

词汇 fellow member
释义 fellow member
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fellow members───正式会员

fellow men───n.同胞(fellowman的复数形式)

fellow worker───工友

fellow inmates───狱友

fellow soldier───战友

fellow workers───工友

fellow passenger───同行的乘客;同道的旅客

fellow traveller───旅伴;同情者

club member───俱乐部成员;俱乐部会员


I hope they will see how the UK fully engaged with fellow member states and institutional partners to ensure the stability of the EU.───我希望他们认识到英国是怎样和其他盟国以及各组织伙伴们全力投入到维持欧盟稳定的工作中。

he faced an internal IMF investigation into an affair with a fellow member of staff.───卡恩曾因与女下属有染而面临国际货币基金组织的内部调查。

Just as many observers assume that Abu Dhabi implicitly backs Dubai - a fellow member of the UAE - Abu Dhabi assumed the us government would make any investor in Citi whole.───正如许多观察人士认为阿布扎比暗中支持迪拜(阿联酋的成员国之一)一样,阿布扎比也认为美国政府不会让花旗的任何一位投资者受到损害。

The total includes $15 billion that Dubai raised this year from Abu Dhabi, an oil-rich fellow member of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).───总债务包含迪拜今年向阿布扎比借的150亿美金,阿布扎比是阿拉伯联合酋长国的一个石油丰饶的资深会员。

Joe is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow, member of The Paul Harris Society, Foundation Benefactor, and a member of the Bequest Society.───朱欧是多颗保罗.哈理斯之友、保罗.哈理斯协会会员、扶轮基金永久基金捐献人以及遗赠协会会员。

Fellow member Changmin added, "I'd like for my partner to not be over the age of 30. "───成员昌珉补充道:“我希望我的伙伴(还是配偶?)不要超过30岁结婚。”

So , I look to you, fellow member of the Earth community . We've got to change this stuff up fast.───还有,大家看这些材料,我标注了一部分,我个人认为这部分挺有意思。

A woman fellow member, as of a sorority.───女会员女性成员,例如妇女联谊会的成员


On United Nations Day, we join our 192 fellow member states in celebrating the founding ideals of the Charter, and we recommit to the global pursuit of peace, justice, and human dignity.

Whirling round on his toes, he kept stabbing towards his fellow member of staff with his long, bony fingers.

  • fellow worker
  • fellow human
  • fellow ode grinder
  • fellow guests
  • fellowship program
  • fellow being
  • fellow workers
  • fellow definition
  • fellow creature
  • fellow inmates
  • fellow member
  • fellow creatures
  • fellow ode
  • fellow osteria




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