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The city's newspapers still attempt to get down to the nitty gritty of investigative journalism.───该市报纸仍在试图厘清调查性新闻的实质。
He calls himself a historian, but his books are a mere journalism.───他自称为历史学家, 但是他的书都是些肤浅的通俗作品.
He launched into a verbal assault on tabloid journalism.───他口头对小报新闻进行了抨击.
In journalism, timeliness and accuracy should be equally important.───在新闻杂志业中, 及时与准确应该同等重要.
The club is planning a public debate on "This house believes that journalism has not gained from the introduction of new technology".───该俱乐部拟就“我方辩手认为新闻报道并没有从新技术中获益”一题进行一次公开辩论。
Many magazine use yellow journalism to sell copy.───许多杂志用哗众取宠办报作风来增加销售量.
Quote: There was a lot of tabloid journalism about my supposed sex addiction.───个人名言: 有很多小报都在报道我,说我沉迷于性事.
The paper has earned respect for its investigative journalism.───这份报纸的调查性新闻报道为其赢得了尊敬。
He began a career in journalism, working for the North London Press Group.───他开始从事新闻工作,为北伦敦报业集团工作。
Require a University degree , major in Public Relations or Journalism preferred.───大学本科, 公共关系或新闻专业优先.
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- yellow journalism
- mouthfuls journalism
- commercialism and journalism
- advocacy journalism
- mournful decline of journalism
- citizen journalism
- print journalism
- broadcast journalism