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词汇 crash
释义 crashUK:*/ˈkræʃ/US:/kræʃ/ ,(krash)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 crash vi (collide with [sth])碰撞;撞击If you drive too fast, you'll crash.开车太快会撞车的。 crash into [sb/sth] vi + prep (collide violently)撞上;撞到A drunk driver crashed into the side of the house. The skier crashed into the other skier.滑雪选手撞上了另外一位滑雪选手。醉驾司机驾车撞到了房子的一侧。 crash [sth] vtr (vehicle: cause to collide)让...撞上Roger crashed his bike and had to retire from the race.罗杰撞坏了自己的单车,不得不退出比赛。 crash [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (vehicle: cause to collide with [sth])使…撞到;使…撞上He crashed his car into a tree.他开车撞到了一棵树。 crash vi (fall, break loudly)坠落;坠毁The clock crashed to the ground when it fell off the wall.大钟从墙上掉下来,坠落到了地上。 crash n (collision)碰撞;撞击The crash made a loud noise.碰撞的声音很大。 crash n (loud noise)巨响They heard a crash in the kitchen.他们听到厨房传来了一声巨响。 crash n (finance: fall) (经济)市场崩溃,行情大跌,行情暴跌The crash of 1929 was one of the worst ever.1929年市场大崩溃是有史以来最为严重的一次。 其他翻译 crash adj informal (course: intense, rapid) (非正式用语)速成的He took a crash course in Spanish before going to Mexico.去墨西哥前他上了西班牙语速成班。 crash n (aviation: violent landing)飞机失事The crash broke the plane in two.飞机坠毁,断成两半。 crash vi (fail suddenly)大跌;狂跌The stock market crashed in 1929.1929年,股市大跌。 crash vi (computer: stop working)死机;系统瘫痪; (计算机)崩溃Windows® crashed again. I need to reboot.Windows®又崩溃了,我得重启。 crash vi figurative, slang (sleep)过夜,留宿He crashed at my house Saturday night. crash vi figurative, slang (fall asleep)(很快地)入睡,睡着I just crashed when I got home, and woke up four hours later. crash against [sth] vi + prep (hit hard)猛撞,猛击Waves crashed against the shore.波涛猛力拍打着海岸。 crash [sth] vtr (knock violently)撞;碰撞They crashed their heads together. crash [sth] vtr (break, smash [sth])摔毁;打碎He crashed the vase against the wall. crash [sth] vtr slang (enter uninvited) (俚语)不请自来That guy wasn't invited. He just crashed the party. 动词短语 crash out vi phrasal (go to sleep quickly)很快睡着The tired toddler crashed out as soon as his mother put him to bed. 复合形式: car crash n (automobile accident)车祸;撞车The driver was killed in the car crash but the passenger survived. computer crash n (computing: system failure)死机My computer crash was caused by a bug in the operating system. crash a party v expr slang (attend uninvited)未经邀请而闯进聚会The hooligans decided to crash a party and cause trouble. crash barrier n UK (safety fence at side of road)防撞护栏 crash cart (emergency cart)救护车;急救车 crash course (intensive course)强化课程;速成课程 crash down vi + adv (collapse, fall)倒下;坍塌After they detonated the explosives, the old bridge crashed down into the ravine. crash helmet n (protective headgear)头盔;安全帽;防护头盔Crash helmets have saved many a motorcyclist's life. crash landing n (aircraft: emergency descent)迫降 crash mat n (safety mattress, foam pad)缓冲垫;泡沫防震垫 crash out of [sth] v expr (competition: lose) (比赛)输掉…It was a surprise to everyone when the favorites crashed out of the World Cup in the first round. crash pad n (safety mattress)缓冲垫,防护垫 crash pad n US: slang (temporary home)临时住处My cousin lives two blocks from here, we can use his place as a crash pad. crash-land vi (make emergency landing)紧急降落 crash-land [sth] vtr (aircraft: land in an emergency)使…紧急降落 plane crash n (aircraft accident)飞机失事;飞机坠毁A stone memorial commemorates the plane crash of 1981. train wreck (US), train crash (UK) n (railroad accident)火车事故




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