

词汇 in position
释义 in position
in position发音



in a position───处于…状态

in opposition───反对


to position───定位




open position───打开位置,传位



It helps to keep the ball link in position.───它有帮于让球的关键态度.

Place the new pump in position and tighten mounting bolts.───使水泵就位,拧紧装配螺栓.

One of the cups is out of position. Put it back in position.───有只杯子位置不对, 把它放在适当的位置.

Is everybody in position ?───都就位了吗?

The two teams are in position, ready to face off.───两个队都已各就各位, 准备开始比赛.

The orchestra were all in position, waiting for the conductor.───管弦乐队队员都已各就各位, 等待着指挥.

She's not in position to decide.───她作不了主.

Is everything in position for the photograph?───挂照片的东西都放好了 吗 ?

Put the chair back in position.───把椅子放回原处.

Each stone had to be moved by hand and in position.───每块石头都得用手搬放到它的位置上.

The big sail won't stay in position unless you trice it up.───这张大帆除非用绳子拉起并缚牢才能固定好.

Sometimes the cannon is fixed in position, and other times you have to use the force of firing it to push it into a spot where you can hit the ball.───有时大炮是固定的位置,其他时候你必须使用发射它的力量把它推到一个你可以击中球的点。

Movement is defined as the change in position or place.───运动的定义是位置或地方的改变.

The wood is held in position by a clamp.───这木头用夹钳固定住了。

He fixed the picture in position with a nail.───他用钉子把那幅画固定好.

The troops would stay in position to squash the first murmur of trouble.───部队将继续原地驻扎,一有骚乱迹象就立即镇压。

The rig is moored in position.───这种钻机的位置是锚定的.

The outer coil needs holding in position very carefully by means of a harness.───要使用一套定位夹具来精心地使外线圈保持在正确的位置上.


Fix the frame in position and tighten the screws .

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