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词汇 high
释义 highUK:*/ˈhaɪ/US:/haɪ/ ,(hī)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 high adj (in height)高的That wall is eight feet high.那堵墙有八英尺高。usage: ‘high’You use high to describe things which measure a larger distance than usual from the bottom to the top. For example, you talk about a high hill or a high fence....the high mountains of northern Japan....the high walls of the prison. high adj (tall)高的;有高度的It is a high wall.这是堵高墙。 high adj (volume: loud) (音量)高的,大的The music is too high. Turn it down!音乐音量太高了。关小一点! high adj (music: acute in pitch)高音的The singer struggled to hit the high notes. high adj figurative, informal (intoxicated by drugs) (吸毒后)非常兴奋的,神魂颠倒的Joe's behaviour is so weird; I think he might be high.乔举止怪异,我觉得他可能磕嗨了。 high n (setting: maximum) (装置的速度、高度、温度等的)高档Put the heat on high so we can warm up faster.把暖气调到高点,这样我们可以暖和得快点。 high on [sth] adj + prep figurative, informal (intoxicated by a drug) (吸毒后)感觉飘飘然的,感觉很嗨的Danny was high on marijuana at the time and didn't notice anything.当时丹尼刚吸了大麻正嗨着,什么都没有注意到。 high n figurative, informal (intoxication)陶醉The high that an addict gets from cocaine does not last long.成瘾者从可卡因中获得的快感不会持续很久。 high n figurative, informal (elation)兴奋No other feeling compares to the high I get from skydiving.没有什么感觉能与跳伞带给我的兴奋感相提并论。 其他翻译 high adj (quality: good)高质量的;高品质的CDs have very high quality recordings. high adj (quantity: lots)数量大的;数值高的The number of rats in this city is very high. high adj (price: expensive)昂贵的;价格高的The price is too high, don't you think?价格太高了,你不觉得吗? high adj (lofty)高尚的;崇高的He has high goals for his dictionary project.对自己的词典项目,他有着远大的目标。 high adj (important)重要的;职位高的People usually did what the high official wanted.人们通常都会唯高官之命是从。 high adj (wind: strong)强烈的;猛烈的The high winds blew over the tent.狂风吹走了帐篷。 high adj (fever: elevated) (指热度)高热的,高温的Her fever was high - over a hundred and three degrees Fahrenheit.她的温度很高,超过了103华氏度。 high adj (sports: over) (体育运动,球)(踢、投)高了的,高过球门的,过高的The kick was high and went over the goal.球踢得太高,从球门上方飞了过去。 high adj (advanced)高水平的;高等的He communicated easily because of his high level of Spanish.他西班牙语水平很高,交流起来很轻松。 high adj (music: above desired pitch)音调高的;尖声的That piano is high; you should have it tuned.那架钢琴音太高了,你该找人来调调。 high adj (principal)最重要的;最主要的He was the High Commissioner of Jamaica.他是牙买加高级专员。 high adj (grave, serious)严肃的;严重的The traitor was convicted of high treason.那名叛国者被判定为犯有严重叛国罪。 high adj (extravagant)奢侈的;奢华的After winning the lottery, they lived the high life till they ran out of money.他们赢了彩票后,生活奢侈,直到把钱全部花光。 high adj UK, informal (intoxicated) (口语)亢奋的,极度兴奋的This music makes me feel really high. high adj (remote)内陆高原的I often used to walk on the high plains.我以前常常在高原上散步。 high adj (of extreme opinions)极端的;过激的;偏激的备注: This sense often refers to religious views.We suspect the vicar of having high church leanings.我们怀疑那个牧师有极端的宗教倾向。 high adj (automotive: performance) (指汽车)高性能的,高水准的This is a really high performance car.这辆车性能真的很好。 high adj (gear ratio) (变速档)高的,高速档的Many sports cars are geared high to make them faster.很多跑车的档位都调在高位,这样速度更快。 high adj (baseball: pitch above the chest) (棒球术语)高球的The high pitch was above the strike zone.那一记高球从好球带上空飞过。 high adj (cards) (纸牌术语,指分值等)高的When we play, ace is high.我们玩的时候,老A的点数很高。 high adj (level: elevated) (水平、层次等)高的,高深的Kevin's chess-playing skills reached a high level.凯文下象棋的技巧已经到了一个很高的水平。 high adv (at a high level)高高地They hiked high in the mountains.他们在山林的高处徒步。 high adv (with a high rank)位居高职地;位居要职地He rose high in the ranks of the army.他在部队上升到了高位。 high adv (at a high price)以高价;在高价位上Unfortunately, she bought high, and then the stock went down.不幸的是,她高价买进后,那支股票就跌了。 high adv (to a high degree)高;高地;升高地Her fever ran high for three days before she recovered.她高烧了三天才退烧。 high n informal (with name of school: high school)高中My old school was St Thomas High. 