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East India Company───东印度公司

and company───…公司

found a company───成立了一家公司

join a company───加入某企业

listed company───上市公司,[金融]股票上市的公司

distribution company───分销公司

earth inductor compass───n.地磁感应罗盘


But as with the East India Company the real abuse of power-and the real threat to democracy-comes when commercial interest becomes intertwined with the state.───但是正如东印度公司一样,真正的权利滥用——也是对民主的真正威胁——是在商业利益与国家息息相关的情况下产生的。

The East India Company was a microcosm of this uncertainty-half military, half commercial, a state within a state.───东印度公司就是这种不确定性的缩影- - -半军事半商业,可谓国家中的国家。

But the monopoly of the East India Company enabled it to demand high prices, and this was one of the standing grievances of the colonies.───但是英国东印度公司垄断这项产品并且索取高价,让各殖民地许多长期的抱怨又添上一笔。

England was a late comer to the tea trade, as the East India Company did not capitalize on tea's popularity until the mid-18th century.───由于英国东印度公司直到18世纪中叶,才开始充分利用茶叶盛行的机会,赚取利润,所以英国进行茶叶贸易比较晚。

The establishment of the British East India Company in 1600 was a case of economic penetration.───1600年英国东印度公司的建立是经济渗透的实例。

several dozen Boston residents dressed as Indians boarded the ships of the British East India Company and threw the tea into the harbor.───年,几十名波士顿居民化装成印第安人,登上英国东印度公司的船,将茶叶倾入海中。

From the mid-1640s, the Dutch East India Company had consolidated its colonial rule in Taiwan, and its tax revenues began to increase.───1640年代中期以后,荷兰东印度公司在台湾的殖民统治趋于稳固,税收也逐渐增加。

During his rule, international trade through the British East India Company increased dramatically.───在他的统治时期,英国东印度公司的国际贸易量急剧增加。


At that time the East India Company was the virtual ruler of Bengal.

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