destined for───驶往;去往
provided for───供养,供给;规定;为…作准备
A possible exception is rifampin, the antibiotic prescribed for tuberculosis.───一种可能的例外是利福平,一种治疗肺结核的抗生素。
Goji interacts with various medications, including those prescribed for heart disease.───枸杞会与许多药物相互反应,其中包括为心脏病开的处方药。
When he stopped taking antibiotics prescribed for another condition, the pains stopped.───当他停止服用针对另外一种病症所开的抗生素时,疼痛立即消失。
carrying with him in his pocket what remained a bottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs. Carlyle's.───衣袋里装上了他妻子不舒服时吃剩下的一瓶药。
Rooibos is often prescribed for nervous tension and mild depression as it makes a relaxing sedative.───Rooibos往往是明紧张和轻度抑郁症,因为这使得放松镇静。
Dalmane: a trademark used for a hypnotic drug prescribed for insomnia.───盐酸氟胺安定:商标名,用于为失眠而指定的安眠药。
Often, an alternative drug, made by another company, can be prescribed for a particular condition.───通常,在另一家公司生产出适用于某种病症的替代性药品后。
The medical director for the CDC program, Dr. Lauri Nicks, says antibiotics are over-prescribed for a variety of reasons.───CDC项目的医学主任劳里尼克斯医生表示,抗生素的滥用有很多原因。
they do not interfere with the assays and tests prescribed for determining compliance with the compendial standards.───该物质不会干扰规定用于判定法定标准品是否符合药典标准的分析和测试。
Antibiotics are also prescribed for acne treatment and need to be given for several months at a time to be effective.
This is already prescribed for him or her.
This drug is often prescribed for women with heart trouble.
The medication is prescribed for a fixed period of time.
If a procedure is prescribed for making the rule it must be followed, unless the procedure is directory rather than mandatory.
She wished that the little white pills prescribed for her teen-age daughter were real insulin, not inactive sugar crystals.
The drug is often prescribed for ulcers.
He wouldn't tell me what he prescribed for your sleeplessness.
It is usually prescribed for women after their available only through prescription.
- prescribed burning
- prescribed definition
- prescribed role
- prescribed for
- prescribed medicines