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词汇 prescription glasses
释义 prescription glasses
prescription glasses发音



prescription charges───药费(英国按国民保健法取药时必须付的)

prescription charge───药费(英国按国民保健法取药时必须付的)

prescription pads───处方垫

reception classes───小班(幼儿学校中的)

descriptive clauses───描述性从句

prescription drugs───处方药

prescription pad───处方垫

prescription spectacles───处方眼镜

prescriptive grammars───规定语法


He stands at the gate of Kabul University in a red sweater black jeans and tinted prescription glasses.───他站在喀布尔大学的门口,戴着有色的近视眼镜,穿着红色的毛衣、黑色的牛仔裤。

Many service members and their families still cannot afford adequate eye care necessities like prescription glasses.───许多服务成员和他们的家庭仍然买不起足够的眼部护理用品如处方眼镜。

in some prescription glasses, it has the effect of bending light and can cause double vision or headaches in some wearers.───在透光性上做得十分低劣,因光线透过劣质镜片而光线发生折射,容易造成视觉重影、甚至还有头疼眩晕的迹象。

Park staff mailed out 29 cell phones, nine sets of keys, seven hats, three wallets, a purse and a pair of prescription glasses.───园方员工寄出二十九支手机、九套钥匙、七顶帽子、三个钱包、一个皮包和一对验配的眼镜。

Thee-commerce store that specializes in selling prescription glasses has been selling prescription sunglasses since the store opened.───电子商务商店,专门出售处方眼镜已销售处方太阳镜,因为在商店开门。

Corrective laser surgery, while popular, results for many in improved vision but a continuing need for prescription glasses.───激光矫正手术尽管很受欢迎,但导致许多人虽然视力得到改善,却需要一直佩戴处方眼镜。

For routine work, prescription glasses with tempered lenses or plastic glasses (available in the stockroom) are acceptable.───对日常工作,规定的带有调节透镜的眼镜或者塑料眼睛(仓库里有)是可以的。

Thee-commerce leader in online optical products is offering a large discount on their prescription glasses and sunglasses for Memorial Day.───电子商务在网上提供光学产品的领导者,是对他们的处方眼镜和太阳镜阵亡将士纪念日大折扣。


A clip-on piece for prescription glasses also comes with the laptop.

Some manufacturers are also developing bifocal IOLS, which may eliminate the need in some patients for prescription glasses after surgery.

He recovered in time to motion over one of his elves, who told the girl's mother about the local Lions Club, which helps provide needy children with prescription glasses.

  • prescription medicine




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