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词汇 public
释义 publicUK:*/ˈpʌblɪk/US:/ˈpʌblɪk/ ,(pub′lik)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 public n (people in general)公众;大众;民众The public has a right to know.公众有知情权。 public adj (accessible to all)公众的,公共的,大众参与的;公用的,为公众服务的A public meeting is being held.正在举行公众集会。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我用公用电话与父母联系。 public adj (concerning the government)国家的;政府的Keith entered public service.基思进入了政府服务部门。 其他翻译 public adj (open to view, not private)公开的;面向大众的The singer will have a public wedding. public adj (concerning all people)公共的;公众的This work is in the public domain. public adj (having shares on stock exchange)上市的This is a public company. public adj UK (school: private) (英国的一种高端私立中学)公学Their children attend an exclusive public school. public adj US (school: government-funded) (学校)公立的,政府创办的Most Americans attend public schools. public adj (owned by the public)公有的;公共的There are a lot of public parks in my town. 复合形式: become public v expr (come to be known by all)公开;公开化;路人皆知The comedian was afraid that if her sexual orientation became public, her career might suffer. certified public accountant n ([sb] qualified in accounting)注册会计师 CPA n initialism (certified public accountant)注册会计师 Director of Public Prosecutions n (head of criminal prosecution service)检察长;检察官 DPP n initialism (Director of Public Prosecutions)检察官, 检察长 for public consumption adj (intended for the general public)供大众消费The report was not intended for public consumption. general public n (people in general)公众;一般民众;一般民众The park is closed to the general public. go public v expr (business)上市 go public v expr informal (reveal information)公开;公之于众The politician's lover threatened to go public if he didn't pay her half a million pounds. go public with [sth] v expr informal (reveal [sth])将...公之于众;公开 in public adv (openly, overtly, in front of others)公开地;当众I like singing but am very nervous about performing in public. in public view adv (openly)在公共场合地;公开地;众目睽睽之下They were kissing in public view at the station and didn't care if anyone saw them. in the public eye adv (featured prominently in the media)令人瞩目地;聚焦目光地If you're going to be a politician you have to be prepared to live in the public eye. in the public eye adj (prominent, featured in the media)令人瞩目的;聚焦目光的Kate Middleton has been in the public eye since she became engaged to Prince William.与威廉王子订婚后,凯特·米德尔顿就一直备受关注。 make public v expr (publicize, reveal)公开;公布;公之于众Their affair was made public when they were seen together holding hands. nonpublic, non-public adj (private)非公开的;非公共的 notary public, public notary n (witnessing official)公证人;公证员Countries with a legal system based on Napoleonic law utilise notaries public to perform certain functions that solicitors carry out in English law. open to the public adj (that can be visited by anyone)向公众开放的;对外开放的The park is open to the public every summer. PA system n abbreviation (public address system) (public address system的缩写)有线广播系统 PSNCR n UK, initialism (Public Sector Net Cash Requirement)公共部门收支短差备注: Formerly the PSBR. public acclaim n (praise and popularity)大众的好评The museum opened in October last year to much public acclaim. public accountant n (accountant for hire by anyone)公共会计师;会计师 public address n (speech, message to the public)公开演讲;公共广播 public address system n (loudspeaker)扩音系统The lost child was found, thanks to the alert given over the public address system. public administration n (implementation of public policy)公共行政;公共管理 public administration n (field of study)公共管理学 public affairs npl (current events of public interest)公共事务The new television station has 6 hours a day of public affairs programming. public assistance (government financial aid)公共援助;官方救助 public baths npl (swimming pool)公共游泳池Why do children always urinate in public baths? public baths npl (public facilities for bathing)公共浴池;公共浴场;公共澡堂 public company n (shares traded publicly)上市公司;公开招股公司Iconix trades as a public company on the NASDAQ. public convenience n UK, often plural (public toilet)公共厕所;公厕 public debt n (money owed by government)公债;国债Britain must adopt a credible plan to reduce public debt. public defender n US (assigned lawyer)公设辩护人备注: often capitalizedBecause the suspect had no money, the judge appointed a Public Defender to represent him. public demand n (request of many people)公众需求,公众要求,公共需求By public demand, the theatre added extra midnight shows of the popular play. the public domain n (legal status: out of copyright) (不受版权保护)公有领域,公共领域,公众领域 public employee n (law: government worker)公职人员;公务员 public eye n figurative (attention of the general public) (比喻)公众的关注,公众的目光The children of politicians grow up in the public eye. public figure n (person the public knows)公众人物 public funds npl UK (law: government money)公款,公共资金 public good, public benefit n (benefit of all people)公共利益Elected officials are expected to act for the public good, not to benefit themselves. public health n (social schemes to benefit health)公共卫生;公共健康The legislature debated the public health plan proposal last week. public health authority n (maintains public safety and health)公共健康部门;卫生行政部门 public health crisis, health crisis n ([sth] that risks the health of many people)公共卫生危机,公共卫生事件 public health inspector n (inspects cleanliness)公共卫生检查员 public health system n (medical services available to all)公共卫生系统,公共卫生体系Budget cuts severly impacted the public health system last year. public hearing n (law: open to community)公开听证,公开审理 public holiday n (national day off work)公休假日July 4th is a public holiday in the United States. 