复合形式: aim high vi + adv (try to hit a high target)瞄准高处You have to aim high when you shoot baskets. aim high vi + adv figurative (aspire to do well)设置远大目标;有雄心;有野心Jerry needs to aim high if he wants to get grades that are good enough to do Medicine at university. career high n (greatest work achievement)职业生涯最高峰,职业生涯最高点 come hell or high water adv (whatever the difficulties)无论遇见什么困难;不论上刀山下火海Come hell or high water, I am going to finish this marathon. fly high v expr figurative (be successful) (比喻义)展翅高飞 from on high expr literary (from the sky, from a high position)从天上传来;来自青冥长天A great rumbling came from on high, and the sea began to part.天上传来隆隆巨响,大海开始分开。 from on high expr figurative (hierarchy: from a superior)来自高层地, 来自上层地 get high vi + adj figurative, slang (take drugs)(因为毒品等刺激)兴奋;飘飘然You can get high by sniffing glue, but it's quite likely to kill you. get high on [sth] v expr figurative, slang (take drugs) (指服用毒品后)飘飘然,兴奋Aaron got high on crack cocaine. get off your high horse v expr figurative, informal (stop acting morally superior)别那么趾高气扬 get on your high horse v expr figurative, informal (act morally superior)态度傲慢;目空一切I know you think I'm wrong but there's no need to get on your high horse about it. H.S. n written, abbreviation (high school)高中 have friends in high places v expr figurative (have influential contacts)有位高权重的朋友;上面有人She got the job because she has friends in high places. HDTV n initialism (high-definition television)高清电视 HF n initialism (high frequency)高频 HF n as adj initialism (high frequency)高频的 high above adv (way up in the air)高空I've never actually seen the Grand Canyon up close, I've only seen it from high above in an airplane. high above prep (much higher than)…上方,高于… high achiever n (successful person)取得杰出成就的人 high and dry adj figurative (person: abandoned) (人)被抛弃的,无依无靠的,孤立无援的,孤独无助的When he left her, she found herself high and dry with no income and nowhere to live. high and low adv (all over the place, everywhere)到处;处处I searched high and low for my glasses but couldn't find them. high and mighty, high-and-mighty adj (self-important, arrogant)自以为是的;自高自大的;趾高气昂的He's been acting high and mighty since his promotion. high beam n (headlights: bright setting)远光灯 high beam, high-beam n as adj (headlights: on bright setting)远光灯的 high beams npl (vehicle's strongest headlights) (车辆的)远光灯Make sure not to use your high beams when driving through fog. high birth n (nobility, noble lineage)出身好;出身贵族;出身名门Until quite recently a high birth would bestow one with many elite privileges, though not always great wealth. high blood pressure n (medicine: hypertension) (医学)高血压Exercise and diet are the best way to control high blood pressure. high chair, highchair n (child's tall chair) (小孩吃饭时用的)高脚椅The restaurant provided a highchair for my 3-year-old son. high class, high-class adj (refined, of top quality)高级的;高端的;高档的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective comes before the noun it modifies.Be well-dressed when you go to that restaurant, it's a high-class place! high comedy n (sophisticated form of comedy) (喜剧的一种形式)高雅喜剧, 主题严肃或含义深长的喜剧High comedy avoids the burlesque, slapstick and representations of low-life's that are apparent in low comedy. high command n (military: highest authority)最高指挥层 high command n (military: highest headquarters)最高指挥部 high commissioner n (ambassador, foreign representative) (尤指英联邦各国间的大使级外交代表)高级专员,特派专员I need a letter from the High Commissioner in order to apply for residency. high-cost n as adj (expensive)高成本的;昂贵的 High Court n UK (law: High Court of Justice) (英国)高等司法院,高等法院 High Court n Aus (law: highest court of appeal) (澳大利亚)最高上诉法院 High Court n NZ (law: lower than Court of Appeal) (新西兰)高等法院 High Court n Scotland (law: High Court of Justiciary) (苏格兰)高等法院 high court n often capitalized (law: country's highest court)最高法院;高等法院We disagree with the judge's verdict and will appeal to the High Court. high culture n (highbrow artforms)高内涵文化; (比喻)阳春白雪One does not expect the masses to appreciate high culture. high day n (holy or festival day)大日子;节日;假日 high definition n (images: sharp detail) (照片)高保真 high definition, high-definition n as adj (images: sharp, detailed)高保真的;高清的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. high end n (expensive range)高端;高级;昂贵It's a nice handbag, but it's on the high end.