattle caused him to draw his gun as a precaution.draw your pay v expr (receive wage)领薪水;领工资The workers drew their pay at the end of each week.draw your sword v expr (pull out blade)拔剑When the soldier heard the insult, he drew his [sb] out of his mind, drive [sb] out of her mind v expr figurative, informal (annoy)使某人极为恼怒;气得某人发疯The baby's constant crying drove James out of his [sb] out of his mind, drive [sb] out of her mind v expr figurative, informal (arouse sexually)把某人迷得七荤八素Watching you sunbathe used to drive me out of my mind.drown your sorrows v expr figurative (drink to forget)借酒浇愁Sally was in the bar drowning her sorrows after a bad day at work.drum [sth] into [sb]'s head v expr (instill by repetition) (教学)反复灌输,填鸭式教授Our father, a clever but uneducated man, always drummed into our heads the importance of a good your head v expr (lower your head)低下头;低头I ducked my head to avoid hitting it on the lintel.earn your stripes v expr figurative (work to deserve position)因积累经验而升职be eating out of [sb]'s hand figurative (be submissive to [sb])使…百依百顺;把...吃得死死的eat your fill v expr (eat until full) (招呼语)能吃多少吃多少,尽量多吃点Everybody ate their fill at the buffet your heart out, Eat your heart out! interj slang, figurative (be envious) (招呼语)好好吃,尽情吃Ronaldo, eat your heart out! Worcester City striker Sean Geddes has just scored a sensational your words v expr figurative (admit you are wrong)收回说过的话;承认错误A fine performance by Bale made his doubters eat their words.edge your way v expr (go slowly)慢慢走;溜达;踱步The climber edged his way along the narrow ledge in the cliff face.your eighties, your 80s npl (age: 80-89 years)八十多岁Dr. Smith plays many sports, including golf; she is enjoying her eighties to the full.elbow in, elbow your way in vi + adv figurative, informal (force way in) (比喻用手肘推开人群)挤过A man in the crowd shouted at me for elbowing in.有个男的对我挤进人群非常不满,朝我大喊大叫。elbow your way through v expr (push through a crowd, etc.)挤出去Enjoy your meal! interj (bon appétit)请慢用!Here are your pizzas. Enjoy your meal!etch lines on [sb]'s face v expr figurative (time, etc.: age [sb])在…的脸上刻下皱纹Time had etched deep lines on Leon's face.evacuate your bowels, evacuate the bowels, move your bowels v expr (defecate)排便For proper digestive health, it is necessary to evacuate the bowels regularly.This patient is unable to completely evacuate his bowels.fear for your life v expr (think you are likely to die)有性命之忧He feared for his life when the robber drew a gun.fear for your sanity v expr (worry you are going insane)担心自己发疯;害怕自己陷入疯狂feel your way v expr (find way by touch)摸索着走路;摸索着往前走It was pitch black in the tunnel, so we had to feel our way.feel your way along v expr (proceed tentatively)摸索着前进;尝试着前进She felt her way along the corridor in the dark.她在黑暗的走廊中摸索着前进。your fifties, your 50s npl (age: 50-59 years)五十多岁My mother told me that her fifties were the happiest time of her life.我妈妈告诉我,她五十多岁的时候是她一生中最快乐的时光。fight for your country v expr (soldier: go to war)为祖国而战fight your way to the top v expr figurative, informal (struggle to succeed)奋力爬上顶端;登上巅峰She fought her way to the top of the company.a figment of the imagination, a figment of your imagination n ([sth] imagined)想象的事物;虚构的事物The monster isn't real; it's a figment of the imagination.find your bearings, get your bearings v expr (orient yourself)确定自己的方位In the dark forest, the search party had trouble getting their bearings.find your niche v expr (find your special role)找到自己的位置;找到适合自己发展的天地Kate found her niche working in agriculture.凯特在农业领域找到了适合自己的工作。fire in the belly, fire in your belly n figurative (passion, enthusiasm)热情;抱负take your first steps v expr (baby: starting to walk)开始走路The baby took its first steps today.fist your hand v expr US (clench hand)握拳flap your gums v expr slang (talk a lot)空谈, 唠叨Jared had been flapping his gums for over an hour and his friends were starting to get bored.flare your nostrils v expr (open nostrils wide)张大鼻孔flash your lights, flash your lights at [sb] v expr (turn headlights on briefly)冲(某人)闪车灯The driver flashed his lights at me to let me turn.flat on your back expr (lying supine)躺下;躺着After that 10 mile hike, he was so tired he was flat on his back for an hour.flat on your back expr figurative (helpless, defeated) (比喻无助或不再挣扎)躺平;失败flex your muscles v expr figurative (demonstrate: power, strength) (比喻)秀肌肉;展示力量focus your eyes on [sth/sb] v expr (train eyes on)注视;盯住;把目光集中在Shaun focused his eyes on the target and threw his dart.肖恩盯住靶子扔出飞镖。fold your hands, fold your arms vtr (hands, arms: clasp or cross)交叠双手;交叠双臂Cindy sat quietly, with her hands folded in her lap.辛迪安静地坐着,双手交叠放在膝盖上。fold your arms v expr (cross and hold arms over chest)双臂环抱在胸前follow your nose v expr (trace smell of [sth])随着气味走follow your nose v expr informal, figurative (trust your instinct)相信自己的直觉follow your nose v expr informal, figurative (go straight on)一直往前走,径直朝前走Turn left, then take the second right and just follow your nose.for [sb]'s benefit, for the benefit of [sb] expr (for [sb]'s sake)为了你好;为了你的利益For your benefit, I recommend you quit smoking.为了你好,我建议你戒烟。for [sb]'s/[sth]'s benefit, for the benefit of [sb/sth] expr (to create impression for)为了;为了...好;为了...的利益The celebrity struck a pose for the benefit of the cameras.for your health adv (to make you healthier)为了你的健康;为了让你更健康You should start exercising more for your health.for your information adv (so that you know)供你了解;供你参考For your information, this is a genuine designer purse.for your records expr (for [sb]'s files)供...保存;供...参考The doctor gave me a copy of my blood test results for my records.force your way (through/into [sth]) v expr (obtain entry, way: by strength)强行挤入;强行挤进;挤过去The army forced their way into the city.force your way in v expr (enter by physical force)强行进入;闯入She attempted to keep him outside of the house, but he forced his way in.your forties, your 40s npl (age: 40-49 years)四十多岁Once you reach your forties, your perspective changes.到四十多岁,你的人生态度会变。from the bottom of [sb]'s heart expr (with deep sincerity)发自内心地;发自肺腑地from under [sb]'s nose, right from under [sb]'s nose, from under [sb]'s very nose expr figurative (in full view of [sb])从眼皮底下from your heart adv (with sincerity)发自内心;诚挚地Don't say you're sorry just because I told you to; say it from your heart.Say it like you actually mean it, from your heart.furrow your brow v expr (frown)皱起眉头Fred furrowed his brow and said, "I haven't got the money."gather your wits, collect your wits v expr (become calm and think)冷静思考;镇静思考get a break, get your break v expr (receive a wanted opportunity)找到机会;获得机遇The actor finally got a break when he was cast in a popular TV show.get all your ducks in a row, have all your ducks in a row v expr figurative (be organized)有条理的;有精心安排的;井井有条的It's always good to work with colleagues who have all their ducks in a row.get down on your knees v expr (kneel)下跪Before we went to bed we got down on our knees and prayed.睡前我们双膝跪地祈祷。get down on your knees v expr figurative (beg for [sth])苦苦哀求, 乞求If you want to borrow his precious car, you'll have to get down on your knees!如果你想借他那辆珍贵的汽车,你就得苦苦哀求!get in [sb]'s hair, be in [sb]'s hair v expr figurative, informal (annoy, disturb)心烦意乱;烦恼get into your stride v expr figurative (get to a steady pace)步入正轨;逐渐进入状态Wendy was a little slow at the work at first, but once she got into her stride she started making good progress.get off [sb]'s back v expr figurative, informal (stop nagging [sb])别唠叨某人get [sth] off your chest v expr figurative (confess [sth])倾诉;一吐为快get off your high horse v expr figurative, informal (stop acting morally superior)别那么趾高气扬get on your high horse v expr figurative, informal (act morally superior)态度傲慢;目空一切I know you think I'm wrong but there's no need to get on your high horse about it.get on [sb]'s nerves v expr informal (irritate)惹得…烦躁不安Her husband's constant grumbling was starting to get on Olga's nerves.get on your soapbox v expr figurative (rant, give opinion)喋喋不休地发表看法;高谈阔论get on your soapbox about [sth] v expr figurative (rant, give opinion)喋喋不休发表关于...的看法;关于...发表高谈阔论get [sth/sb] out of your mind v expr (stop thinking about [sth])忘记某事;别再想某事I know it was a tough breakup, but you need to get it out of your mind.get your act together v expr (behavior: make socially acceptable)合理安排;有条理地筹划get your back up v expr informal (be offended, annoyed)生气;恼怒get [sb]'s back up v expr informal (offend, annoy)惹...生气get [sb]'s dander up v expr figurative, informal (make [sb] angry)生气,怒火,怒气Cruelty to animals really gets my dander up.对动物的残忍行为非常让我生气。get your due v expr (get [sth] you are entitled to)获得应得的回报Fiona finally got her due when they raised her salary.get your due v expr slang (be punished)自作自受Simon got his due after the mafia finally found him.get your foot in the door, get a foot in the door v expr figurative (succeed at an initial step)成功的开始;迈出成功的第一步get [sb]'s goat v expr figurative (annoy [sb])惹人生气get your hands on [sth], lay your hands on [sth] v expr (manage to find, obtain [sth])得到;把...