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词汇 appeal court
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[法] 上诉法院


appeal courts───上诉法院

appeals court───n.上诉法庭

appeals courts───上诉法院

Appeal Court───上诉法院

appellate court───受理上诉的法院

imperial court───王室;王朝

Federal court───联邦法院

appellate courts───受理上诉的法院(appellatecourt的名词复数)

appeal fund───上诉基金


The Appeal Court has quashed the convictions of all eleven people.───上诉法院已经撤销了对所有11人的判决。

The appeal court quashed the care order made by the juvenile court.───上诉法院废除了少年法院签发的监护.

The appeal court dismissed the appeal by wasy of case stated.───上诉法院以书面审理下级法院的判案陈述方法驳回上诉.

If its allows appeal, Court of Appeal would be faced with a difficult decision.───如果允许其上诉, 上诉法院将面临一个困难的决定.

The appeal court quashed the verdict.───上诉法院撤销了下级法院的裁决.

Standing Appellate Body is not an appeal court but a legislative review procedure.───上诉机构不是上诉法院,只是一个法律复查程序.

Zhang Leyi thinks in petition for appeal , court of first instance adjudicates misgivings.───张乐奕在上诉状中认为, 一审法院判决不妥.

The appeal court quash the care order make by the juvenile court.───上诉法院宣布少年法院发出的照看命令无效.

They had their sentence quashed by the appeal court judge.───上诉法院的法官撤销了对他们的判决.

The judge's decision was set aside by the Appeal Court.───法官的判决被上诉法庭驳回.

The Appeal Court rejiected the appeal on a tenchnicality.───上诉法院驳回了就技术细节问题的上诉.

On appeal, court ruled that the judgment was invalid, on different reasoning.───上诉中, 巡回法院根据不同的理由认定,契据赖以为基础的判决无效.

The appeal court rejects the appeal on a technicality.───上诉法院驳回了对法律条文特别解释问题的上诉.

The Texas appeal court decided that Avena did not apply.───德州上诉法庭认定阿韦纳不适用此规定.

The appeal court overrode the decision of the lower court.───上诉法院撤消了裁决.

The Appeal Court set aside the prisoner's sentence.───上诉法院撤销了对刑事被告的判决.

The appeal court reversed the decision of the high court.───上诉法院推翻了高级法院的裁决.

The appeal court decide unanimously in favour of the defendant.───上诉法院一致作出有利被告的裁决.

The appeal court uphold the sentence.───上诉法庭维持了判决.

The Appeal Court decided in their favour.───上诉法院作出了有利于他们的裁定。

The case has been remitted from the appeal court to a lesser tribunal.───此案已由上诉法庭转给下级法庭处理.

The Appeal Court has quashed the convictions of all eleven people.───上诉法庭已经撤销对所有11人的判决。

His sentence was overturned by the appeal court.───上诉法庭撤销了对他的判决。

But a second and rather overlooked aspect of the appeal court ruling could also be important.───但上诉法庭裁决的另一方面、也是被许多人忽略的一面可能也很重要.

An appeal court decided their convictions were unsafe.───上诉法庭裁定对他们的判罪证据不足。

Her case is lose in the first court, but appeal court say that she is right.───在审判法庭她败诉, 但受理上诉法庭说她的上诉是正确的.

The appeal court reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free.───上诉法庭撤销了原判,把那个犯人释放了.

The appeal court override the decision of the lower court.───上诉法院推翻了下级法院的裁决.


His sentence was overturned by the appeal court.

The appeal court overturned the conviction against her.

An appeal court decided their convictions were unsafe.

They had their sentence quashed by the appeal court judge.

They took their case to the appeal court.

The Appeal Court has quashed the convictions of all eleven people.

The guilty verdict was quashed by the appeal court.

The verdict was set aside by the Appeal Court.

The Appeal Court decided in their favour.

  • appealed definition
  • appealed by
  • appealing myth
  • appealed to me




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