

词汇 exploding star
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[天文学] (由天体爆发所产生的)爆发星(如超新星、新星和耀星等)


exploding stars───爆炸的星星

expanding sector───扩大部门

blazing star───多种花色鲜明之植物;极引人注意之人或物;慧心

evening star───昏星;长庚星;晚星


fading star───暗淡的星星

falling star───流星

shooting star───n.流星

explaining away───通过解释消除


an exploding star, for a few seconds, appear to emit nearly as much energy as all the other stars in the universe combined?───一颗爆炸中之星体在数秒间释放出的能量,为什么好像是宇宙中所有其他恒星能量的总和?

Astronomers have confirmed that an exploding star spotted by Nasa's Swift satellite is the most distant cosmic object to be detected by telescopes.───天文学家已经证实,美国航空航天局的威夫特卫星拍摄到的一颗爆发星是天文望远镜探测到的最远的宇宙星体。

The girl from the Canadian province of New Brunswick is the youngest person ever to discover a supernova, an exploding star.───这位来自加拿大新不伦瑞克省的女孩成为了史上最年轻的超新星——爆炸中的恒星——的发现者。

The exploding star was as bright as Venus and could even be seen in the daytime, but it dimmed completely over the course of two years.───这颗爆发星曾经明亮如金星,即使在白天也能看得见,不过,在过去的两年中第谷超新星完全暗淡了下来。

The exploding star that gave birth to the baby black hole was first seen through an amateur telescope back in 1979.───诞生黑洞的这个爆发星早在1979年就被一个业余望远镜观察发现。


The girl from the Canadian province of New Brunswick is the youngest person ever to discover a supernova, an exploding star.

  • exploding star
  • exploding kittens




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