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词汇 before
释义 beforeUK:*/bɪˈfɔːr/US:/bɪˈfɔr/ ,(bi fôr′, -fōr′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 before conj (at an earlier time than)在…以前He could drive a car before he learned how to ride a bike. Simon threw the newspaper in the trash before I had a chance to read it.学会骑自行车之前,他就会开车了。 我还没来得及读,西蒙就把报纸扔垃圾桶了。usage: talking about timeIf something happens before a time or event, it happens earlier than that time or event.We arrived just before two o'clock.Before the First World War, farmers used horses instead of tractors.You also use before when you are talking about the past and you want to refer to an earlier period of time. For example, if you are describing events that took place in 2010, you refer to 2009 as ‘the year before’.They had met in Bonn the weekend before.They had forgotten the argument of the night before.You use before last to refer to a period of time that came before the last one of its kind. For example, if today is Wednesday 18th September, you refer to Friday 13th September as ‘last Friday’, and Friday 6th September as ‘the Friday before last’.We met them on a camping holiday the year before last.I have not slept since the night before last. before prep (earlier than) (时间)在…之前You should finish your homework before dinner.你应该在晚饭前完成家庭作业。 before prep (preceding in order) (顺序)在…之前The letter 'b' comes before the letter 'c'.字母 ”b" 在字母 “c" 之前。 before adv (in the past)过去;以前;过往Have you been here before?你以前来过这儿吗? before adv (earlier, sooner)较早;早点I would have written before, but I didn't have your new address.我本该早点给你写信的,但没有你的新地址。 其他翻译 before adv (ahead, in front)在前;先You go before and I'll follow.你走在前,我跟在后。 before conj (rather than)宁愿…也不愿…;宁可…而不愿…I would die before I would criticize her.我宁愿去死也不愿意批评她。 before prep (in front of)在…前面He stood before the crowd and raised his arms.他站在人群前,举起双手。 before prep (awaiting, in future)有待于…去完成She has her whole career before her.她有大好的职涯前景。 before prep (rather than)而不…;(与其…)宁可…Personally, I'd eat pizza before caviar or truffles.就我个人而言,与其吃鱼子酱或者松露,我宁可吃披萨。 before prep (preceding in rank)(等级上)在…之前,在…之上;先于…;优于…Aces come before kings in this game.这个游戏中,A比K大。 before prep formal (in sight of)当着…的面;在…面前They performed an open-air concert before a huge audience.他们当着许多观众表演了一场露天音乐会。 before prep (in the jurisdiction of) (法律)由…审判,提交…,呈现到…前His case was brought before the International Court of Justice.他的案子已经提交至国际法院审理。 before prep (in the face of)面对…;面临He always backs out before a difficult task.在面对艰难险阻时,他总是退缩。 before prep (in the presence of)在…面前Before God I declare that I will always tell the truth.我在上帝面前起誓,我不会说假话。 before prep (without considering)在…前;在将…纳入考虑前Their earnings before tax have doubled this year.今年,他们的税前收入翻了一倍。 动词短语 bow down before [sb] vi phrasal + prep literal (bow in deference to)向…鞠躬It is customary to bow down before the Emperor of Japan. bow down before [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (show deference to)对…表示敬意He is so arrogant that he thinks everyone should bow down before him.他很傲慢,觉得所有人都需要向他表示敬意。 bring [sb] before [sb], bring [sth] before [sb] vtr phrasal sep (take to: court)把…带上法庭受审;提审The Senator was brought before the High Court on charges of racketeering. come before [sth] vtr phrasal insep formal (appear in court)出(庭)The defendant came before the court for sentencing. come before [sb] vtr phrasal insep formal (appear before: magistrate, judge, etc.) (法官等)出庭面对Miller came before the judge two months after pleading guilty to assault. 复合形式: BCE, B.C.E. adv initialism (Before the Common Era)公元前Julius Caesar was born in the year 100 BCE. before an audience adv (in front of people)大庭广众之下;在人们面前I hate speaking before an audience; I get stage fright and stammer over my words. before its time adv (prematurely) (胎儿)早产The baby was born before its time. before its time adv (precociously)过早地;比正常时间提前Parents should not try to force a child to walk before its time. before long adv (soon)不久;在不久的将来Spring should be coming before long.不久,春天就要来了。 before noon adv (in advance of midday)午前I'll take my walk before noon so I'll be home in time for lunch.I hope you can arrive before noon. before now adv (previously)早先;早前;以前Before now, I had never really been in love! before tax adv (before tax is paid)纳税前;税前 before that adv (prior to a given occasion)在那之前I started wearing glasses a couple of years ago; before that I wore contact lenses for 40 years. Before the Common Era expr (Before Christ: non-Christian equivalent)公元前 before the court adv (in front of a tribunal)在法庭上;在法官面前I'm going to testify before the court on Wednesday. before the fact adv (beforehand) (法律)作案前By acting before the fact, a company can save time and money by anticipating problems. before the Flood adv figurative (long ago) (比喻)远古洪荒之前,很久以前 before the judge adv (in court)在法庭上 before the judge adv (in front of a magistrate)在法官面前 before you know it expr informal (rapidly, soon)不知不觉间;很快Christmas will be here before you know it. before your eyes, right before your eyes, before your very eyes adv (right in front of you)就在眼面前;当着…的面His father was murdered right before his eyes. before your time adv informal (before your birth)在你出生前;在你卷入某事之前I remember the day President Kennedy was shot - but that's before your time.