弄到手get your head around [sth], get your head round [sth] v expr informal (understand)搞不懂;搞不明白备注: Often used in the negativeI'm trying to get my head around the subjunctive, but I'm still not sure when to use it.get your head together v expr slang, figurative (gain mental focus or composure)冷静思考;镇静下来;沉静思考get your hopes up v expr informal (be optimistic)令人鼓起希望;令人乐观起来Don't get your hopes up: our chances of winning are slim.get your Irish up v expr US, informal, potentially offensive (get angry)火气上来;开始冒火get your jollies v expr slang (take pleasure)找到乐趣;找到快乐Jane gets her jollies from skydiving, but her brother prefers relaxing with a cup of coffee.get your mind out of the gutter expr (stop your sordid thinking)别想歪了;别乱想"If you pull it hard enough, it gets longer." "Oo-er!" "Get your mind out of the gutter!"get your money's worth v expr (get good value)投资等获得相当的收益; (比喻)付出得到回报When buying a computer, you need to do your research if you want to get your money's worth.get your own back v expr informal (retaliate, get revenge)报复get your own back on [sb] v expr informal (get revenge on)报复…get your own way, get your way v expr (have what you want)走自己的路;随心所欲Sue got her own way when her parents let her go to the party.get your panties in a bunch (US), get your knickers in a twist (UK) v expr informal (get upset)对...过分沮丧;因...而过分紧张get your rocks off v expr slang (have an orgasm) (俚语)发泄欲望;获得性高潮Tony wants to get his rocks off.get your rocks off v expr slang (get pleasure from [sth]) (俚语)从...获得满足;过把...的瘾get your s*** together v expr vulgar (live life seriously)处理好自己的事情;振作起来get your wires crossed, have your wires crossed, get your lines crossed, have your lines crossed v expr figurative, informal (misunderstand each other)误解gird your loins v expr figurative (prepare for battle)做好战斗准备give [sb] a piece of your mind v expr (scold harshly)辱骂;斥责give [sb] a taste of his/her/their own medicine, give [sb] a dose of his/her/their own medicine v expr figurative (punish [sb] using their own methods)自食苦果give approval, give your approval v expr (support, endorse [sth])支持;赞成give approval for [sth], give your approval for [sth] v expr (permit, agree to [sth])允许;赞同;批准give your assurance that, give [sb] your assurance that v expr (with clause: guarantee)向...保证...give it your best shot v expr (make every effort)全力以赴;尽力而为I'm not sure I can get your cat out of the tree, but I'll give it my best shot.give notice, give your notice vtr + n (quit job)预先通知自己辞职He gave notice because he was tired of being treated like a slave.give notice, give your notice vtr + n (to a landlord) (指给房东)通知,通告give of your best, give your best v expr slightly formal (do the very best you can)尽全力;尽最大努力give [sth/sb] your attention v expr (focus on)在...中投入精力give [sb] his/her/their due v expr (give credit to)承认;认可give your two cents, give [sb] your two cents v expr US, figurative (offer opinion)给…提供自己的看法give your word v expr (promise)保证;承诺He'll be here! He gave his word!give your word that v expr (promise)保证;承诺Rachel had given her word that she would lend me the money.go back on your word v expr (not keep a promise)食言;说话不算话Janice went back on her word to help me with the cooking.go behind [sb]'s back v expr figurative, informal (act without [sb]'s knowledge)背着某人;在某人不知情的情况下Don't go behind her back; if you think she's wrong, tell her directly.go out of your mind v expr figurative, informal (become insane)发疯I will go out of my mind if that loud music continues!go out of your mind with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (become extremely anxious, worried) (指过度焦虑等)因...而发疯;因...而发狂When Becky didn't come home that night, her mother went out of her mind with worry.go out of your way v expr figurative (make effort)作出额外努力;特地Don't go out of your way to bring me the book: I don't need it today.She went out of her way to help me.go out of your way v expr (take detour)绕路It is the best bakery in town, and it is worth going out of your way to get your bread there.go over [sb]'s head v expr (consult with [sb] of higher rank)与...的上级沟通;找...的前辈商量go over [sb]'s head v expr figurative (not be understood)不懂;不明白Martin's explanation was too complicated; it went over my head.go to [sb]'s head v expr figurative, slang (make egotistical)冲昏了…的头脑His one hit record went to his head, and now he is impossible to live with.go to [sb]'s head, go straight to [sb]'s head v expr (make drunk) (酒)让…上头,使喝醉That glass of wine has gone straight to my head!grace n usually capitalized (title) (大主教、公爵、公爵夫人的尊称)大人,阁下,夫人备注: Usually preceded by his, her, your.His Grace appeared at the king's court last week.上周,公爵大人在国王的宫廷出现过。grease [sb]'s palm, grease the palm of [sb], grease [sb]'s hand, grease the hand of [sb] v expr figurative (bribe) (比喻贿赂)孝敬某人;贿赂某人;买通grind your teeth v expr (gnash teeth together)磨牙Megan grinds her teeth in her sleep.grit your teeth v expr (clamp jaw shut)咬紧牙齿The dog gritted its teeth.grit your teeth v expr (show anger or determination)咬牙切齿;下定决心grit your teeth and do [sth] v expr figurative (endure [sth])咬紧牙关忍住(愤怒等)Bill had no choice but to grit his teeth and put up with the situation.hang up your boots v expr figurative, informal (retire)退役;退休hang up your boots v expr figurative, informal (stop doing an activity)金盆洗手;不再做某事hang your head v expr (in shame)羞愧地低下头The defendant hung his head as the judge pronounced his sentence.have a bee in your bonnet v expr figurative, informal (be annoyed, obsessed by [sth])念念不忘;对...着魔have a chip on your shoulder v expr figurative (have a resentful attitude)心里不平衡;耿耿于怀have a frog in your throat v expr figurative, informal (be hoarse)声音沙哑;嗓子哑What's wrong? Have you got a frog in your throat?have a good head on your shoulders v expr figurative (be sensible)有头脑;有见识I don't mind him dating my daughter. That boy has a good head on his shoulders.have a lump in your throat v expr figurative (be moved emotionally)哽咽;感动; (指感动)嗓子眼发酸have a spring in your step v expr figurative (be cheerful or energetic)活力十足;蹦蹦跳跳地have an ace up your sleeve v expr figurative, informal (have a secret advantage) (比喻)藏着一张王牌;藏着大招have ants in your pants, also US: have ants in the pants v expr figurative, slang (fidget) (俚语)如同热锅上的蚂蚁She has ants in her pants, that girl. She never sits still!have [sth] at your disposal v expr (have [sth] available)掌握,控制;处置,处理;处理,利用If you don't have a car at your disposal, getting a job is very difficult.have egg on your face v expr figurative (be embarrassed)尴尬;出丑Have it your way, Have it your own way interj informal, disapproving (resignation)你想怎么着就怎么着吧;你爱咋咋地吧OK, have it your way; I'm through arguing with you.You don't want pepperoni on the pizza.Fine, have it your own way.have a lot on your plate, have too much on your plate v expr figurative, informal (be overburdened)太过繁忙;手上的事太多have things on your mind v expr (be preoccupied)心里有事Joanna has several things on her mind at the moment.have [sth] under your belt v expr figurative, informal (have achieved, acquired [sth])获得;有...的成就Evie's got three college degrees under her belt.have [sth] up your sleeve v expr informal, figurative (keep secretly)秘密拥有;隐藏have your back to the wall v expr figurative (be in a difficult situation)被逼到墙角;陷入绝境have your ear to the ground, keep your ear to the ground v expr figurative (be well-informed)随时掌握动向;密切关注情况have your eye on [sth] v expr (want)看中;看上I've got my eye on a little yellow handbag I saw in a shop window.have your eye on [sb] v expr (watch)盯着;监视I've got my eye on you, young man. So behave!have your eye on [sth] v expr (aim, intend)有意;打算The company has an eye on future expansion into overseas markets.have your eye on doing [sth] v expr (aim, intend)有意做;打算做I keep working this job, but I have my eye on going back to college.have your fill v expr figurative, informal (reach your limit) (非正式)受够了,就要受不了了Do stop complaining--I've had my fill now!have your fill of [sth] v expr figurative, informal (have enough of [sth])受够了(某事)He had his fill of conversation for the day and went home.have your fill of doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (tire of doing [sth])对做(某事)感到厌倦Elaine has had her fill of tidying up after her flatmates.have your hair in a mess v expr (be dishevelled)头发一团糟;头发蓬乱Sarah's clothes were covered in mud and she had her hair in a mess.萨拉的衣服上全是泥,头发也是乱糟糟的。have your hands full v expr figurative (be extremely busy)忙得不可开交;忙得应接不暇have your head in the clouds v expr figurative (be a dreamer)异想天开;白日做梦That boy is smart, but he will never amount to much because he has his head in the clouds.have your head in the sand, bury your head in the sand v expr figurative (ignore reality, be in denial) (比喻)把头埋进沙子里,逃避have your head screwed on v expr informal, figurative (be sensible, practical)头脑清醒, 有头脑, 通达事理It is best to have your head screwed on when dealing with money. I'm confident he'll make a wise decision; he's got his head screwed on right.