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n.飞行服务员( flight attendant的名词复数 )


flight attendant───n.空中服务人员;空中乘务员

lift attendants───电梯服务员

lift attendant───电梯服务员

flight lieutenants───(英)空军上尉

cabin attendants───客舱乘务员

care attendants───护理人员

flight lieutenant───(英)空军上尉


The ads were usually for flight attendants, secretaries, salespeople, engineers, and mechanics.───广告通常都是招聘飞行服务员 、 秘书 、 推销员 、 工程师和机械师.

At the LA airport , I saw the flight attendants from many different airlines.───在洛杉矶飞机场, 我看见来自很多不同的航空公司的机组人员.

How many kids of single - parent flight attendants go to the best private schools?───有多少单亲的乘务员母亲可以供自己的孩子上私人学校?

Astounded, the flight attendants asked the captain what he had said.───两位惊讶不已的乘务员问机长说了些什么.

Flight attendants are busy handing out Customs Declaration Cards to each of the passengers.───飞机服务员正忙于派发报关表给每一位乘客.

Flight attendants for United Airlines wore pins modeled after the airplane's wings.───联合航空公司的乘务员佩戴仿照飞机尾翼制作的翼型章。

After take - off, the flight attendants will use the POS machine to accumulate your mileage on board.───飞机起飞后, 乘务员会手持pos累积积分的终端机器在客舱里走动,这样您就可以让乘务员帮您累积里程了.

Likewise, many flight attendants are now trained to scream at passengers in burning planes, "Get out!"───同样地,许多空乘人员现在被训练在着火的飞机上尖叫,“出去!”

B: Flight attendants, please cross check.───空乘人员, 请交叉检查.

I immediately rang the flight attendant call buttonasked for assistance from the other flight attendants.───我马上拨通这次航班服务人员的呼叫电话按钮,寻求从其他航班服务人员处帮助.

Let's say a plane arrived late in Houston and the "Continental" flight attendants onboard had finished their shift.───假设一架飞机晚点到达休斯顿,机上的“大陆”空乘人员已经结束了他们的轮班。

The flight attendants are now pointing out the emergency exits.───航班服务员们正在指示紧急出口的位置.


The flight attendants meeting in Sydney this morning have authorized their labor union to take further action.

The flight attendants are threatening to strike.

B: Flight attendants, please cross check.

Airlines do train flight attendants in how to spot trouble in advance, and in conflict resolution.

Twice a year, flight attendants were required to undergo a review of emergency and first-aid procedures.

Flight attendants are used to airplane passengers carping about the food.

He was apparently abusive to the flight attendants because they refused to serve him alcohol.

The flight attendants served up plastic food with little taste or texture.

Flight attendants have complained that everything in aircraft cabins, including coffee pots, are secured except small children.

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