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词汇 spread like wildfire
释义 spread like wildfire
spread like wildfire发音

v.像野火般迅速传播; 势如燎原; 不胫而走



spread net wider───撒网更广

spread the word───传播信息

a live wire───通电电线;有活力的人

eat like a bird───吃得极少

head like a sieve───脑袋像筛子

native wildlife───本土野生动物

spread eagle───展翼鹰;似展翼鹰之物;横大一字跳

spread your wings───张开你的翅膀;张开你的翅膀(SpreadYourWings,歌名)

strike fire───打火


Since then, Jiaying plum - rich state's reputation will spread like wildfire.───从此, 嘉应州盛产梅花的名声便不胫而走.

The news spread like wildfire.───消息不胫而走.

The story spread like wildfire.───这件事很快传开了.

The news of the assassination of President Lincoln spread like wildfire.───林肯总统被刺的消息不腈而走.

Now, scientists have developed a new genetic trick that could help those disease-resistant mosquitoes spread like wildfire.───现在科学家已经研究出一种新遗传技术手段,可以帮助这种抗病蚊子迅速传播。

Real money is on the rumors spread like wildfire.───关于炒房赚大钱的传闻也不胫而走.

In spite of vehement denial, the rumour spread like wildfire.───“尽管一再否认, 谣言还是不胫而走”如何翻译呢?

Wan brothers film animation news spread like wildfire.───万氏兄弟拍摄动画影片的消息,不胫而走.

The rumor spread like wildfire and cost me a lot of votes.───谣言像野火一样蔓延,让我失去了不少选票。

Therefore, Foshan may Shinsaibashi brew tie shoe's reputation, spread like wildfire.───因此, 佛山得心斋酝扎蹄的名誉, 不胫而走.

They predict the outcome, often spread like wildfire, affected the public.───它们预测的结果, 往往不胫而走, 影响者众.

The rumours spread like wildfire from mouth to mouth in that town.───谣言在那个小城镇像野火般地传开了.

The new of assassination of president Lincoln spread like wildfire.───林肯总统被刺杀的消息无径而走.

Even so, prices on liquor is about news consumers already spread like wildfire.───即便如此, 关于白酒即将涨价的消息,早已在消费者中不胫而走.

Cholera spread like wildfire through the camps.───霍乱在营地里迅速传播.

contagious diseases such as measles can spread like wildfire in the overcrowded, squalid resettlement camps.───安置营地拥挤不堪,肮脏邋遢,简直就是传染病迅速传播的绝好温床。

  • spread through
  • spreadsheet compare
  • spread offense
  • spreadsheet modeling
  • spread the word
  • spread around




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