这手提包真好看,不过太昂贵了。 high expectations npl (strong ambitions for [sth/sb])高期望值Cameron's parents have high expectations for his future. high explosive n (violently-reactive substance)高性能炸药;烈性炸药The car bomb contained 20kg of high explosive. high fashion n (designer clothing)顶级新潮,风尚标;仅供少数名流的时装等设计The designer is one of the biggest names in high fashion. high fever n (extremely elevated temperature)高烧She had such a high fever that we took her to the emergency room. high fidelity n (high-quality sound reproduction) (声音)高保真,高真实性备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective that precedes a noun. high fidelity, high-fidelity n as adj (sound reproduction: high quality)高保真的Before stereo was invented, people were excited to have "high-fidelity" systems in their homes. high five n informal (hand-slapping gesture) (非正式用语)击掌Great job on the playing field! Give me a high five!在赛场上表现得很好!来击个掌! high-five [sb] vtr informal (give hand-slap)与...击掌The player high-fived his teammates after scoring a goal.那名球员进球后与队友击掌庆祝。 high frequency n (radio waves: 3-30 MHz) (无线电波)高频 into high gear expr figurative (working quickly and hard)全力奋斗;全速运转 high gloss, high gloss paint n (shiny paint)超光泽I'd like high gloss paint for the window trim in my living room. high grade n (metal: density)高品位金属 high heels npl (raised heels on shoes)(鞋上的)高跟Shoes with high heels are fashionable but bad for your feet.带着高跟的鞋子很时尚,不过对你的脚部很不好。 high heels npl (shoes with raised heels)高跟鞋Wearing high heels can cause long-term foot problems.Audrey is going shopping for a pair of high heels to go with her dress for the party.穿高跟鞋会导致长期的脚部问题。 // 奥黛丽要去购物买一双搭配她派对长裙的高跟鞋。 high hopes npl (great expectations)很高的希望;高期许Melissa has high hopes concerning her new job and its opportunites for advancement. on your high horse expr (displaying haughty attitude)傲慢;摆臭架子I see Irene's on her high horse again. high ideals npl (idealistic outlook)崇高的理想I had high ideals when I was a student but am more realistic now. high income n (large earnings)高收入You need a high income in order to live in central London. high-income n as adj (with a higher than average income)高收入的High-income taxpayers no longer receive child benefit. high jinks npl (playful activity, boisterousness)喧闹的玩乐;狂欢作乐As soon as I leave the house my dogs begin their usual high jinks: barking, scratching, and chewing on the rug. high jump n (sport: jumping over a high bar) (运动项目)跳高Britain won an Olympic gold medal in the high jump. high jumper n (sportsperson who jumps over a high bar)跳高运动员I would love to be a high-jumper but am not tall enough. high key n (light tones)高色调备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun high key, high-key n as adj (light toned)高色调的 High Mass n (Roman Catholic church service)大弥散The family attends High Mass every Sunday. high net worth n (possession of valuable assets)高净值 high net worth, high-net-worth n as adj (company, individual: wealthy) (公司、个人)高净值的 high noon n (midday)正午时分;正午At high noon, the sun is directly overhead; you can't see your shadow at the equator. high noon n figurative (culmination)巅峰, 顶峰 high noon n figurative (critical point)决定性时刻, 关键时刻 high note n (high-pitched musical note)高音He always hits the high notes. high note n figurative (successful or positive point in time) (比喻)高音;巅峰 be high on [sth] v expr informal (be enthusiastic, optimistic about)对...很乐观;对...很热情 high paying, high-paying adj (well remunerated)高薪资的;高报酬的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounHigh-paying jobs are not common in the public sector. high performer n ([sb] or [sth] successful)表现优异的人;突出的事 high performer n ([sb] or [sth] very productive.)效率高的人或事 high pitch n (music: high-scale frequency) (音乐)高音A dog whistle sounds at such a high pitch, that humans can't hear it -- but dogs can. high pitch n figurative (great intensity) (情绪等)高涨The excitement reached a high pitch when the home team scored a goal.主队进了一球后,全场气氛高涨。 