处理金钱问题时,你最好保持清醒的头脑。我相信他会作出明智的决定。他的头脑很清晰。have your heart in the right place v expr figurative (have good intentions)出发点是好的;初衷是好的have your say v expr informal (give your opinion)说出自己的意见She had her say, and she left before we could respond.Let Oscar speak, then you can have your say.have your way with [sb], have your wicked way with [sb] v expr informal (seduce, have sex with)诱惑;与...发生性关系As soon as she saw Paul, Amanda was determined to have her way with him.your heart is in your mouth, your heart is in your throat expr figurative ([sb] is anxious, fearful)感到焦虑;感到担心;感到恐惧in your heart of hearts expr (true feelings)发自肺腑;掏心窝子hedge your bets vi figurative (play it safe, lessen a risk) (比喻)两边下注(以分散风险)If you hedge your bets you may make less profit in the short term, but your money will be safer in the long run.hide your face vi figurative (be ashamed)惭愧,羞愧You were so rude to her - you'll have to hide your face in future.hide your face vi (cover your features)掩面,把脸遮住It is common for Muslim women to hide their faces in public.on your high horse expr (displaying haughty attitude)傲慢;摆臭架子I see Irene's on her high horse again.hit your stride v expr (achieve a steady pace)大步前进;稳健发展hit your stride v expr (become confident)自信前进;胸有成竹地前进hold your breath v expr (purposely stop breathing)屏住呼吸hold your head high, hold your head up high v expr figurative (be proud) (表示自信和骄傲)昂首挺胸;扬起头Even though our team lost, they played well, so they can hold their heads up high.hold your horses v expr figurative, informal (wait, not be hasty)不要着急;耐心等待My co-manager wants to sack Rufus because of the rumours about him, but I suggest we hold our horses until we have evidence that he is guilty.Hold your horses! interj (Wait!)等等!hold your nose v expr (pinch nostrils to avoid bad smell)捏住鼻子;捂住鼻子hold your nose v expr figurative (repress feelings of distaste) (比喻压制厌憎情绪)捂住鼻子hold your own v expr informal (be capable, in control)坚持自己;维持自己的决定Suzanne may be young, but she can hold her own in debates with more experienced council members.hold your peace, keep your peace v expr (stay silent)沉默;不出声;不说话hold your position v expr (stay in place)保持原地不动;在原地等待Just hold your position till I arrive.hold your tongue, bite your tongue, bite your lip v expr idiom (refrain from expressing yourself) (习语)保密;闭嘴You must hold your tongue and not tell your mother-in-law what you really think of her cooking.honk your horn, honk the horn v expr (sound car horn) (汽车)按喇叭,鸣笛Honk the horn if he doesn’t start moving.hover your mouse over [sth], hover your cursor over [sth] v expr (computing: move mouse over [sth])将鼠标停留在;将光标停留在Hover your mouse over the image for more information.How was your day? expr (asked after being apart)你今天过得怎么样?;今天过得好吗?When Ken came home, his wife asked, "How was your day?"How was your trip? expr (question about travels)旅途还顺利吗?;一路还顺利吗?"How was your trip?" Andrew asked Julie when he met her at the airport.on your hunkers expr UK, informal (squatting)蹲下The man settled on his hunkers and examined the boot print in the mud.I am sorry for your loss interj slightly formal (condolences) (稍正式)节哀顺变I beg your pardon v expr (sorry, excuse me)对不起;请原谅I beg your pardon, I didn't realise my chair was on your coat.I beg your pardon! interj ironic (indignation)岂有此理!I beg your pardon! I'm certainly not in my sixties!I beg your pardon? interj (Could you repeat that?)请您再说一遍好吗?,您可以再说一遍吗?I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch that.I look forward to your reply expr written, slightly formal (application, request: signing off)期待您的回复;期待收到您的答复Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to your reply.I'm sorry for your loss interj (condolences)节哀顺变;莫过于伤心I'm sorry for your loss; your father will be missed by all who knew answer to your question expr (in reply to you)作为对你的问题的回答;用以回答你的提问In answer to your question, no, he's not over your head expr figurative (overly involved with [sb])无法脱身;深陷其中in over your head expr figurative (your problems are too hard for you) (问题)力不从心;难以解决in the prime of life, in the prime of your life, in your prime expr (when you are healthiest, happiest)处于人生的巅峰时期,处于人生中最好的年华;年富力强in turn, in your turn adv (connector: subsequently)随后;接下来John gave me the book and I, in turn, gave it to Sandy.The boy had been bullied, and he went on, in his turn, to bully others.约翰把书给了我,我随后又将书给了桑迪。//男孩被欺负了,他随后又去欺负别人。in your best light expr figurative (giving the most favourable view)从最好的角度in your capacity as prep (in your given role) (指角色或职位)作为;以...的身份in your control adj (your responsibility)为你所控的;你职责范围内的in your control adv (within your power)你权力范围内的in your element adv (in a natural situation)如鱼得水She loves reading. Put her in a library and she's in her element!in your employ expr (employment, job)在…的雇佣之下The businessman had six people in his employ.In your face! interj US, figurative, slang (defiance) (表示轻蔑)去你的,要你好看You thought I couldn't win? Well, I did! In your face!in your favor (US), in your favour (UK) adv (in a way that benefits you)于你有利;对你有利in your fifties adj (aged 50-59)五十几岁的My dad was only in his fifties when he retired.Police want to talk to a man in his fifties, who was seen near the scene of the your forties adj (aged 40-49)四十几岁Her skin's so clear and smooth; you'd never guess she was in her your forties adv (at age 40-49)在四十几岁时In his forties, my dad started losing his [sb]'s good books expr figurative, informal (in favor with [sb])受...的青睐in [sb]'s good graces expr (approved of, in favor)受...的首肯;受...的赞许;被...批准in your hands adv (under your control)由你掌握;由你处理I've done all I can with this project: it's in your hands your opinion adv (according to you)在你看来;你的看法In your opinion, are people in this area open-minded?in your own right expr (independently)自主;自己决定in your own way adv (with your own style)以你自己的方式Don't copy your classmates: the important thing is to do it in your own way. You're beautiful in your own way!in your place adv (if I were you)处于你的境地In your place, I would be just as your pocket adv (inside one of your clothes pockets)在你的口袋里Put your wallet in your pocket, so you won't lose your pocket adv figurative (person: always with or close to you)你身边地She keeps her son in her pocket even though he's 21 years old your pocket adv figurative ([sb]: subject to your control)受你控制地;被你约束地Just because you're pretty it doesn't mean you have all the boys in your your pocket adv figurative ([sth]: within your grasp)在你可及范围内地When you go for an interview, never assume that the job is in your pocket.当你去参加面试时,永远不要认为你可以稳稳地拿下工作。in your possession expr (yours, on your person)属于你的Please declare all valuables in your your power adv (within your control)你势力范围内地;囊中之物It is in your power to help me get a your right mind adj (sane)精神正常的;心智健全的Nobody in their right mind would drive a motorcycle without wearing a your sixties adj (aged 60-69)六十几岁的My father was only in his sixties when he died of cancer.The suspect is a woman in her your sixties adv (at age 60-69)在六十几岁时Marie Curie died in 1934, in her your teens adj (aged 13-19) (指13-19岁)青少年的in your teens adv (from age 13-19) (指13-19岁)青少年时期地;青少年地in your thinking adv (concerning your interpretation)从你的角度思考;按照你的想法So, in your thinking, the message of this poem is that people should not waste time worrying about trivial things?in your thirties adj (aged 30-39)三十多岁的That woman must be in her your thirties adv (at age 30-39)三十多岁地in your twenties adj (aged 20-29)二十多岁的;二十来岁的in your twenties adv (at age 20-29)二十来岁地;二十多岁地in-your-face adj figurative, slang (bold, provocative)挑衅的,放肆的Consumers resent the intrusion of in-your-face advertising into their lives.injure [sth], injure your [sth] vtr (hurt: a body part) (身体某部分)伤害,使受伤Mike injured his leg when he fell down the stairs.麦克摔下楼梯,腿部受伤。the juices, your juices npl figurative, informal (creativity, vitality)活力;精力;劲儿Linda liked to listen to music to help her get the juices flowing when she was writing.琳达喜欢以听音乐的方式来帮助她获得写作灵感。get your just deserts v expr (receive deserved punishment)报应, 罪有应得A cheating boyfriend got his just deserts when his three girlfriends joined together to confront him.keep [sth] under your hat v expr figurative, informal (keep [sth] secret)保密;不泄露某事Keep your chin up. interj informal, figurative (encouragement: Be courageous!)别灰心。;不要气馁。Keep your chin up – I'm sure you'll find a solution to the problem.keep your cool v expr figurative, informal (remain calm)保持冷静;沉着应付You need to keep your cool if provoked.keep your distance v expr (not go near)保持距离keep your distance from [sth/sb] v expr (not go near)与...