The air here is fresh
The sinister atmosphere of the place left an indelible imprint on my memory.───此处不祥的氛围在我的记忆中刻下了不可磨灭的印记.
There is a subdued atmosphere in the school at exam time.───在考试期间,学校里有一种压抑的氛围.
There was a very good atmosphere at the talks and the participants believed movement forward was possible.───会谈气氛非常融洽,与会者相信会取得进展。
There was a highly charged atmosphere.───气氛高度紧张。
The spacecraft made a successful reentry into the earth's atmosphere.───宇宙飞船成功地重返大气层.
Pale wooden floors and plenty of natural light add to the relaxed atmosphere.───淡色木地板和充足的自然光平添了几分轻松的氛围。
a hotel with a restful atmosphere───气氛闲适幽雅的旅馆
The music is pulsating and the atmosphere is intoxicating.───音乐在有节奏地响着,气氛令人陶醉。
Its atmosphere is one of repose rather than excitement.───那里气氛安宁而不热闹。
The atmosphere was quite convivial.───气氛很欢快。
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- enliven the atmosphere
- overlying atmosphere
- standard atmosphere
- adapting to planet atmosphere
- relaxed atmosphere
- oxidizing atmosphere
- enliven atmosphere
- foreboding atmosphere crossword
- atmosphere pressure
- hydrocarbons in the atmosphere