high pitched, high-pitched adj (sound: having a high frequency)气氛紧张的,高调的;快速的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounHe startled her, and she let out a high-pitched squeal. high place n (religion: place of worship) (宗教)神坛;祭坛 high places npl (biblical: places of worship) (圣经)高处的神殿(祭坛)People who didn't worship the Jewish God often worshipped their many deities at local high places. high point n (greatest moment)最精彩的时刻;最佳状态The high point of my holiday was the whale-watching trip. high pressure n (intense or stressful situation)高压力;高度紧张She has been working under high pressure to pass her exams. high pressure n (oppressive weather conditions) (天气)高气压An area of high pressure is building over the Atlantic.一个高气压区正在大西洋上空形成。 high-pressure n as adj (stressful)压力大的She has a high-pressure job. high prices npl (great costs)高价;价格太高High prices are bad news for consumers. high price n figurative (great cost)高价;价格太高We won the battle, but we paid such a high price in human lives, I wonder if it was worth it. high price tag n figurative (great cost, expense)高标价;代价太高His rise to fame came with a high price tag; his wife and children left him. high priest n (religion: head priest) (宗教)主教,大祭司The high priest himself conducted the ritual sacrifice at the alter. high priest n figurative (leading figure)领军人物,头面人物,权威Sir Isaac Newton was once called the high priest of science. high principles npl (strong moral code, ethical ideas)高尚的情操;高的道德标准She would never lie or cheat because she has very high principles. high profile n (public prominence)引人注目;受公众关注He's able to maintain his high profile thanks to a lot of TV work. high quality n (excellence)高品质;优质备注: hyphen used when the term is before a nounThe company guarantees a high quality of service. high quality, high-quality adj (excellent)高品质的;优质的Businesses must produce high-quality goods to be competitive in international markets. high rank n (military: high position) (军队)高军衔,高地位 high rank n (favourable rating)高等级 high regard n (great esteem, respect)尊重,敬重the High Renaissance n (16th-century Italian art movement) (十六世纪意大利文化运动)文艺复兴时期兴盛期high road n figurative (morally superior approach)高姿态high roller n US (gambler who bets high sums) (喜欢下高赌注的)豪赌客high school n US (education: grades 9 or 10 to 12)高中The high school has a new French teacher.这所高中新来了一位法语老师。highschool, high-school n as adj US (of school for grades 9 or 10 to 12)高中的The local high school football team beat the visitors.当地高中足球队击败了客队。high school n UK, regional (education: ages 11-18)高中I took a gap year between leaving high school and starting my university course.high-school n as adj UK, regional (of education for ages 11-18)高中的Isla went to high school in Edinburgh.high school graduate n US ([sb]: passed secondary-school)高中毕业生Very few high school graduates are able to speak a foreign language.high schooler, high-schooler n mainly US (student in high school)高中生high schooler, high-schooler n US (teenager)青少年high score n (test, game: good marks) (测试、比赛)高得分;高比分You will need to gain a high score in every section of the test.high sea n often plural (open waters)外海high sea n often plural (ocean beyond territorial waters)公海high seas npl (seas beyond territorial waters)公海备注: Sometimes used with a singular verbPiracy on the high seas is beyond the control of any one nation.high season n (period of greatest activity)(旅游)旺季In most of Thailand, high season starts in November and lasts until January.high society n (social class)上流社会high-society adj (relating to high social classes)上流社会的high speed n (great velocity)高速high-speed n as adj (chase: very fast)快速的high-speed n as adj (Internet, broadband: acting quickly)网速快的high spirits npl (lively or boisterous mood)兴高采烈;情绪高涨;欢欣快乐You're in high spirits today. What happened, did you win the lottery?high stakes npl (great risk)高风险;大赌注Stock market speculators play for high stakes.high standard of living n (material comfort)高生活水平;高水准的生活high standards npl (expectation of excellence)高标准He's not picky, he just has high standards when looking for a bride.high street, High Street n UK (town's main street)主要街道;大街Roadworks are delaying traffic in the high street.