保持距离keep your distance v expr figurative (avoid, stay away)回避, 远离keep your distance from [sth/sb] v expr figurative (avoid, stay away) (感情、心理上)与…保持距离The manager keeps his distance from the employees.keep your end up, hold your end up v expr figurative, informal (perform your part adequately)负起你那份责任;做好你分内的事keep your eye on the ball, keep an eye on the ball, have your eye on the ball v expr figurative (be attentive, alert)集中注意keep your eyes open v expr (be alert)保持警惕keep your eyes peeled v expr figurative (be alert)提高警惕keep your fingers crossed, have your fingers crossed v expr figurative (wish for good luck)食指和中指交叉祈求好运keep your hair on v expr UK (stay calm)冷静;保持冷静keep your hand in, keep your eye in v expr UK, informal (continue to practice)继续练习;不断训练keep your head v expr figurative (stay calm)保证冷静;镇静keep your head above water v expr figurative (be financially stable)勉强维持;惨谈经营keep your nose clean expr informal, figurative (behave well)安分守己;远离是非keep your nose to the grindstone v expr figurative (continuously work hard)长时间勤奋;埋头苦干Keep your shirt on! interj figurative, informal (Calm down!)镇静;冷静;不要慌keep [sb]'s spirits up v expr (help [sb] stay cheerful)振作精神;保持乐观积极keep your trap shut v expr UK, slang (not speak, not divulge [sth])保守秘密;闭口不言keep your wits about you, have your wits about you v expr (be alert)保持警惕;多加小心No one has ever explored this part of the forest and we don't know what we'll find, so keep your wits about you.keep your word v expr (fulfil a promise)遵守承诺;说话算话He never keeps his word; he always tells my secrets.A good friend is one who keeps his word.kick up your heels v expr figurative, informal (have a good time) (工作、劳作后)轻松愉快一会儿knock [sb]'s socks off, knock the socks off [sb] v expr figurative, informal (amaze, impress)使...震惊;惊叹不已know which side your bread is buttered, know which side your bread is buttered on v expr figurative (be aware where your advantage lies)了解自己的长处;了解自己的优势know your onions v expr figurative, informal (be informed, expert)精通;充分了解know your own mind v expr (be confident)有主见;有自己的想法know your place v expr (accept your position)摆正自己的位置;清楚自己的地位know your stuff v expr informal (be an expert)精通业务;对自己的工作很在行My history teacher really knows her stuff. She has an answer for everything!your ladyship, her ladyship n sometimes capitalized (term of address for a Lady) (对有爵位女子的尊称,有时大写)夫人,小姐Would your ladyship like another cup of tea?land on your feet, fall on your feet v expr figurative, informal (be lucky, successful)获得成功;好运不断laugh up your sleeve, also US: laugh in your sleeve v expr (be secretly amused)窃笑;偷笑laugh your head off v expr figurative, informal (laugh heartily)大笑不止;捧腹大笑lay down your life for [sb/sth] v expr (die for a cause)为...献出生命;为...拼上性命Some mothers would lay down their lives for their children.lay your hands on [sth], lay hands on [sth] v expr informal, figurative (obtain: [sth])获得;得到I'll bring you that CD just as soon as I can lay my hands on it.我一得到那张CD就立马给你拿过来。learn from your mistakes v expr (not repeat errors)汲取教训In time you will learn from your mistakes and hopefully become a better person.learn your lines v expr (memorize an acting role)背台词I need to learn my lines before rehearsal tonight.leave [sb] to his/her/their own devices v expr (not supervise [sb])放任;听任leave your mark on [sth/sb] v expr figurative (make an impact)打下烙印;留下影响Parents leave their mark on their children.left to your/his/her/their own devices adj (unsupervised, left alone)由你自己决定let your hair down v expr figurative (get comfortable and relax)放轻松,放松lick your lips v expr (run tongue over your lips)舔嘴唇lick your lips v expr figurative (anticipate [sth] eagerly)觊觎;摩拳擦掌lie through your teeth v expr (tell a malicious lie)睁眼说瞎话;扯谎lift your voice v expr (sing louder)提高音量The singers lifted their voices in the last verse.line your pockets v expr figurative, disapproving (make money) (含贬义)捞钱;赚钱live by your wits, live on your wits v expr (earn living by ingenuity)靠自己的才智生活live on your own v expr (not share one's accommodation)独自生活;独立居住After living on his own for many years, he has moved back in with his up to your billing v expr figurative (be as good as expected)不负期待Let's hope their new player lives up to his billing and scores a few goals!look down your nose at [sb/sth] expr figurative (think yourself superior)看不起;轻视Lordship, your Lordship, his Lordship n UK (term of address for British peer) (对英国贵族的尊称)大人,老爷What would your Lordship like to have for dinner tonight?lose your bearings v expr (be disorientated)不知所措;迷失方向lose your bottle v expr UK, figurative, slang (lose courage)失去勇气lose your cool v expr figurative, informal (become angry)失去冷静;生气;发火lose your erection v expr (no longer have an erect penis) (指男性生殖器)不再坚挺,不再勃起External distractions can cause you to lose your erection.lose your grip on reality v expr (no longer understand things)发疯;失去对现实的认知lose your hard-on v expr slang (no longer have an erect penis) (俚语,指男性生殖器)不再坚挺,不再勃起lose your head v expr figurative (become overexcited)惊慌失措;失去理智;昏了头Don't lose your head in an emergency. Just stay calm.lose your heart to [sb] v expr figurative (fall in love with)爱上;恋上lose your life v expr euphemism (die, be killed)死亡;牺牲lose your marbles v expr figurative, slang (lose sanity, sense)失去理智lose your mind v expr figurative (go insane)发疯,疯掉My job is so stressful that I feel like I'm losing my mind.lose your rag v expr UK, figurative, informal (get angry) (非正式用语)生气lose your self-assurance v expr (become less confident)不再自信Don't lose your self-assurance because of one mistake.lose your s*** v expr figurative, vulgar, slang (become angry)脾气发作;发火;脾气失控lose your temper v expr (get angry)发火;发脾气Jeremy is so easily upset; he loses his temper over every little thing.lose your virginity v expr (have sex for the first time)失去童贞;失去处女/处子之身;破身lose your voice v expr (be unable to speak)失声;无法发声lose your way v expr (become lost)迷路;走丢It is easy to lose your way in that confused maze of streets.lose your way v expr figurative (forget principles, aims)丢掉原则,丧失原则; (比喻)迷失方向The pizza company has lost its way with young consumers.lower your guard, UK: lower your defences, US: lower your defenses vtr figurative (relax: guard, defences) (警惕等)放下;放松He lowered his guard once he realized it was a friend.make a living, earn a living, make your living, earn your living v expr (earn money)谋生,靠…为生Sergei earns a living by driving a taxi. Stephen made his living by trading in stocks and shares.谢尔盖靠开出租车谋生。史蒂芬靠炒股为生。make a move, make your move v expr figurative, informal (begin, act)采取行动Jane thought it was the right time to make a move and open her own restaurant.make a move on [sb], make your move on [sb] v expr informal (try to seduce)勾引;引诱make a will, make your will v expr (legal document: write)立遗嘱make an exit, make your exit v expr (leave)离开;走开make [sb]'s blood run cold, make your blood run cold v expr (cause intense fear)让人惊恐万分;使人毛骨悚然make peace with [sth], make your peace with [sth] v expr (accept [sth])接受..., 接纳...make the most of your time v expr (be productive)充分利用时间Isabel made the most of her time in the UK by visiting as many places as she could.would make [sb] turn over in his/her/their grave, would make [sb] turn in his/her/their grave v expr figurative (would offend: dead person) (比喻)让...的棺材板快压不住了make up your mind v expr informal (decide)下定决心;决定Are you coming with me or not? Make up your mind!你到底跟不跟我来?快决定!make your bed v expr (arrange bedclothes)铺床;整理床铺I make the bed before I leave the house each day.make your bed v expr figurative (be responsible for your circumstances)自己搞出的麻烦自己解决;自作自受You made your bed so you will have to sleep in it.make your case v expr (justify)证明自己有道理Bill Gates made his case for boosting foreign aid.make your choice v expr (decide)做出选择You made your choice; now live with it.make your debut v expr (perform for first time)初次登台;初次表演The young violinist made her debut at the local concert.make your fortune v expr (earn a lot of money)赚大钱;变得富有You won't make your fortune by becoming a nurse.make your head spin v expr figurative (cause you to feel dizzy) (比喻)使人晕眩,让人头晕You're coming up with new ideas so fast it's making my head spin! The flurry of events leading up to the wedding made the bride's head spin.make your mark on/in [sth] v expr (have an impact)成名;获得承认Peter Jackson has made his mark in the cinematic realm.make [sb]'s mouth water v expr informal (food: look appetizing)让某人垂涎三尺;馋得某人流口水The smell of that steak on the grill is making my mouth water.make your move v expr (assert yourself at opportune time)适时采取行动make your point v expr (give opinion)说服他人同意自己的观点;证明自己的观点;表明自己的态度Dale was struggling to make his point during the debate.make [sb]'s skin crawl v expr (disgust, unnerve [sb])令人厌恶;令人作呕Something about that man makes my skin crawl.make your voice heard v expr (speak loudly)高声说话以让别人听见Clive likes to make his voice heard in the class discussions.make your voice heard v expr figurative (share opinion)发表意见Citizens should make their voices heard by writing their Congressmen.make your way v expr (move, go)前进The hikers made their way along the path.make your way v expr (find a path in life)找到方向,闯出名堂When it comes to careers, some people take longer than others to make their way.your Maker, the Maker n figurative (creator, God)上帝;造物主Richard went to meet his maker after being in the hospital for a month.