n.外币; 外汇
foreign currencies───[金融]外币;外汇(foreigncurrency的复数)
green currency───绿色货币
floating currency───浮动货币;[金融]浮动通货
foreign currency income───外币收入
common currency───统一货币,共同货币
foreign company───[经]外国公司
gain currency───为群众所习用;开始广泛传播
foreign currency incomes───外币收入
domestic currency───本国货币
Foreign currency and gold reserves were drained.───外汇和黄金储备日益枯竭.
The best rate available on foreign currency translations is 1 %.───我们可提供的最佳费率外币折算是1%.
Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.───旅游业是该国外汇收入最高的行业。
Forex trading is a of another of foreign currency exchange rate.───外汇交易是以一种外币兑换另一种外币.
Exactly. A forward premium on foreign currency means a forward discount on domestic currency.───完全正确. 外币的远期升水意味着本币的远期就是贴水.
Please fill in this form, just to make a record of any foreign currency you have.───请把这张表填一下, 登记一下你有多少外币.
Do you have any foreign currency to declare?───你有外币要申报 吗 ?
He is accused of frauding relating to foreign currency.───他被指控犯了与外币有关的诈欺罪.
When traveling abroad, it is very necessary to bring some foreign currency with you.───国外旅行时候,随身携带一些外国货币是很有必要的。
If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another.───如果经常旅行,找一家能直接兑换外币的旅行社。
The demand for foreign currency depreciates the real value of local currencies.───对外币的需求降低了当地货币的实际价值。
Then you must fill out this foreign currency declaration form.───那么,你必须填这张外币申报表.
Maintain foreign currency exchange rate on quarterly basis in QAD.───每个季度在QAD中维护外汇兑换比率.
The demand for foreign currency depreciates the real value of local currencies.───对外汇的需求致使本币的实际价值下跌。
Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.───旅游业是该国外汇创收最多的行业。
How much local and foreign currency have you get?───您有多少本地及外国货币?
How much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad?───你出国时带多少外币?
Has your sister got a foreign currency bank account?───您妹妹有外汇银行账号 吗 ?
- foreignism synonym
- foreignness def
- foreign students
- foreign officer
- foreign investors
- foreignness define
- foreign born
- foreign nationals
- foreign minister
- foreign correspondent