尚可; (确保对方同意或理解)如何; 可允许(的); 正确的
all righty───好吧
wall light───[电]壁灯
air right───空间所有权;上空使用权
acre right───(定居者对开垦或所占土地的)优先购买权
air rights───空运法;占有土地上空权
All right, who are you and what are you doing in my office?───喂,你是谁,在我的办公室做什么?
All right, you've got me beaten there . I hand it to you.───好呀, 这回你赢了,我甘拜下风.
Peter, you get half the fees. All right?───彼得,你拿一半报酬。明白吗?
He is all right at present.───现在他没事了.
He was there all right, but his mind was elsewhere.───他人在那儿, 心可想着别的事.
"All right, Mrs Bates," she said. "We'll do it your way."───“好吧,贝茨夫人,”她说,“我们就按你说的办。”
All right, I'll forgive you.───好吧,我愿意原谅你。
All right, don't force him to do It'since he won't.───也罢, 既然他不愿做,就不要勉强他.
He's an all right kind of guy really.───他这个人很不错。
All right, I'll reword my question.───好吧,我换个说法来问这个问题。
"He seems to be all right now," reported a relieved Taylor.───“他现在看上去没事了,”泰勒放心地报告。
Is the coffee all right?───这咖啡还满意吗?
"I'm all right," Max said weakly, but his breathing came in jagged gasps.───“我没事,”马克斯软弱无力地说,但他的呼吸却上气不接下气。
He and his wife seem to rub along all right.───他和他的妻子似乎相处得挺不错.
All right, boys and girls, let's meet again next week.───就这样吧,孩子们,我们下星期再见。
All right, but make It'snappy. The meeting is to begin in a few minutes.───好的, 但要快, 没有几分钟就要开会了.
I can certainly assure you I'm looking after number one all right.───我可以肯定地向你保证,我会照顾好自己的.
"How was school?" — "It was all right."───“在学校还好吗?”——“还可以。”
Are you feeling all right now?───现在你感觉还好吗?
It was perfectly all right, he said, because the police had not suspected him of anything.───他说,什么事都没有,因为警察一点也没有怀疑到他.
These people go together all right.───这些人在一起合得来.
It is basically all right.───大面儿上还过得去.
I squared it with Dan, who said it was all right so long as I was back next Monday morning.───我征得了丹的同意,他说只要我下周一早上能回来就行。
Is it all right?───中不中?
I only came to make sure that everything was all right.───我只是来弄清楚是否一切都无问题.
You may think it's all right for you to shout, but you've woken everybody up.───你这一嚷不要紧, 把大家都吵醒了.
All right, just go ahead.───对, 就这么办.
you feeling all right?───你感觉还好吗?
You are just overtired. There is nothing wrong with you . You'll be all right after a couple days'rest.───你就是太累了,没别的毛病, 休息两天自然会好的.
"All right, I can manage a fiver," McMinn said with reluctance.───麦克明不情愿地说:“好吧,我可以出5镑。”
He treated me all right.───他待我不错.
All right. I'll level with you.
Use hair spray after shaving, all right ?
Are you managing all right in your new job?
All right, all right. I understand.
I'm sorry. --That's all right.
Is it all right to park my car there?
Everything seems to be all right.
Is it all right if I open the window?
Do you feel all right?
- All together
- AllYouthey get home