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词汇 in case of
释义 in case of
in case of发音

万一,如果; 防备



a case of───……的案例;……的情况

in face of───面对…,不顾…;纵然

main cause of───主要原因

(in) care of───(在)照管

in charge of───负责;主管

in course of───正在…过程中

in place of───代替

in case of sth───万一发生某事

in aid of───用以援助…之用


For use only in case of fire!───只供火警时用!

Roden had already constructed a rude cabin for himself and his family in case of necessity.───罗登已为自己和家人搭好了一个简陋的小木屋,以备不时之需。

In case of urgency, call the police.───一旦发生紧急情况, 打电话给警察.

You'd better have two strings to your bow, just in case of emergency.───你最好有两手准备, 以防万一.

She had had the foresight to prepare herself financially in case of an accident.───她有先见之明,经济上作了准备以防万一发生事故。

a device to immobilize the car engine in case of theft───遇到有人盗车时使汽车引擎发动不了的装置

In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.───当发生歧意时,应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.

Allied troops begin maneuvers tomorrow to show how quickly forces could be mobilized in case of a new invasion.───盟军明日演习,来展示一旦发生新的入侵,其集结速度之快。

In case of emergency, please off electricity.───如果发生紧急情况, 请切断电路.

Many shops along the route have been boarded up in case of trouble.───沿途很多商店的门窗都用木板封上了,以防不测。

We were supplied with rubber plugs to stop our ears in case of explosions.───我们发了橡皮塞,以便万一发生爆炸时塞住耳朵.

All exits must be kept clear in case of fire or a bomb scare.───所有出口必须保持畅通,以防有火灾或炸弹威吓发生。

In case of fire , walk quickly to the nearest door.───如果失火, 就赶快朝最近的门跑.

In case of danger, raise the electric alarm.───如果有危险, 就拉响电动警报器.

They're both asleep upstairs, but you don't mind listening just in case of trouble, do you?───他们都在楼上睡着了,但你不介意留神听着点以防万一吧?

The wall was built along the river in case of floods.───沿河筑了防护墙以防洪水.

IN case of eye contact , rinse with plenty of water and see an eye surgeon.───如本产品进入眼睛, 请马上用大量清水清洗并再看医生.

In case of serious illness , the patient asks for more doctors.───急病请三医.

You can count on me to help in case of difficulty.───设有困难,当助一臂之力.

safer to take more money with you in case of emergency.───多带点钱保险些,以防急用。

Take a spare tire along in case of need.───带个备用轮胎去,以备不时之需.

He has just installed a safety device for his car in case of break failure.───他的车刚装了预防刹车失灵的保险装置.

The hospital has an auxiliary power system in case of blackout.───这家医院装有备用发电系统以防灯火管制.

Properly press the packing gland bit wear and replace it in case of too much wear.───填料磨损时可适当压紧填料压盖,若磨损过多应予更换.

Put the bottle in a plastic bag in case of spillage.───把瓶子装在塑料袋里,以免洒得到处都是。

In case of diabetes, physicians advise against the use of sugar.───对于糖尿病患者, 医生告诫他们不要吃糖.

In case of rain the mass meeting will be postponed till the first fine day.───大会遇雨顺延.

In case of difficulty, just call on me.───如有困难, 找我好了.

Blood becomes stickier to help coagulation in case of a cut.───切伤时,血液会变得很黏以帮助血凝固。

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