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词汇 抦揸用英语怎么说
释义 抦揸用英语怎么说

To be aware of


抦揸───To be aware of


They both smiled; neither seemed likely to be aware of my absence for long.───他们两个人都笑了,看来都没意识到我离开了很长时间。

As with many technological revolutions, you are unlikely to be aware of it.───正如很多技术革命一样,你不太可能意识到它。

students need to be aware of the importance of collocation.───的学生必须意识到词语搭配的重要性。

Her instructor told students to be aware of exits that were away from the main entrance in case of trouble, she said.───她说,她的导师告诉学校,要时刻留意发生危险正门无法使用时的侧门逃生路线,

Subconscious is a state of awareness and the operation of the subconscious is not easy to be aware of.───潜意识是意识的一种状态,潜意识的运作是不易被人察觉的,人的言行举止大部分由潜意识所主宰。

This is a very interesting point: the mind refuses to see things directly, to be aware of itself without the word and the symbol.───这点非常有趣:头脑拒绝直接看到事物,不带语言和符号地觉察它自己。


He doesn't seem to be aware of the problems.

It is important to be aware of the level of formality required at any social function.

As time went on,people came to be aware of the seriousness of China's population.

In the silence everyone seemed to be aware of listening ears.

This helps you to be aware of time and concentrates your mind on the immediate task.

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