

词汇 dried beans
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dried beans发音



refried beans───炸豆泥

baked beans───(加番茄酱等制的)烘豆

broad beans───蚕豆

green beans───n.青豆;绿豆;四季豆

ordeal beans───苦豆

string beans───豆角

winged beans───四季豆


I can hear some dried beans rolling about in the tin.───我听见有些干豆子在罐子里滚来滚去。

at least 3 servings a day of legumes (cooked dried beans, peanuts, or soyfoods) in your diet.───饮食中每天至少要有3份豆类食品(干蚕豆、花生或者大豆)。

beanbag : a small bag filled with dried beans and used for throwing in games.───豆子袋:装满干豆的小袋,在游戏时用于扔掷。

Lay a baking paper or tin foil on the pastry case and put enough dried beans to cover the bottom thickly.───取出塔模,铺上一张烤纸或是锡纸,然后再放上豆子,入预热烤箱烘焙18分钟。

Later, around the year 1000 AD, Ethiopians concocted a type of wine from coffee berries, fermenting the dried beans in water.───过后,在1000年左右,埃塞俄比亚人从咖啡浆果那里调制某种酒,发酵在水内的干煸豆。

Overview: The Division of coffee tincture of coffee mainly produced in Hainan dried beans, have coffee with alcohol tincture cooling method.───概述:本司咖啡酊主要采用海南产的咖啡干豆,用乙醇冷却法制得咖啡酊。

Guo Lifang hot water, add spring onion, ginger, cinnamon, aniseed, water, open, add ribs, dried beans, edible fungus, stamped stuffy cook.───过哩仿热水,加葱,姜,桂皮,八角,水,开放,增加排骨,干豆类,木耳,加盖闷煮。

Dried beans and peas, lentils, enriched cereals, whole-grain products, dark leafy green vegetables and dried fruit are good sources of iron.───铁元素的优秀来源包括干豆、豌豆、扁豆、小麦、全麦产品、深色绿叶蔬菜和果脯。


It also is a great boon to vegetarians who can cook grains and dried beans in 12 minutes or less.

Leave the dried beans to soak overnight.

If using dried beans, soak them overnight first.

Eight hours' cooking was enough to cook the hardest of dried beans.

Most dried beans need a soak before they're cooked.

Flour, sugar, dried beans, canned beef, milk.

Folate - rich foods include green leafy vegetables, orange juice, dried beans and peas, and fortified cereals.

  • dried food
  • dried meat
  • dried foods
  • dried beans
  • dried milk powder
  • dried beef
  • dried fruits




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