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词汇 spread around
释义 spread around
spread around发音



screw around───鬼混日子

send around───四处发送

shopped around───逐店进行搜购

slopped around───v.悠哉悠哉地闲逛

arsed around───放纵

asked around───到处打听

end around───首尾循环的

horsed around───胡闹;哄闹;鬼混

jerked around───耍弄某人


Spread around about this problem in the Biology Curriculum.───宣传有关生物科课程纲要问题,引起更多关注.

The infection of laughter spread around the classroom.───欢笑声的感染力传遍了整个教室.

This kind of ethnic art is widely spread around the world.───这种民族艺术在世界范围内广为流传.有句话说得好,“民族的就是世界的 ” .

IsIf that happened, a deadly pandemic could quickly spread around the world.───如果那样发生的话, 一种致命的流行病可能很快在全世界传播.

Moreover, growth was spread around fairly evenly.───而且, 世界各地的经济增幅基本相同.

Teddy glanced at papers spread around the office.───特迪扫了一眼办公室里到处堆着的文件.

It must have been a custard tart early on, and it has spread around the world.───肯定是很早就有奶油蛋挞,然后在世界各地广为流传。

pattering increased till it sounded like sudden hail on the dry leaf-carpet spread around him.───啪嗒声越来越响,到最后听起来像是突如其来的冰雹落在他周围的厚厚的落叶上的声音。

When cancer cells spread around the body, this is a physics problem.───癌细胞扩散到全身是一种物理现象。

Periods when diseases spread around the world are called pandemics.───疾病在全世界范围内传播时期称为大流行.

By then Whitman's fame had spread around the world.───那时,惠特曼已经名扬全世界.

If that happened, a deadly pandemic could quickly spread around the world.───如果那真的发生的话, 一场致命的瘟疫将会在全世界迅速传播.

Much the damage happened in the San Joaquin Valley, but it was spread around the state.───大部分的损失都是在桑河加几因流域, 但也波及了周边.

The H 1 N 1 flu virus that has spread around the world is especially risky for pregnant women.───H1N1型病毒已经在全世界传播,它尤其能使孕妇陷入困境.

Ball games, for example, have spread around the world.───例如, 球类运动已经在世界各地传播开了.

Ball games have spread around the world.───球类运动已经在世界各地传播开了.

It'spread around the globe at an alarming rate and killed more than 50 million people.───它以惊人的速度蔓延全球,并夺走了约五千万人的性命.

By now the effort to control light pollution has spread around the globe.───现在,对于控制灯光污染的努力已经延伸至全球各地.


A number of support centres are spread around and between them is the support network.

Thus the dark matter would be spread around in a way that mimicked but exaggerated the initial fluctuations.

Teddy glanced at papers spread around the office.

Another five reluctant paired birds took off as the panic spread around the pond.

He looked at their camp mess spread around the hearth.

As she speaks we see a Masai market. Spread around are hundreds of Masai men and women.

The wave power is not spread around the surface of a sphere, but around the periphery of a circle.

The masterbatch of production has good of spread around, high of chroma, small of chromatism, quality tranquilization and so on characteristics, has famous of craft brother.

After all, spread around, that's what it would buy.

  • spread through
  • spreadsheet compare
  • spread offense
  • spreadsheet modeling
  • spread the word
  • spread around




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