住院一个月后,理查德不幸见了上帝。massage [sth] vtr figurative (flatter: [sb]'s ego)吹捧;奉承Walter massaged his boss's ego so that he would get a promotion.为了晋升,华尔特极力奉承自己的老板。measure your words v expr figurative (be careful what you say)谨言慎行;说话谨慎meet your maker, go to meet your maker v expr euphemism (die) (比喻死亡)见老祖宗meet your match v expr (encounter [sb] of equal ability)遇到对手;棋逢对手Mark likes to think he is smarter than his colleagues, but the new guy is really clever; I think Mark has met his match!meet your needs v expr (be adequate or satisfactory)满足需求Although the apartment wasn't plush, it met my needs.mend your ways v expr figurative (behave better, be more moral)改过自新;改邪归正mince words, mince your words vtr + npl figurative (speak tentatively, tactfully)转弯抹角地说话I'm sick and tired of you mincing your words; just say what you really think!mind your manners interj informal (behave yourself)礼貌点;注意举止mind your own business, also US: mind your business interj informal (the matter doesn't concern you)少管闲事It's nothing to do with you; mind your own business!mind your own business, also US: mind your business v expr informal (look after what does concern you)管好自己的事;自扫门前雪If you mind your own business, you won't get in as much trouble.mind your p's and q's v expr informal (show good manners)谨言惧行in your mind's eye expr (in your imagination)想象;脑海中In my mind's eye, I can picture the big house that I will live in one day.miss a cue, miss your cue v expr (actor: forget lines, etc.)忘记台词nail in [sb]'s coffin n figurative ([sth] that hastens [sb]'s demise)致命一击;决定成败的关键因素your nineties, your 90s npl (age: 90-99 years)九十多岁The women in my family tend to live into their nineties.It's no skin off my back, It's no skin off my nose expr (it makes no difference to me)毫不相干;毫不在乎none of your business, that's none of your business interj informal (it isn't your concern) (非正式用语)没你的事,不关你的事,别管闲事How much do I earn? None of your business!not mince words, not mince your words v expr figurative (speak plainly)坦率地说;直言不讳That man does not mince words; he will say exactly what he thinks.Not on your life! interj slang (absolutely not: expressing refusal)绝对不行;休想;这辈子你想都别想not on your nelly expr UK, informal (no way)绝对不;当然不of your own expr (belonging to you)你自己的of your own accord expr (voluntarily)自愿of your own choice expr (chosen by you alone)自行选择的You can order your new car in the colour of your own choice.of your own free will expr (out of choice)自愿的;心甘情愿的Do you marry this man of your own free will? I retired of my own free will; I was not fired.of your own volition, by your own volition expr (willingly, freely)自愿做出的选择;自愿决定off the top of your head expr figurative, informal (spontaneously, improvising)不假思索地;信口Off the top of my head, I can't remember the name of that your own bat adv figurative, informal (by your own initiative)主动;自愿备注: Sometimes used mistakenly as "off your own back".off your rocker adj slang, figurative (insane) (俚语)疯狂的;发疯的If you think I'm going to sell it to you at that price, you're off your rocker!off your trolley adj UK, figurative, slang (crazy)疯了;失去理智If you think I'm going to do a bungee jump off that bridge, you must be off your trolley!old before your time adj (seeming older than actual age)老得快的;看上去老的on the edge of your seat expr (excited, enthralled)特别兴奋;兴奋到坐不住be on the tip of your tongue expr figurative (answer, etc.: hard to recall)一时间说不出;话到嘴边却说不出on your back adv (position: supine, facing up)仰卧地;平躺着地;面朝上地Lie on your back and look at the clouds drifting overhead.on your back foot adv figurative (on the defensive)处于守势;防守一方on your belly adv (position: prone, facing down)俯卧地;面朝下地Lie down on your belly if you want me to give you a back massage.on your feet adv (position: standing)立着;站着Waitresses are on their feet all day.on your hands expr figurative (in your care)由你负责on your knees adv (position: kneeling)跪下;跪着Many religions require you to be on your knees to pray.on your knees adv figurative (in great need) (比喻)乞求地,请求地After 20 years of war the country is on its knees.on your mark, on your marks, take your mark, take your marks interj (sport: take up starting position) (体育比赛)各就各位On your marks; get set; go!on your mind expr (in thoughts)想,思考; (文学)萦绕在心间,在脑海中回荡This matter has been very much on my mind lately.on your mind expr (be a concern)担心Heather's health has been on my mind a lot recently.What's on your mind? interj (what are you thinking?)你在想什么?on your own, all on your own expr (without company)独自地, 单独地When you live on your own, you can eat dinner whenever it suits you.on your own, all on your own expr (without help)自己动手;靠自己的力量做某事;依靠自己做某事The teacher told her class, "I'll show you how to solve the first equation, then you can try the next one on your own."on your own time expr (not during work or school hours)在自己独处时间on [sb]'s radar adj figurative, informal (noticed, known)注意到He wasn't even on my radar till I saw him in that rom com; now he's my favorite movie star!be on your toes v expr figurative, informal (be alert)保持警觉This is an important meeting, so I need everyone to be on their toes.keep [sb] on his/her toes v expr figurative, informal (keep [sb] alert, ready)让...保持警觉be on your way v expr (be traveling)在路上Tim's on his way, and will be here on your way to [sth] v expr (be traveling to a place)在去往…的路上Rachel is on her way to Oxford to attend a business on your way to doing [sth] v expr (make progress towards [sth])在…的过程中The research team is on its way to completing the first stage of the on your way v expr informal (leave)离开,赶快走"It's late," Mia told Joe; "you'd better be on your way."open [sb]'s eyes to [sth] v expr figurative (make [sb] aware of reality)让...认清; (比喻)让...睁开眼看清楚open your eyes to [sth] vtr (become aware of)开阔眼界;增长见识You need to open your eyes to the beauty around you.Open your eyes to how deceitfully she has your heart v expr figurative (find or show compassion)展示同情心;表示同情Open your heart and your wallet; donate today to the Haiti relief effort!open your mind to [sth] v expr (accept possibility)开阔心胸;使人心胸开阔Immersing yourself in a different culture can open your mind to new ways of thinking.out of the corner of your eye adv (in your peripheral vision)眼角的余光She couldn't describe him accurately because she'd only seen him out of the corner of her eye.out of your control adj (not within your power to affect)不在你控制范围的The situation is out of your control.out of your depth expr (in water: unable to stand) (水中)深得不能站立out of your depth expr figurative (beyond your level of capability)超出你的理解范围;非你力所能及out of your element adj (in an unfamiliar situation)不是你熟悉的领域;不是你拿手的领域The small-town boy was out of his element when he visited New York City.I didn't enjoy the party - it was full of football fans and I felt a little out of my element.out of [sb]'s league adj figurative, informal (too good for [sb]) (非正式用语)高不可攀的;高攀不起的She is beautiful, smart and funny.She would never talk to me; she is out of my out of your mind v expr figurative, informal (be irrational, crazy)疯了;发疯了be out of your mind with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be extremely anxious, worried) (指伤心焦虑等)过度...;因为...而发疯;...得发疯outstay your welcome v expr (stay for too long)呆得太久以至于讨人嫌;呆得不受欢迎I love my family dearly, but after 4 weeks I think they've outstayed their welcome.on your own initiative expr (individual decision)个人决定;主动on your own initiative expr (without orders of others)主动pack your bags v expr (prepare luggage)收拾衣物I had bought so much clothing, I could barely pack my bags.pack your bags v expr informal, figurative (prepare to leave)收拾东西走人; (表示准备离开)收拾行李,打点行装When Sandra found out about her husband's affair with another woman, she told him to pack his bags.part your hair v expr (hair: comb into parting)分头发Charles parts his hair in the [sb] back in his/her/their own coin v expr figurative (behave toward [sb] in a like way)以其人之道,还以其人之身pay your dues v expr figurative (do [sth] you are expected to do)恪尽职守pay your respects v expr (honour [sb] who has died) (对死者)凭吊pay your respects to [sb], pay your last respects to [sb], pay your final respects to [sb] v expr (honour [sb] who has died)向...告别;凭吊He went to the funeral to pay his last respects to his beloved teacher.他去了葬礼,向他挚爱的老师道别。pay your respects to [sb] v expr (greet [sb] courteously)(登门)问候…以示敬意While I'm visiting in town I should pay my respects to the mayor; he's an old friend of my father' your share v expr (contribute fairly to the cost of [sth])付自己的那份钱Please pay your share of the rent before the end of the your way v expr (contribute fairly to expenses)自力更生;自食其力pee your pants v expr informal (wet yourself)弄湿自己pee your pants v expr figurative, informal (be very scared)吓得屁股尿流pee your pants v expr figurative, informal (laugh uncontrollably)笑到无法控制penny for your thoughts expr figurative (what are you thinking?)