5th October is a public holiday in some, but not all, states of Australia. public house n UK, formal (drinking establishment)酒吧;客栈 public housing n (government-assisted)公共租赁住房,政府廉租住房 public image n (reputation)公众形象The corruption scandal ruined the public image of all the officials who were involved. public interest n (public's well-being)公共利益 public liability insurance n (against lawsuits)公共责任险 public library (nonprofit library)公共图书馆 public nuisance n (act, thing: anti-social)妨害公众利益A man was arrested earlier this evening on suspicion of creating a public nuisance. public nuisance n (person: anti-social)公害;为众人所讨厌的人Police described Smith as a public nuisance who was often under the influence of drink or drugs. public office n (position in government)公职;政府部门,政府大楼Many good people are reluctant to run for public office because of media scrutiny. public official n (person working for government)公务人员;政府工作人员Police officers are public officials. public opinion n uncountable (views of many people on an issue)舆论,民意 public outcry n (widespread disagreement)公众呼吁;引起公愤 public park n (recreational area of grassland)(对公众开放的)公园You shouldn't litter in a public park.The city planners insisted that some land be set aside for public parks. public policy n (law: social law principles) (法律)公共政策This chapter of the book covers the effect of public policy on business. public profile n (social networking: details visible to all)公开资料Putting a phone number in a public profile on a social network site can be dangerous. public property n ([sth] owned by society)公共财产The streets are public property. Public Prosecution n US (criminal proceedings)公诉The Public Prosecution office refused to charge Sandra with murder, as the evidence was weak. public record n often plural (document open to the public)公共记录;公开文件 public relations npl (PR: relationship with the general public)公共关系 public relations coup n ([sth] that brings good publicity or popularity)公关妙招;公关技巧Finding the lost puppy was a public relations coup for the police department. public relations officer n (manages public image)公关人员;外联人员 public safety n (prevention of accidents and injury)公共安全 public school n UK (private secondary school) (指私立学校)公学 public school n US (publicly-funded school)公立学校Their children attend the public school in their neighborhood. public sector (government administration)公共部门 public servant (person in government job)公仆,公务员;公职人员 public service n (supplying of a service)公共服务 public service n often plural (service provided)公共服务 public service n Aus, NZ (civil service)公众服务;公共服务 public space n (area or venue accessible to everyone)公共空间Parks and beaches are the city's prime public spaces, open to all. public speaker n ([sb] who gives speeches for crowds)公共演说者 public speaking n (making a speech to an audience)公开演说;公众演讲Public speaking is probably the worst of all my fears. public speech n (talk made to an audience)公开言论;公开讲话;公开演讲I have to give a public speech today – that's why I'm feeling so nervous. public spending n (law: money spent by government)公共开支,公共财政支出 public square n (public place, plaza)公共广场There is a public square in the middle of the town. public switched telephone network n (communication network)公用交换电话网;公用电话交换网络 public telephone n (payphone accessible to everyone)公共电话;公用电话Since cellphones have become common, there are fewer public telephones in many cities. public tender n (open bid for business)公开招标Bids to construct the new stadium went out to public tender. public transport n (fare-paying travel)公共交通The snow brought public transport to a halt.大雪中断了公共交通。 public transportation n (means of fare-paying travel)公共交通工具;公交车辆New York City's public transportation system includes both subways and buses. public treasury n (government funds)国库;公库;公共资金The governor was convicted of using funds from the public treasury to pay for vacations. public utility n (type of company)公共事业,公用事业 public utility n usually plural (stock, bond of such a company)公共事业股票债券,公用事业股票债券 public works npl (government-funded construction)公共建设工程 public-facing, public facing adj (role: interacting with public)面向公众的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun. public-opinion poll n (survey of people's views)民意调查;民意测试According to a recent public opinion poll, Americans care more about the economy than about health care reform. public-spirited adj (person: unselfish)有公德心的;热心公益的




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