

词汇 freezing out
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freaking out───使处于极度兴奋中;崩溃

freezing up───冻结;怯场

freezing point───[物]冰点,[物]凝固点

freezing cold───好冷啊;非常冷

freezing fogs───冻雾

freezing over───vt.冻结;使…凝固;全面结冰

screening out───筛选鉴定(screeningout的现在分词)


It was freezing out there. I think we had such a strong start mainly to keep warm.───这里都要结冰了。我想我们之所以能取得一个非常强势的开局,主要就是因为我们要保暖。

Banks have also been selective in giving loans, which could be freezing out many potential buyers.───银行业在发放贷款方面有所选择,可能排除了许多潜在的贷款人。

It was freezing out there even in his buttoned-up overcoat.───非常冷,即使穿上大衣扣上扣子也不顶事。

The last thing this 14-year-old wants to do is leave a warm bed to see the sun rise. It's freezing out there.───此刻,我这个十四岁的女孩子,最不情愿的就是离开温暖的被窝去看日出了,外面冷飕飕的!

Don't be afraid to be mean but do it discreetly . this means freezing out other people and spreading nasty rumors.───不要介意耍一些小手段但要小心行事。这意味着你要排斥一些人并散播谣言。

He quickly replied, "It's freezing out there, and it's almost 11: 30 P. M. " Smiling, I said, " Then you had better your coat and gloves. "───他立刻惊叫起来:“现在外面天寒地冻的,而且都已经是夜里11:30了啊!”我微笑着说:“那你最好穿上外套,戴上手套吧。”

It's absolutely freezing out. I'd put a coat on if I were you.───外面实在是太冷了,如果我是你我就会穿件外套出门。

you do know that it's alsolutely freezing out, don't you? I'd put a coat on if I were you.───你知道外面很冷,对吧?如果我是你,我就穿件外套。


Can't we go inside? It's freezing out here.

Cryosurgery, freezing out the abnormal cells, does not require any anaesthesia.

Harvard had hoped to retain its No. 1 spot by freezing out competitors from contracting with most of those physicians.

It's absolutely freezing out there!

After years of freezing out cofounder Eduardo Saverin over a dispute about money, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has deigned to recognize his former Harvard buddy.

Focusing on the dive within, change, freezing out negativity.

It was freezing out there even in his buttoned-up overcoat.

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