

词汇 garbage men
释义 garbage men
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garbage man───[环境]清洁工



garbage can───n.垃圾桶,垃圾箱


garbage times───无效时间

garbage cans───n.垃圾桶,垃圾箱

garbage time───无效时间



Garbage men don't come at night.───收垃圾的人晚上是不会来的。

NARRATOR: the garbage men were out. So were the ambulances. And if you died, the gravediggers were out, too.───旁白:垃圾工人罢工;救护车罢工;即使你死了,挖墓者也罢工。

Canadian Oxford Dictionary also lists "garbage mitt"—that is supposedly a heavily padded deerskin mitten favored by garbage men.───加拿大牛津词典》也列出了“垃圾手套”——那是一种垫得很厚的鹿皮手套,深受收垃圾的人的喜爱。

I have an apartment, but it's really just a place to store my clothes and old work papers that the garbage men won't even take.───我买了房子,但那真的祗是贮放我衣服和那些连环卫工人都不想拿的旧底稿的地方;我还没钱没房子…

Before the rest of the toys can be put in the attic, they are accidentally thrown away and are picked up by the garbage men.───其他的玩具在被放入阁楼前意外地被丢弃并被捡垃圾的人收走了。

I make less than many of your policemen and garbage men in New York.───我挣的钱比许多警察和垃圾工人少得多。

It's why we think garbage men might be paid more than people who work in parks, OK?───这就是为什么我们认为很可能拾荒者的收入要高于公园的工作人员。

I explain this possibility to the garbage men.───我解释这个可能性的垃圾。

Before they can be put in the attic, they are accidentally thrown away and are picked up by the garbage men.───但就在那之前,他们却被意外地扔掉,之后被垃圾工人运走了。


The garbage men came to clear away the rubbish.

He praised the virtues of volunteerism and made vague mention of garbage men he knows who collect trash as volunteers.

The Canadian Oxford Dictionary also lists garbage mitt—a new one on me—that is supposedly a heavily padded deerskin mitten favoured by garbage men.

  • garbage cans
  • garbage collection service
  • garbage truck
  • garbage men
  • garbage collector
  • garbage pit




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