

词汇 god man
释义 god man
god man发音




God man───n.耶稣基督;戈德曼(姓氏)

God men───神人

ad man───n.广告商;广告撰写员

bad man───歹徒

con man───骗子

end man───一排中最末端的人;滑稽演员

old man───情人;丈夫;老头子;父亲

red man───n.美洲印第安人;n.(Redman)(美、英)雷德曼(人名)

to man───n.托曼(古波斯之金币)


The'Three Kings'created three kinds of living beings: god, man and beast.───各依自己的喜好,创造了神 、 人、兽三种生灵.

Spanish Inquisition charged him with sinning against God and man.───西班牙宗教法庭指控他违背了上帝和人类的律法。

The old man dropped upon his knees and whispered, "God be thanked, thou'rt come again, my master!"───老人跪下来,低声说:“感谢上帝,您回来了,我的主人!”

See those boulders over there! Why God man, I see five miles of boulders leading up to that mountain.───见到那边的砾石!哎呀神人,我见到在那高山之前是满满五英里的砾石。

He affirms and praises god - man, considering goodness and love is the power of misery fates redemption.───他肯定和赞扬“神人”, 认为至善至爱才是人悲惨命运的拯救力量.

In the world of soul and ghost and god , man is not the only life.───在充满灵魂与鬼神的宇宙里, 人并不是世界上唯一的生灵.

The light of the God - man , Jesus Christ, shone and brought into existence goodness, righteousness and holiness.───在主的 儿子 —耶稣基督的光芒下, 仁慈 、 正直和神圣应运而生.

Especially we worship You as the God - man.───我们特别敬拜你是神人.

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