道路施工导致主要街道的交通出现了延误状况。high street, the high street, the High Street n UK, figurative, often capitalized (retail sector)零售业Discount supermarkets offer the lowest prices on the High Street.折扣超市提供最低的零售价格。high-street n as adj UK, figurative (shops, fashion: retail)高街的Models paraded the latest high-street fashions.模特们展示最新的高街时装。high style n (elegance, great flair)高品味,高格调high table UK (college dining table)大学餐桌;高桌high tea n UK (late afternoon meal)傍晚茶high tech, high-tech, hi-tech adj informal (technologically advanced)高科技的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounSome people are scared of high-tech devices.high tech, hi tech, high technology n informal (advanced technology)高科技High tech is one of California's most important industries.high technology n (sophisticated technology)高科技high temperature n (fever)发烧The child's high temperature was of great concern to his mother.high temperature n (highest recorded temperature)最高记录温度;高温high tide n (sea's tide at highest elevation)满潮;高潮high time (appropriate time)该…了;是时候…了high top n usually plural (sneaker that covers ankle)高帮运动鞋high top, high-top n as adj (shoe: covering the ankle) (鞋)高帮的high treason n (betrayal of one's country)叛国罪The spy was convicted of high treason and promptly executed.high up adv (in a high place)在高处Keep all medicines high up so that children cannot reach them.high voice n (voice which is high pitched)高音;尖声;大嗓门The young man's beautiful high voice began to deepen with the onset of puberty.high voltage n (high-power electricity)高电压;高压high-voltage n as adj (electricity: high-power)高电压的high-voltage n as adj figurative (energetic, assertive)精力充沛的high volume n (large quantity)大量high water n (water at greatest elevation)高潮;满潮high wind n (strong wind)大风;狂风high wire n (high tightrope)钢丝;高空绳索high-backed adj (chair, etc.: have a high back) (椅子等)高背的high-ceilinged adj (of a room)天花板高的high-density adj (with high concentration)高密度的high-density adj (with high data storage)高存储密度的high-end n as adj (upmarket or exclusive)高端的,高档的I work at a high-end clothing store; nothing we sell is under $100.high-energy adj (having lots of energy)高能的There is a high-energy atmosphere in the busy newsroom.high-energy adj (needing lots of energy)消耗大量能量的Jane does a high-energy aerobic workout every morning.high-energy adj (providing lots of energy)提供大量能量的These high-energy sports drinks are ideal for athletes.high-flown adj (idea: lofty)高尚的high-flown adj (pretentious)假大空的,浮夸的high-flyer, high-flier n informal, figurative (successful person) (非正式用语)有成功潜力的人The company wants to have as many high-flyers on its staff as possible.那家公司想尽可能多地招募有成功潜力的人。high-flying adj (successful, wealthy)成功的;富有的;有钱的high-flying adj (with lofty goals)有远大抱负的;有很高目标的high-flying adj (aloft, on high)在空中的;在高处的high-frequency n as adj (radio waves: of 3-30 MHz) (无线电波)高频的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounhigh-frequency n as adj (occurring often) (经常出现的)高频的"And" is a high-frequency word in English.high-grade n as adj (metal: dense) (金属)致密的;高密度的high-grade n as adj (superior in quality)优质的, 高级的high-handed, highhanded adj figurative (use of power: unfair, arbitrary)专横的,专制的,高压的Kevin's high-handed demeanor always frustrates me.凯文专横的行为总是让我很受挫。high-handedness n uncountable (unfair, arbitrary use of power)高压手段,高压统治high-hat, hi-hat n (music: set of two cymbals) (音乐)踏钹high-hat n US informal (snobbish person)势利的人; (口语)势利眼high-hat adj US informal (snobbish, disdainful)势利的high-hat vtr US informal (treat someone snobbishly)对…势利high-heel n as adj informal (shoes: having raised heels)高跟的high-heeled adj (shoes: having raised heels) (鞋)高跟的Those high-heeled shoes are beautiful, but they'd be painful on my feet.high-impact adj (stressful to body)高强度的high-impact adj (able to withstand impact)高冲击性high-impact adj figurative (very effective)高效的high-level adj (advanced)高级的;高阶的;先进的high-level language n (computer programming code)高级语言C++ is a high-level language.C++是一门高级语言。