你在想什么"Penny for your thoughts." "Oh, I was just thinking about all the jobs I need to do today."perform at your best v expr (do [sth] to your utmost ability)尽最大努力pick [sb]'s brain, pick [sb]'s brains v expr figurative (ask [sb] a question) (比喻)向…请教,征求…的想法Can I pick your brain for a minute?pick your nose v expr (put a finger in your nostril)挖鼻孔,抠鼻子Little kids will pick their noses in public, because they have no shame.pick your way v expr (find a path through)小心翼翼地穿过;择路而行The survivors picked their way through the your hopes on [sth] v expr (rely on [sth])寄希望于play into the hands of [sb], play into [sb]'s hands v expr (give [sb] an advantage)正中你下怀play it close to the chest, play it close to your chest v expr figurative (avoid taking risks)不露声色;谨慎小心play your cards v expr informal, figurative (behave strategically)使出…的招数;打出…牌If he plays his cards right, he could get to go to New your part v expr mainly UK (contribute, participate)尽本分Each of us needs to play our part to make the world a better place.pluck your eyebrows v expr (tweeze eyebrow hairs)修眉;拔眉point your finger at [sb], point the finger at [sb] vtr informal, figurative (accuse)指责,责怪When the money went missing, my colleagues all pointed their fingers at me.poke your nose in, poke your nose into [sth] v expr (be intrusive)干涉;探听pour your heart out, pour your heart out to [sb] v expr figurative (confide in [sb])对…推心置腹When she split up from her boyfriend, she poured her heart out to me.prick up your ears v expr (react to sound, raise ears)竖起耳朵The dog pricked up his ears when he heard Nancy's voice.prick up your ears v expr figurative (become attentive)集中注意力; (形容注意)竖起耳朵Thelma pricked up her ears when she heard her name mentioned by someone on the other side of the room.the prime of your life, the prime of life n (best, healthiest time in life)一生最好的时期;全盛时期Many people say that your thirties are the prime of your life.许多人说,30到40岁是人一生中的黄金时期。prove your point, prove a point v expr (show you are correct)证明你的观点Rod gave a very convincing demonstration that proved his point.pull punches, pull your punches, pull any punches v expr figurative, often in negative (restrain yourself)手下留情Wow, you didn't pull any punches in that meeting; you told them exactly what you thought!pull your finger out, get your finger out v expr slang, figurative (stop delaying or procrastinating) (俚语)不再拖延pull [sb]'s leg v expr figurative, informal (tease)取笑;捉弄;耍弄备注: Commonly used in continuous tenses.Stop pulling my leg - I know perfectly well what you're up to!pull your socks up, pull up your socks v expr figurative, informal (make an effort)加油努力,振作起来You need to pull your socks up at school if you're going to get good grades in your exams.pull your weight, pull your own weight v expr (do your share of work)做份内的事Stuart needs to start pulling his weight on this project if he wants to keep his job.punch above your weight v expr informal, figurative (do more than you are capable of)超出能力范围Really? You've been promoted to head of department? Are you sure you aren't punching above your weight?punch above your weight v expr informal, figurative (date [sb] more attractive)约会自己配不上的对象Have you seen Jim's new girlfriend? She's gorgeous and she has a PhD; I reckon he's punching above his weight there!push your luck v expr (be too confident)得寸进尺,贪心不足push your way to/through/past v expr (move by shoving)挤着前移至,推搡着前行到;挤着穿过,推搡着穿过He rudely pushed his way to the stage.put all your eggs in one basket v expr proverb (rely on a single plan)孤注一掷;把全部希望寄托在一件事上If you put all your eggs in one basket you risk losing them all.put you off your stride v expr figurative (interrupt rhythm)打乱节奏;使慌乱Forgetting her words put the actor off her stride and she never quite recovered before the end of the play.put [sb] through his/her/their paces v expr (test [sb]'s skill, ability)展示本领;展示能力put your arms around [sb] v expr (embrace, hug)拥抱;搂住put your best foot forward v expr figurative (do your best)全力以赴I'm not really much good at it but I'll put my best foot forward.put your best foot forward v expr figurative (make good impression)尽量给人留下好印象Put your best foot forward at the job interview.put your clothes on v expr (get dressed)穿上衣服;把你的衣服穿上What are you kids doing in that bed? Put your clothes on!put your feet up v expr informal (relax)搁起腿休息,翘起腿休息After work, Maurice loved to just put his feet up and watch TV in his easy chair.put your finger on [sth], lay your finger on [sth] v expr figurative, informal (identify, determine)确定,认定,确切地指出;说清楚,搞清楚I've just put my finger on why I find it so hard getting up in the morning: I hate my job!put your finger on [sth] v expr (touch or press)将手指放在…上, 用手指按If you put your finger on the dog's nose it may bite you.put your foot down v expr informal (accelerate, drive faster)加速;踩油门If you put your foot down, we can get through the lights before they turn red.put your foot down v expr informal, figurative (insist on [sth])坚持I had to put my foot down and tell him I wouldn't lie for him again.put your foot in it v expr UK, informal, figurative (make an embarrassing blunder)说错话;犯错put your foot in your mouth, also UK: put your foot in it v expr figurative (make spoken blunder)说错话;说不合适的话put your hands on [sth] v expr informal (obtain)获得, 得到Keep a flashlight where you can put your hands on it in case of an emergency.put your hands together v expr (applaud)鼓掌;拍手喝彩put your heart and soul into [sth] v expr figurative (devote yourself to)投身于;全身心投入put [sb]'s mind at rest, set [sb]'s mind at rest, set [sb]'s heart at rest v expr (reassure)使消除疑虑;使安心Let me just put your mind at rest: your condition is completely treatable.Put your money where your mouth is. expr (prove [sth])说到做到,付诸行动You think you can run faster than Tim? Put your money where your mouth is!put your nose to the grindstone v expr figurative (work hard)辛勤工作;刻苦工作put your thinking cap on v expr figurative (think hard or creatively)好好想想;仔细思考We need to put our thinking caps on to solve this problem.put your trust in [sb/sth] v expr (have faith in)信任;信赖You can put your trust in me.quench your thirst v expr (drink until no longer thirsty)解渴I'm going out to the pub to quench my thirst.rack your brains, rack your brain, wrack your brains, wrack your brain v expr (try to remember)绞尽脑汁raise an eyebrow, raise your eyebrow v expr (show surprise)感到惊讶raise your eyebrows v expr figurative (show skepticism)挑眉以示怀疑raise your voice v expr (speak more loudly)提高嗓门;放大音量Please raise your voice - I can't hear you very well.raise your voice v expr (shout)大喊大叫;大声嚷嚷;大声叫嚷Don't raise your voice at your mother, young man.reach the end of your rope, be at the end of your rope, also UK: reach the end of your tether, be at the end of your tether v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated)忍无可忍I need a break from the kids; I've reached the end of my rope!reach your destination v expr (arrive)抵达目的地;到达目的地You may need to change trains and take a bus before you reach your destination.reach your goal v expr (achieve your aim)达成目标;完成目标You'll never reach your goal without a lot of hard work."Ready, set, go!" (US), "Ready, steady, go!" (UK), "On your marks, get set, go!" interj (start of race)各就各位;预备;跑!Runners: Ready, set, go!recharge your batteries v expr figurative, informal (have a rest)给电池充电I really needed that vacation to recharge my batteries.A day at the spa is just what I need to recharge my batteries.remove your make-up v expr (wipe off cosmetics)卸妆You should always remove your make-up before you go to bed or you will get on your laurels, rest on your oars v expr figurative (be complacent)满足于现有成绩;自我满足Your mark of 80% was very good, but the next test's harder so don't rest on your laurels.your right n ([sb]'s right-hand side)右手,右手边,右手侧The headlight controls are on your right.顶灯的控制键在你右手边。risk your life v expr (do [sth] extremely dangerous)拿你自己的性命冒险You risk your life when you drive too fast.roll up your sleeves v expr (sleeves: push, fold up)撸起袖子I rolled up my sleeves so that they wouldn't get stained with paint.roll up your sleeves v expr figurative (prepare for work) (比喻)撸起袖子准备大干一场It's time to roll up my sleeves and get to work on my income tax returns.roll your eyes v expr (look upwards in exasperation) (表示恼怒)翻白眼When I heard about his latest get-rich-quick scheme I rolled my eyes.roof over your head n informal (place to live)栖身之处;片瓦遮头Your house may not be fancy, but at least it's a roof over your head.The earthquake refugees don't have a roof over their heads.rub [sb]'s nose in [sth] v expr figurative, informal (tease someone persistently about)揭...的伤疤;调侃...