

词汇 here is on
释义 here is on
here is on发音



there is no───没有

the heat is on───暖气开了

there it is───这些是

where it's at───事情的核心所在

cheers on───鼓励,为某人打气

harps on───喋喋不休

here sb is───某人来了


The focus here is on two-way collaboration between the organization and targeted participants, and also on communication between participants.───这个阶段的关注点是组织和目标参与者之间的双向协作,以及参与者之间的沟通。

emphasis here is on "popular".───这里强调是“风靡”。

Instead, the focus here is on family, feelings and the often unknowable future that we have to plan for nevertheless.───相反,本文的重点是家庭、感受以及往往不可知而我们又不得不计划的未来。

This is not a question of complete denial, "the emphasis here is on finding a place between too little control and too much" .───可是这里的问题不在于是不是完全否认这种观点,“关键是在自控过度与自控不足之间能不能找到一个平衡点。”

But unlike the kit used for most medical procedures, everything here is on a supersized scale.───但不同于大多数医疗过程中的装置,这里的所有的器械都是超大号的。

As for three cases on Pope thing is you can know, but here is on the scope of the Pope's, and I belong Pope door is green month Pope.───至于三宗的事情不是你能知道的,而这里是碧月宗的范围,而我所属的宗门正是碧月宗。

This article is not about these types of films as the focus here is on professional, legitimate porn producers.───在这片文章里不讨论这些电影,而是把焦点放在职业的、合法的色情电影生产商身上。

Further, while some rules are generally applicable, the focus here is on promotion in an academic setting.───进一步地,虽然一些规则是普遍适用的,这里集中于在一个学术环境中的晋升。

" The emphasis here is on the word " quick.───这里强调的是「爱」。


The emphasis here is on securing the compliance of the subordinate through direction and control.

For many reasons, but the focus here is on the economic factors involved in commitment to family.

The main onus here is on China.

Seen here is on colonoscopy are views of hemorrhoids at the anorectal junction.

Our focus here is on the use of competition policy to achieve the same ends.

The emphasis here is on developing the front deltoid - excellent for martial artists.

The emphasis here is on hard work, not enjoyment.

The emphasis here is on the individual's capacity to understand and interpret what other individuals mean by their social actions.

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  • here is to never




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