我记得肯尼迪总统被枪杀的那天,但是那发生在你出生前。 before your time adv informal (before your involvement)你来之前He used to be Managing Director here, but that was a few years before your time. before-tax adj (profits, etc.: before tax is paid)税前的;未缴税前的 best before [sth] adj + prep (food: fresh until a specified date) (食物)在…前最佳Milk is best before the expiration date. best before expr (warning on food packaging) (食物)保质期;最佳食用期The label on the tin says, "Best before 09.09.2018". best-before date n (expiration)此日期前最佳,最佳食用日期 Blood is thicker than water, Blood before water expr figurative (family relationships are strongest)血浓于水Neil will always support his brother's position on this matter because blood is thicker than water. calm before the storm n figurative (quiet period before [sth] turbulent)暴风雨前的平静;大事件(如动荡等)之前的平静Mary's much too quiet. I fear it's the calm before the storm. cast pearls before swine, cast your pearls before swine v expr figurative (squander [sth] on [sb] who does not value it)明珠暗投;对牛弹琴 come before [sth] vi + prep (precede)出现在…之前The number 2 comes before 3, and 4 comes before 5. come before [sth] vi + prep figurative (be more important than)优先于;比…更重要The welfare of my family comes before anything else. count your chickens, count your chickens before they are hatched expr figurative (rely on [sth] prematurely)过早下定论;打如意算盘备注: Often used with a negative, as a caution: "Don't count your chickens before they are hatched". dangle [sth] in front of [sb], dangle [sth] before [sb] vtr + prep figurative, informal (offer as incentive)拿某物来诱惑某人;用某物来吊某人的胃口Dangle a raise in front of him and see what happens.The boss dangled extra overtime pay before the employees for working on the holiday.用加薪来吊他的胃口,看看会怎样。 // 为了让雇员节假日上班,老板拿额外加班费来诱惑大家。 day before n (previous day)前一天 ever before adv (at any point previously)以前;从前Women are choosing to stay single more than ever before. go before [sth/sb] vi + prep (precede)走在…的前面The travel guides go before the tourist group. go before vi + adv (exist or happen previously)发生(或存在)于过去This discovery eclipses everything that has gone before. go before the bar v expr (appear in court) (法律)上法庭The prosecutor in the Smith case will go before the bar on ethics charges. just before prep (a moment prior to)就在…之前;在…前刚刚I like to have a hot bath just before I go to bed. look before you leap interj figurative (be aware of the risks involved in [sth]) (谚语)三思而后行Thinking of investing in a new business? Look before you leap! old before your time adj (seeming older than actual age)老得快的;看上去老的 once before adv (on one previous occasion)曾经,有一次 Pride comes before a fall expr (it is unwise to be arrogant)骄者必败 put [sth/sb] before [sth/sb] vtr + prep (prioritize more highly than)比...更重视;将...放在比...更优先的地位I will always put my children's welfare before my own desires. put the cart before the horse v expr figurative (act prematurely) (比喻)本末倒置,前后颠倒,不分主次Sara insisted that having sex before marriage was like putting the cart before the horse. right before prep (just prior to)就在刚刚I'll see you right before the big meeting. set [sth] before [sb] vtr + prep (place in front of)置于…之前备注: Often used in the passive.At about 3 months, a baby begins to focus its eyes on objects set before him.He set the plate of cookies before his mother. shortly before adv (just before)前不久;不久前 the day before n (a day earlier, the previous day)前一天 the day before adv (a day earlier, on the previous day)前一天 the day before yesterday n (two days ago)前天The day before yesterday was my birthday. the day before yesterday adv (two days ago)前天I haven't seen him since the day before yesterday. the night before n (previous night or evening)昨天晚上 the night before adv (on the previous night or evening)昨天晚上 the week before n (the previous week)上周;前一周 the week before last n (the week prior to last week)上上周 the week before last adv (in the week prior to last week)上上周的时候 think twice about doing [sth], think twice before doing [sth], think twice before you do [sth] v expr (reconsider prior to doing [sth])三思而后行You should think twice about giving up a steady job to start a PhD.I'd advise you to think twice before you accept this man's proposal; you've only just met him! two days before prep (two days prior to)在…前两天Unfortunately, the hurricane struck two days before their wedding. two days before adv (two days earlier)两天前I was waiting for her when she arrived, having got there two days before.




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