

词汇 in the long term
释义 in the long term
in the long term发音




the long term───长期

over the long term───长期以来

in the short term───从短期来看;就眼前来说

in the long haul───在长时期中

in the long run───长远;终究

in the interim───在其间

in the altogether───一丝不挂的;裸体


The agreement should have very positive results in the long term.───从长远来看,这个协议将会产生非常积极的影响。

In the long term, barcoding enthusiasts envisage something called a " barcoder ".───长期来看, 条码狂热者正设计一种 “ 条码机 ”.

Whether Saab will survive in the long term is less clear.───在长期,萨博汽车能否幸存下来还不明朗.

Or do we be stuck on benefit in the long term?───或者我们要长期迷恋利益 吗 ?

In the long - term , however, the significance of wanes considerably.───从 长远 来看, 无论如何, 表象的作用在很大程度上减少.

Organic fertilizers will have very positive results in the long term.───有机肥料从长远来看将产生非常积极的效果。

You could only really tell the effects of the disease in the long term, and five years wasn't long enough.───这种疾病的影响只有在长期内才能真正看清楚,而5年是不够长的。

This is all well and good, but we have to look at the situation in the long term.───这样固然很好,但我们必须从长远的角度来看待这一情形。

There have been peaks and troughs in the long-term trend of unemployment.───长期以来失业率一直时起时伏。

Some anti - convulsant drugs are used in the long - term treatment of epileptics.───有些 抗 惊厥的药物, 长期 使用来治疗癫痫.

In the long term, it lies in science and technology.───从长远来看, 问题的答案在于现代科技.

But whether the president will in the long term is another matter.───不过,总统是否将长期坚持则是另一回事.

It can't be strategic advantage over its competitors in the long term.───它不能成为最终的战略竞争优势.

In the long term , as every economist knows, inflation brings devaluation.───然而, 就像所有经济学家所熟知的,从长远来看, 膨胀必然会带来贬值.

There are still plenty of believers in the long - term commodity case.───现在仍旧有很多人对 长期 商品市场报有很强的信心.

In the long term, I am optimistic about China's consumption growth.───从长远来看, 我对中国消费增长持乐观态度.

It does harms to u in the long term.───长期来说,这样是很不好的.

In the long term the company hopes to open in Moscow and other major cities.───从长远来看,该公司希望能在莫斯科和其它主要城市开展业务。


In the long term, our efforts will pay off.

Getting some qualifications now will pay dividends in the long term.

In the long term , alcohol causes high blood pressure.

In the long term, violence begets violence.

But in the long term the Daim resignation demonstrates again the failure of Mahathir to accept a potential rival.

The agreement should have very positive results in the long term.

In the long term, we want to see a united Ireland achieved by consensus and without violence.

In the long term the company hopes to open in Moscow and other major cities.

In the long term, Mr Heseltine said that privatisation was the only hope for the industry.

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