所犯错误Run for your life! interj (to save your life)拼命跑!run your eye over [sth], cast your eye over [sth], cast an eye over [sth] v expr informal (glance at briefly, examine hastily)粗眼一看;快速浏览save [sb]'s bacon v expr figurative, informal (rescue, help)助一臂之力;使摆脱困境Gudrun saved my bacon by lending me some money for the bus your breath interj (don't bother saying anything)别说别的废话;省点劲Unless you're here to apologize to me, save your breath! Oh save your breath, I don't want to hear your your breath interj (discussing it is useless)不要白费唇舌Save your breath – he's already made his mind up.scream your head off v expr figurative, informal (yell, shriek loudly)大声尖叫see [sth] with your own eyes v expr informal (witness at first hand)用自己的眼睛去看I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.serve your time vtr + n figurative (do unpleasant job) (比喻,指不喜欢的工作)"服刑“期满After working there for 34 years I decided I'd served my time.set in your ways adj (inflexible)固执的;顽固的Chris is set in his ways; he doesn't like trying anything new.set your heart on [sth], have your heart set on [sth] v expr (desire greatly, long for)渴望,热望She had set her heart on a trip to Japan.The little boy had his heart set on getting a puppy for Christmas.set your house in order v expr figurative (arrange affairs properly)把个人事务安排妥当You'll need to set your house in order before you embark on something so ambitious.set your sights on v expr figurative (aim or intend to do [sth])以…为目标;决心做到I've set my sights on a new flat panel TV for my birthday this year.set [sb]'s teeth on edge v expr figurative (cause discomfort)让...感到不舒服; (比喻不适)让...牙根发酸settle accounts, settle your account vtr + npl (pay debts)结清账目;付清欠账Students must settle their account before they become eligible to register for a subsequent semester.your seventies, your 70s npl (age: 70-79 years)年逾七旬;七十多岁Arnold couldn't believe he was already in his seventies.shake the dust from your feet v expr figurative (leave in haste or anger)拂袖而去;愤然离去shake your head v expr (move from side to side)摇头Geoff shook his head in disbelief at the news.sharpen [sb]'s wits v expr (make smarter)使某人思维敏捷I find that doing crosswords sharpens my wits.shout your head off v expr figurative, informal (rant, shout at length)大叫;大喊大叫He was shouting his head off but nobody heard him over the noise of the crowd. OK, I heard you - you don't have to shout your head off!show your true colors (US), show your true colours (UK) v expr figurative (reveal real nature)展露真我;展现本色shuffle your feet v expr (walk slowly)拖着脚走Shut your cakehole! interj impolite, slang (stop talking) (粗鲁,俚语)闭嘴;闭上你的臭嘴You talk too much, shut your cakehole!shut your eyes, close your eyes v expr (close your eyelids)闭上眼睛I have a big surprise for you, so shut your eyes and I'll bring it in.shut your eyes, shut your eyes to [sth], close your eyes to [sth] v expr figurative (ignore [sth])视而不见She shut her eyes to her husband's activities.Shut your mouth! interj impolite, slang (stop talking)闭嘴;住口I've heard enough of your insults - just shut your mouth!Shut your mug!, Shut your face!, Shut your trap! interj UK, impolite, slang (stop talking)闭嘴!,住口!sick to your stomach, also US: sick at your stomach expr informal (nauseous)令人厌恶的sick to your stomach, also US: sick at your stomach expr informal, figurative (extremely disgusted)令人恶心的sink your teeth into [sth] v expr (bite)咬;撕咬The vampire sank his teeth into her soft neck.sink your teeth into [sth] v expr figurative (do with enthusiasm)热衷于;对...有热情I'd like an acting role I can really sink my teeth into.sit on your hands v expr figurative (be passive, not do anything)袖手旁观,置之不理,坐视不管your sixties, your 60s npl (age: 60-69 years)年逾六十;六十多岁Robin is in his sixties now and isn't interested in social events.slake your thirst v expr literary (quench)解渴The fresh coconut juice slaked the explorer's thirst.slip your mind v expr (be forgotten)忘记I missed the meeting; it slipped my mind.smack your lips v expr (make noise with lips) (期待美食)吧唧嘴,咂嘴Helen smacked her lips in anticipation of the delicious meal.small of your back n (lower part of the back)腰骶部;腰背部She was hurting in the small of her back, just above the tailbone.snap your fingers, click your fingers v expr (click finger and thumb)打响指Mrs.McCredie clicked her fingers and a maid appeared to clear away the plates. If you want me, just snap your fingers and I'll be there!speak your mind v expr (give one's frank opinion)直言不讳;说出心里话speak your piece, say your piece v expr (state opinion)表达观点;说出看法spill your guts v expr informal, figurative (confess [sth])坦白split your nails v expr (break your fingernails)弄断指甲;弄裂指甲I always split my nails when I go ten pin bowling.spoil [sth], spoil your dinner vtr (appetite: ruin by eating [sth] else)影响胃口,破坏食欲Don't let the children eat candy this afternoon; they'll spoil their dinner.下午可别让孩子们吃糖果,不然他们会没胃口吃晚饭的。sprain your ankle, turn your ankle v expr (suffer injury: twisted ankle)扭伤脚踝spread your legs v expr slang, vulgar (woman: have sex) (俚语,粗俗)上床;打开双腿spread your wings v expr figurative (do [sth] more ambitious) (比喻有巨大的发展)展翅飞翔stake your claim v expr (assert right)公开宣布对…的所有权Well if you're not interested in her, do you mind if I stake my claim?stake your territory v expr figurative (claim occupancy of a space)主张领土所有权,要求承认领土所有权;主张所有权,要求承认所有权The boy staked his territory by quickly setting up his tent.stamp your feet v expr figurative (protest about [sth]) (比喻)跺脚以示抗议The employee stamped his feet and demanded a higher salary.stand on your own two feet v expr (be independent)独立;自主stand your ground, hold your ground v expr figurative (not waver, maintain your stance)坚持立场state your case v expr (give your opinion)陈述案情The new rules allow you to state your case for the person you're voting for.stay your hand v expr literary (refrain from acting)停手不干stew in your own juice (UK), also US: stew in your own juices v expr informal, figurative (suffer consequences of actions)自作自受;自食其果stick in your craw v expr figurative (feel reluctance over)如鲠在喉;难以忍受之事I'll apologise, but it sticks in my craw; I know I was in the right.stick in your mind v expr informal, figurative (remain in your thoughts or memory)在脑海中挥之不去stick to your guns v expr figurative (not change beliefs)坚持你自己的想法stick to your ribs expr (food: hearty)吃撑;吃得很饱stick your neck out expr (do [sth] risky)冒险stick your tongue out v expr (show tongue as rude gesture)伸出舌头;吐舌头stretch your legs v expr informal (walk to exercise leg muscles)舒展筋骨strut your stuff v expr slang (dance ostentatiously)卖弄地跳舞strut your stuff v expr slang (demonstrate your skills)卖弄本领;显露身手stuff your face v expr informal (eat greedily)大吃大喝;大快朵颐I stuffed my face at dinner and now my belly hurts.tailored to needs, tailored to your needs expr (bespoke, customized)满足个性需求;满足特别需要your take on [sth] n (opinion, view)观点;想法What's your take on the issue?你对于此事的观点是什么?take a leaf out of [sb]'s book v expr figurative (follow [sb]'s example)效仿;学...的样子take [sth] in stride, take [sth] in your stride v expr (deal calmly with [sth])从容应付Tim took the news of his redundancy in his stride; he had some savings and thought it might be a good opportunity to set up his own business.take off your shoes, take your shoes off v expr (remove footwear)脱掉你的鞋子It's good manners to take off your shoes before entering a house in Japan.take the law into your own hands v expr (act as a vigilante)不通过法律自行处理If you get robbed, don't try to take the law into your own hands.take to your heels v expr (run away, flee)逃跑;逃走take [sb]'s breath away v expr figurative (astonish, stun)使震惊;使惊讶take your chances v expr informal (run a risk) (非正式用语)尝试,冒险take your choice v expr (select, choose)选择take your cue from [sb] v expr figurative (follow [sb]'s example)以某人为榜样take your custom elsewhere v expr UK (shop in alternative store)去别家购物The sales assistants were so rude to me, I decided to take my custom elsewhere.take your hat off, take off your hat v expr (remove headgear)脱帽;摘下帽子take your hat off to [sb], take off your hat to [sb] v expr figurative, informal (respect, congratulate)向…脱帽致敬I take my hat off to the inventor of this amazing tool.take your leave v expr (go away)离开take your life in your hands v expr (do [sth] dangerous)冒险;进行危险的事take your medicine v expr figurative (accept bad consequences)承担后果I guess I should tell the boss about my mistake and take my medicine.You've broken the rules, and now you have to take your medicine.take your pick v expr (choose any one you like)任选;随意挑选You want to borrow a dress? Sure, have a look in my wardrobe and take your pick.take your pick of [sth/sb] v expr (choose any one of [sth] you like)从...随便挑;在...中任选Nick has done so well at university; he'll be able to take his pick of jobs.take your time interj (don't hurry)别急!慢慢来!"Sorry to keep you – we're very busy at the moment." "Take your time - there's no rush."“抱歉,让你久等了。我们现在很忙。”“别急。慢慢来。”take [sb]'s word v expr (believe what [sb] says)相信某人说的Don't just take my word - look it up for yourself.take [sb]'s word for it, take [sb]'s word for that v expr (believe what [sb] says)相信某人的话tan [sb]'s hide, whip [sb]'s hide v expr (beat [sb] as punishment)揍一顿tear your hair out v expr figurative (worry excessively)心急如焚tell your beads v expr (recite a rosary)祈祷;祷告The world is your oyster. expr figurative (You can have or achieve anything.)