high-low n (poker game)高低算牌法high-low n (style of shoe) (高及足踝的)有带皮靴high-low adj (having one high part and low part)高低的high-maintenance, high maintenance adj (needing a lot of attention)难伺候的;高维护的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.This car is a high-maintenance vehicle that requires frequent servicing.high-minded adj (morally principled)道德高尚的;高洁的high-mindedly adv (in a morally principled way)高尚地The CEO spoke high-mindedly about the company's social responsibility.high-mindedness n uncountable (morality, having principles)高尚,崇高high-necked adj (clothing: covering part of the neck)高领的high-octane adj figurative (dynamic, intense)强烈的,充满活力的high-octane adj (petrol: having high octane number) (汽油)高辛烷值的high-performance adj (powerful, top quality)高性能的,高品质的Peter loves high-performance cars.Maria is shopping for a high-performance laptop.high-powered adj (person: highly capable) (人)能力强的,精干的high-powered, highpower adj (device: more powerful than usual) (设备)大功率的high-powered adj (job: influential, powerful) (职位,工作)有影响力的,重要的high-priced adj (having high cost)昂贵的, 高价的high-profile n as adj (prominent publicly)知名度高的,备受瞩目的This lawyer has defended a string of high-profile clients.high-protein adj (food: supplying protein) (食物)高蛋白的,高蛋白质的high-protein diet n (eating proteins while restricting carbohydrates)高蛋白饮食My wife is on a high-protein diet but she refers to it as a low-carb diet.high-ranking adj (near top of range or hierarchy)高级的;高级别的Rita is a high-ranking member of the company.high-rise n (multi-story block: of flats, etc.)高楼大厦,多层建筑A lot of the high-rises that were built in the 1960s have now been demolished.high-rise adj (building: multi-storey) (建筑物)高层的,多层的Kenny lives downtown in a high-rise apartment building.high-risk, high risk adj (very dangerous)高风险的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.Motorcycle racing is a high-risk sport.high-school diploma n US (school-leaving qualification)高中毕业证;高中文凭Many jobs require at least a high school diploma.high-school student, also: high-school pupil (UK, regional) n US, UK regional (pupil: at secondary school)高中生I started studying Spanish (and dating girls) when I was a high-school student.high-scoring adj (achieving good score)高分的Only the highest-scoring students are allowed to join the honors club.high-sounding adj (pretentious)华而不实的;虚夸的high-spec, hi-spec adj (technology: high specification)高规格的high-speed train n (railway train designed to travel very fast)高速火车I can get to Madrid in two hours using the new high-speed train.high-spending adj (spending a lot of money)高消费的high-spirited adj (showing energy, enthusiasm)热情满满的;兴致高的high-stakes n as adj (involving great risk)高风险的This is a high-stakes game, with bets starting at ten dollars.high-stepping adj (walking with legs raised high)高抬腿走路的,抬高脚步走的high-street shop n UK (store on the main street of a town)市中心店铺;商街店铺high-tension n as adj (very suspenseful)高度紧张的high-tension n as adj (wire: carrying high voltage) (电线)高压的high-test adj (gasoline: high-octane) (汽油)高挥发性的,高度挥发性的high-toned adj (having a high pitch)调子高的high-toned adj (dignified)高贵的,有格调的high-toned adj (having high standards, good taste)高级的,优质的high-toned adj disapproving (pretentious)自命不凡的,自负的high-up n US, informal ([sb] in position of power)掌权者;权贵I'm not sure what Maria's job is, exactly, but she's a high-up in the legal system.我不确定玛利亚具体是做什么工作,但是她应该是法律系统的掌权者。high-visibility adj (clothing: fluorescent) (衣服)高反光的,高可见度的Motorway workers must wear high-visibility jackets at all times.high-visibility adj (very conspicuous or well-known)万人瞩目的;瞩目的Her new job as an anchorwoman was a high-visibility position even though the pay was quite low.high-waisted adj (of clothing)高腰的;腰线高的high-water mark n (sea, river: highest level) (河流)高潮线,高潮标度The high-water mark is easy to identify on a beach by a line of debris such as seaweed.high-water mark n figurative (achievement)(成就的)最高峰The end of the second century was the high-water mark of the Roman Empire.high-yield, high yield adj (finance: giving large return) (金融)高收益的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.high-yield, high yield adj (crops: producing bountifully) (作物)高产的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.highborn, also UK: high-born adj (born into the aristocracy)出自名门的;出身高贵的;出身高贵的highlight, high light n figurative, often plural (most important moment) (事件等)最精彩的部分;最重要的时刻The highlight of the trip was the visit to the Eiffel Tower.