at the request of───应…的邀请,应…的要求
at the instance of───在…的请求下;经…的提议;因…的主张
acute sense of───敏锐的感觉
at the cost of───以…为代价
at the hand of───在……的手上;由于......的作用;出自某人之手
at the hands of───由某人或通过某人的机构完成
at the mercy of───受…支配
at the point of───靠近;正要
at the service of───服务于……
Those who know how to use the system can enrich themselves at the expense of the very people who work for those companies.───那些懂得如何利用现行体制的人使自己富有起来,而代价是牺牲真正为那些公司工作的人。
He attained his goal at the expense of others.───他牺牲别人来达到自己的目的.
Don't profit yourself at the expense of others.───不要占他人的便宜.
People like us must never seek petty advantages at the expense of justice and righteousness.───咱们这种人,万万不可以贪小利而忘大义.
He refused to travel at the expense of the company and paid for the trip himself.───他不肯由公司出钱供他旅行,而是自己付了旅费.
Ford has been gaining market share this year at the expense of GM.───今年福特公司的市场份额一直在扩大,导致通用汽车公司市场份额减少。
The dealers profited shamefully at the expense of my family.───这些经销商通过损害我家人的利益不光彩地赚钱。
Her fame was bought at the expense of her marriage.───她出了名,却牺牲了她的婚姻。
The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit.───该管弦乐队现在更有纪律了,但却牺牲了士气。
The owner is making huge profits at the expense of downtrodden peasants.───物主靠压榨农民而赢得暴利。
According to this study, women have made notable gains at the expense of men.───根据这项研究,女性以牺牲男性的利益为代价而获得了显著的收益。
His success was all the sweeter for being at the expense of Europe's most admired team.───他击败的是欧洲最受人崇拜的球队,这让他更有成就感。
The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit.───那个管弦乐团现在更有纪律性了,却丧失了灵魂。
Neither should be overemphasized at the expense of the other.───二者不可偏废.
He received a piece of flesh at the expense of his friend.───他以牺牲朋友为代价,也分得一块肉.
But skeptics worry that costs may be trimmed at the expense of the patient.───但是持怀疑态度的人担心费用的削减会以牺牲病人的利益为代价。
He built up the business at the expense of his health.───他以自己的健康为代价逐步建立起这个企业。
They are worth having but not at the expense of better services.───它们值得拥有,但是不能因此放弃更好的服务。
Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment.
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