世界尽在你的掌控之中think on your feet v expr (think quickly in the moment)随机应变your thirties, your 30s npl (age: 30-39 years)三十多岁My thirties were spent building my career.我三十多岁时候的都在立业。thorn in the side, thorn in your side, thorn in the flesh, thorn in your flesh n figurative (aggravating thing, person) (比喻)眼中钉,肉中刺,让人烦心的人或事That new trainee is so annoying; he's a thorn in my side.thread your way through [sth] v expr figurative (make your way through: crowd, etc.) (在人群中)挤出,冲出We threaded our way through the crowd.threat to your health n ([sth] dangerous, unsanitary)危害健康Everyone knows that smoking is a threat to your health.throw [sth] back in [sb]'s face v expr figurative (charge with past misdeeds)翻某人的旧账I wish you wouldn't throw that incident back in my face every time we have a row!throw [sth] back in [sb]'s face v expr figurative (reject spitefully)带有恶意地拒绝throw up your hands expr figurative (be in despair)感到绝望;绝望地放弃throw your hat into the ring v expr figurative (enter a contest)参加比赛;加入竞赛throw your weight around v expr figurative, informal (be bossy, self-important)颐指气使Charles is a bossy guy who likes throwing his weight around.tighten your belt v expr figurative, informal (spend less)勒紧裤腰带;紧衣缩食;节省开支the time of your life expr (best experience in lifetime)一辈子最好的体验;一生最好的经历I often look back at that period and think it was the time of my life.Nancy is having the time of her life in Italy.tip your hat to [sb] v expr (lift your hat to acknowledge [sb])向某人致敬The gentleman tipped his hat to the lady.can't do [sth] to save your life expr (extremely bad at [sth])非常不擅长;在...方面极为差劲Heather couldn't bake a cake to save her the best of your ability adv (as well as you can)尽你所能Just look after the dog to the best of your the core, to your core expr figurative (thoroughly)彻底地,十足地,地道地Her views make it very plain that she's Conservative to the [sb]'s credit expr (deserving praise)值得表扬某人;拜某人所赐to your face adv informal (in person, directly) (非正式用语)当着你面地I don't mind telling you to your face that I think you're a your fingertips expr figurative, informal (completely)完全地;彻头彻尾地He's a politician to his fingertips.To your health!, To your good health! interj (toast: cheers) (敬酒语)祝你健康!He raised his glass of wine and said, "To your health".to your heart's content adv figurative, informal (as much as you please) (比喻,非正式用语)按照你的心意,如你所愿You can ask me to your heart's content, but I won't answer your your knowledge adv (as far as you know)就你所知To your knowledge, did the defendant have anything to drink after 7 o'clock?toot your horn, toot the horn v expr (car horn: sound)鸣喇叭;使发出嘟嘟声You should toot the horn if someone cuts in front of you!touch your heart v expr informal, figurative (move you emotionally) (非正式用语,比喻)触及你的心灵,让你感动;打动人心She touched my heart with her beautiful poem.touch your toes v expr (bend over)触碰脚趾;够脚趾The fitness instructor told everyone to touch their toes.try your best v expr (put in maximum effort)尽力;竭尽全力try your best to do [sth] v expr (make a big effort to do)努力;勉力try your hand at [sth] v expr (attempt [sth] new)尝试...Eugene had always been good at crafts, so he decided to try his hand at woodwork.try your hand at doing [sth] v expr (attempt [sth] new)尝试;试一试I've decided to try my hand at writing children's books.try your luck expr (attempt [sth] uncertain)试试运气;碰运气turn your back on [sb/sth] vtr (abandon, reject)对…不屑一顾;背叛,抛弃;背叛;抛弃Shame on you for turning your back on your friends after such a small disagreement.turn your life around v expr (change for the better)改变生活;转变人生turn your nose up v expr figurative (show disgust, disdain)嗤之以鼻;不屑一顾turn up your nose at [sth], turn your nose up at [sth] v expr figurative (show disgust, disdain for)对...嗤之以鼻;对...不屑一顾your twenties, your 20s npl (age: 20-29 years)二十多岁Danny's twenties were a time of transition as he worked hard to establish a career.丹尼二十多岁时是他努力工作打拼事业的过渡期。twiddle your thumbs v expr figurative, informal (be idle, pass time)消磨时间twist [sb]'s arm v expr figurative (force to do [sth])强迫...做某事under your belt expr figurative (experience: acquired, achieved) (经验等)拥有;享有;坐拥With twenty years' firefighting experience under his belt, Robert is an expert in fire safety.under your breath, below your breath adv (spoken quietly)小声说话;轻声说法under your care adv (in your charge)在你的照管下;在你的管理下You should notify all the patients under your care that you are leaving this office.under your command adv (in your charge or control)在你的领导下;在你的指导下The major was responsible for all of the troops under his command.under your control adv (in your charge or command)在你的控制下Well, I'm going out for the evening, the kids are under your control!under [sb]'s nose, right under [sb]'s nose expr (in an obvious place)在你眼皮底下;当你的面up your alley, right up your alley (US), up your street, right up your street (UK) expr slang (the sort of thing you like)正适合你That new film looks as though it'll be up your alley. You're going to love this new club: it's right up your alley!use [sth] to your advantage v expr (exploit for personal gain)将...作为优势;利用My father went to this university, so I'm going to use that to my advantage and mention it in my application essay.vent your spleen v expr (take your anger out on)泄愤;宣泄怒火Patrick was furious after his conversation with the boss and vented his spleen on his with your feet v expr figurative (show preference by avoiding [sth]) 没有提供翻译 The customers voted with their feet by choosing not to shop elsewhere.wait your turn v expr (be patient)有耐心点You should wait your turn.wallow in your grief v expr (dwell on the loss of [sb] or [sth])沉湎于悲痛之中Everyone dies, so you can't keep wallowing in your grief.wash your hands of [sth] v expr figurative (end involvement with [sth])从...中金盆洗手;退出watch your step v expr (be careful where you tread)注意脚下, 小心脚下You'll need to watch your step when coming back down the mountain.;watch your step v expr figurative (be cautious about what you do)要谨慎He's very irritable today so watch your step when you talk to him!watch your waistline v expr (be on a diet, control weight)控制体重;控制食量watch your weight v expr figurative, informal (try not to get fatter)注意你的体重She loves rich food, so she has to be careful and watch her weight.wear your birthday suit v expr slang, figurative (be naked)光着身体;一丝不挂;赤身裸体wear your heart on your sleeve v expr (show feelings openly)显露真心;流露真性情weigh on [sb]'s conscience v expr (cause feelings of guilt)让...良心不安wend your way v expr (go, proceed)走;行;行走The protesters wended their way up 14th Street.what's your game? interj UK, informal (what are you doing?)你在搞什么?;你在玩什么鬼把戏?Whatever floats your boat. expr slang, figurative (OK, whatever you'd like.) (俚语)你喜欢就好;你开心就好"I'd like to learn how to speak Japanese." "Whatever floats your boat."when your ship comes in expr figurative (when you are rich or successful)当你成功时;当你有了钱with your bare hands adv (without the aid of weapons, tools) (不用工具或武器等)空手with your head held high expr figurative (showing pride in yourself) (表示自信和骄傲)昂着头;扬着头with your permission adv (if you will allow or authorize it)在您的许可之下With your permission, I would also like to say a few words about this.within your grasp adj (attainable)有把握;在控制范围之内Keep trying – the first prize is easily within your grasp.within your grasp adv (close enough to reach)有把握;在控制范围之内Your glasses are right there on the table, well within your your fingers to the bone v expr figurative (work very hard)拼命工作;死命工作worm your way v expr (move like a worm)蠕动On her stomach, Polly wormed her way under the barbed wire.worm your way into [sth] v expr informal (get access sneakily)骗取,博取Jeremy wormed his way into the widow's confidence.worth your salt expr (good worker)称职的;胜任的worth your while expr (worth the time, effort, etc.)值得;有所值Go and see this movie; I promise you it's worth your worth your while doing [sth], be worth your while to do [sth] expr值得花时间做某事;值得花精力做某事It's worth your while reading the reviews before buying a camera.wrap [sb] around your finger, wrap [sb] around your little finger v expr figurative (be able to control [sb])轻易摆布他人wring your hands v expr figurative (be anxious or worried) (表示焦急不安)绞扭双手The boss is wringing her hands over the problems with this project.wring your hands v expr (twist hands together)绞扭双手The young man sat in the waiting room, wringing his hands.your home n (your house or dwelling)你家住宅;你家Your house is your home.your home n (the area where you live)你家乡California is my home.Your Honor (US), Your Honour (UK) n (law: title to address judge) (称呼语)法官大人We find him guilty, Your Honour.your turn n informal (time when you do [sth])该你了;轮到你了zip it, zip your lip v expr figurative, slang (maintain secrecy)别说出去Zip it - I don't want everyone knowing our business.




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