这次旅行最精彩的部分就是参观艾菲尔铁塔。highly strung, also US: high strung, high-strung adj figurative (person: tense, sensitive)非常敏感的;神经紧张的;容易激动的备注: The hyphen in 'high-strung' is used when the adjective precedes the noun.They balance each other: he's laid back, she's highly strung.highroad, high road n UK (highway, main road)公路;大路;大道highroad, high road n figurative (most ethical position or method)道德制高点highroad, high road n figurative (sure way)十拿九稳的途径;有把握的途径hightail, hightail it, high-tail, high-tail it vi US, informal (run, hurry) (非正式用语)急忙走开,快跑,急行hit the high spots v expr informal (go nightclubbing)过夜生活;去夜店玩hold [sb/sth] in high regard v expr (have great respect for)对…非常器重;对…很重视hold your head high, hold your head up high v expr figurative (be proud) (表示自信和骄傲)昂首挺胸;扬起头Even though our team lost, they played well, so they can hold their heads up high.horizontal bar, high bar n (gymnastic event) (体操项目)单杠hunt high and low vi (search everywhere)四处寻找I hunted high and low for my keys, but they were nowhere to be high esteem adv (with great respect)尊敬地;敬重地;怀有崇高敬意地Many people round the world hold Queen Elizabeth II in high high spirits adj (boisterous, lively)兴高采烈的;神采奕奕的;神采奕奕的The children are in high spirits today because it's the end of the school term.It's high time expr informal (urgency) (表示不能再拖延了)是必须做…的时候了It's high time I went to the doctor; I've postponed it four times.It's high time you found a job.junior high n US (lower secondary school) (美国)初中The transition from junior high to high school can be tough for some kids.junior high school n US (lower secondary)初级中学Karen is in her third year at junior high school.knee-high adj (reaching height of knees)高及膝盖的knee-length, US: knee-high adj (up to the knee)及膝的She wore knee-length boots.leave [sb] high and dry v expr often passive (person: abandon)抛弃...leave [sth] high and dry v expr often passive (ship: ground, beach) (船)让…搁浅The fishing boats were left high and dry when the tide went high v expr (live extravagantly)过奢侈放纵的生活;挥霍无度地过日子They lived high while in Thailand because everything was so cheap high on the hog, live high off the hog, eat high off the hog v expr US, figurative (live life of luxury)过奢华生活;享受豪华生活live the high life v expr informal (have a luxurious lifestyle) (非正式用语)奢侈地生活Ever since he won the lottery he's been living the high life.moral high ground n (superior ethical stance)道德高地new high n (unprecedented success)新高峰He had received many accolades during his life, but the Nobel Prize was a new high even for him.on high adv literary (high up)在高处;在高空We gazed up at the plane on high.on the high seas adv (in open waters, at sea)在公海上Many sailors enjoy being on the high a high price v expr figurative (suffer for [sth])付出高昂代价pay a high price for [sth] v expr figurative (suffer for [sth])因...付出高昂代价ridge of high pressure n (weather forecast: elongated area of high atmospheric pressure) (天气预报)高压脊A ridge of high pressure is lying over the country, so it should be fine for the next few days.runner's high (state of euphoria)跑步高潮senior high school n US (secondary, upper)高中Those kids must go to senior high school - they look too old to be in junior, sky high adj figurative (very high) (比喻)极高的; (商品)天价的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.stink to high heaven v expr figurative (smell terrible)臭气冲天;臭不可闻thigh-high boots npl (footwear that goes above the knee)大腿靴,过大腿长靴,长筒靴UHF n initialism (ultra high frequency)超高频UHF n as adj initialism (ultra high frequency)超高频的waist-high adj (same height as waist)齐腰高的waist-high adv (to same height as waist)齐腰高地waist-high adj (person: up to waist in [sth])齐腰的;齐腰高的way up high adv (at a great height)高高地;高高在上地with your head held high expr figurative (showing pride in yourself) (表示自信和骄傲)昂着头;扬着头




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