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词汇 dry eye
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dry ice───[无化]干冰,固态二氧化碳

my eye───我的眼睛

dry cell───[电]干电池

dry heat───干热

dry hole───干钻孔;干井

dry ices───[无化]干冰,固态二氧化碳

dry well───排水井

dry wine───干葡萄酒;白干;淡酒


Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common problems treated eye physicians.───干眼综合征是最常见的眼科疾患之一.

Dry eye commonly affects older adults, especially women.───干眼症一般见于成人, 尤其是女性.

There is not going to be a dry eye from Nashua to Sacramento.───从纳什湖到萨克拉曼多,所有人都将泪眼朦胧.

Results Questionnaire indicated most patients complained about dry eye , foreinbody sensation , asthenopia and red eye.───结果调查问卷中,干眼患者最多的主诉是干涩、异物感 、 视疲劳、眼红.

eye in the house when they announced their engagement.───他们宣布订婚时大伙眼睛全湿啦。

Gonadal hormone disturbance will contribute to dry eye.───多种原因引起的性激素失调可以导致干眼症.

Expanded understanding of the ocular surface and film interaction contributes to the pathophysiology of dry eye.───深入认识眼表与泪膜的关系有助于眼干燥症的病理生理研究.

A dry eye is caused by a disturbance in the tear film overlying the ocular surface.───干眼是由覆盖于眼表的泪膜紊乱所引起的。

When I looked around, there was a dry eye in the family.───我环顾四周, 家人个个都泪水满眶.

Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of artificial tear Yanshukang dry eye.───目的评价眼舒康人工泪液的临床疗效.

Objective: To evaluate the applicability of Conjunctival Impression Cytology ( CIC ) to the diagnosis of dry eye.───摘要目的: 探讨结膜印迹细胞学检查 ( CIC ) 在干眼诊断中的作用.

If so, you may be suffering from dry eye syndrome.───如果是, 你可能患上了干眼症.

To maintain the role of the lacrimal film, you can relieve dry eye.───维持泪腺膜层的作用, 可以舒缓乾眼症.

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common problems treated by eye physicians.───干眼综合症是眼科医师最常诊治的病症之一.

When I looked around, there was not a dry eye in the family.───这时我朝四周看了看,没有干眼在家庭中。

There was not a dry eye in the house.───满座皆泣.


There wasn't a dry eye on the terrace-until somebody's mobile phone went off, anachronistically.

There was hardly a dry eye among us.

There is not going to be a dry eye from Nashua to Sacramento.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Gonadal hormone disturbance will contribute to dry eye.

There was not a dry eye in the house.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement.

Results Questionnaire indicated most patients complained about dry eye , foreinbody sensation , asthenopia and red eye.

There wasn't by a dry eye in the house after Marvin finished his graduation speech.

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