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词汇 west
释义 westUK:*'west', 'West': /wɛst/US:/wɛst/ ,(west)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 west n (compass point)西部;西方The sun sets in the west.太阳从西方落下。usage: ‘west’The west is the direction which you look towards in order to see the sun set.The village is fifty miles to the west of Oxford.We watched the sun set behind the hills in the west.A west wind blows from the west.A warm west wind was blowing.The west of a place is the part that is towards the west.They live in a remote rural area in the west of Ireland.West is used in the names of some states and regions.He was a coal miner from West Virginia.Benin is a country in West Africa. 其他翻译 west adj (of the west, occidental)西边的;西方的;西方的The west side of the mountain gets sun in the evening. west adv (westward)向西;朝西;往西He drove west toward the sunset. West, the West n (western USA)美国西部Seattle is in the West. West, the West n (First World countries)西方国家Energy consumption is much higher in the West. 复合形式: FRG n historical, initialism (Federal Republic of Germany)德意志联邦共和国 go west vi (travel towards the west)向西走The M4 motorway goes west from London. go west vi figurative, slang (die)上西天,去世,乘鹤归西The old cowboy has finally gone west. go west vi figurative, slang (be lost or broken)丢失,受损 northwest, north west n (north-western region)东北地区We're traveling to Washington, and other parts of the northwest, for vacation. northwest, north west n (compass point: NW) (罗盘上的标注)西北方向The compass is stuck at northwest. northwest, north-west adj (in, of the northwest)在东北的;自东北的Cumbria is one of England's northwest counties. northwest, north-west adj (wind: coming from the northwest) (风)来自西北的The northwest wind was strong. northwest, north-west adj (going towards the northwest)往东北的From London, we took a northwest train as far as Oxford. the Old West n (geography)老西部;西部时代 southwest, south west n (south-western region)西南地区The weather is typically very dry in the southwest. southwest, south west n (compass point: SW)西南Southwest is marked with the letters "SW." southwest, south-west adj (in, of the southwest)西南的Southwest architecture can now be found throughout the country. southwest, south-west adj (towards the southwest)向西南方The southwest window lets the late afternoon light into the room. southwest, south-west adj (wind: coming from the southwest) (风)西南的The southwest breeze felt good on the hot day. Upper West Side n (district of Manhattan in New York) (曼哈顿)上西区 West Africa, Western Africa n (most westerly part of Africa)西非;非洲西部 West Bank n (geography)约旦河西岸 west coast n (land along western coastline)西海岸Phu Quac is a lovely island off the west coast of Vietnam. West Coast n US (area of US along Pacific coastline) (指美国太平洋沿岸)西海岸Some major cities on the West Coast are Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. West End n (London's commercial and tourist area) (伦敦)西区备注: 伦敦市中心的西部,商业和观光区 West End n figurative (London theatre scene) (伦敦)西区 West German n (person from West Germany)西德人 West German adj (relating to West Germany)西德的 West Germany, Federal Republic of Germany n historical (former European republic)西德 West Indian adj (of or from the West Indies)西印度群岛的There's a large West Indian community in London. West Indian n (native of the West Indies)西印度群岛人The restaurant on the corner is run by West Indians. West Indies npl (islands in the Caribbean)西印度群岛The islands of the West Indies are routinely hit by hurricanes. West Nile virus n (infection transmitted by mosquitoes)西尼罗河病毒 West Virginia n (US state) (美国的州)西弗吉尼亚州 west wind n (wind blowing towards the east)西风The west wind blows across the Atlantic Ocean carrying rain to the British Isles. west-facing adj (facing towards the west)朝西的,向西的 west-northwest n (compass point between west and northwest)西北偏西 west-northwest adv (between west and northwest)西北偏西The storm is heading east-northeast, towards farmland. west-southwest n (compass point between west and southwest)西南偏西 west-southwest adv (between west and southwest)西南偏西Heavy rain is likely to move west-southwest throughout the afternoon. Wild West n historical (early western US) (历史用语)(美国早期的)西部荒原Our image of the Wild West has been largely shaped by Hollywood.




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