fine weather───n.好天气;晴天
hot weather───热气候
to weather───平安通过;通过岬角的上风侧
cloudy weather───[气象]多云天气;阴天
cooler weather───凉爽的天气
freak weather───反常的天气
bad weather───恶劣的天气
The short days and foul weather conspire to drive Eva into the ground.───短暂的白昼和沉郁的天气勾结到了一块,将伊娃的情绪降到了最低点.
It looks as if we were going to have foul weather.───看上去像是要变天了.
He would wear his old canvas , foul - weather coat and his bibbed overalls.───他穿着旧的帆布衣服, 在糟糕的天气里穿的衣服还有他那一身工装服.
Like most Oregonians Stephanie McRae was used to driving in foul weather.───象大多数俄勒岗州的民众一样,斯蒂芬尼·墨蕾过去也常常在恶劣的天气中驾车.
When foul weather fogged the port, the ships anchored outside.───当恶劣的天气使港口被雾笼罩时,船舶停泊在港口外。
Foul weather recovery strops shall be provided for safety if heavy fall blocks constitute a danger.───如果重型动索滑车构成危险,为了安全应该有供恶劣天气使用的回收环索.
amount of foul weather, whether hail, wind, rain or snow, seems to deter them.───不管天气有多恶劣,哪怕是冰雹、大风、雨还是雪,似乎都阻止不了他们。
The foul weather spoiled our vacation.───恶劣的天气使我们的假期泡汤了.
foul weather spoiled our vacation.───恶劣的天气把我们的假期糟踏了。
When foul weather fogged the port, the ships anchored outside.
Foul weather recovery strops shall be provided for safety if heavy fall blocks constitute a danger.
Always carry foul weather gear when you go out walking.
- foul mood
- foulard def
- foul-mouthed row
- fouled up
- fouling gun
- foulness beneath mulmaster
- foul-mouthed parrots
- foulness synonym
- foulard tie images
- foule madam
- fouling def