drain blood───放血
draw blood───采血
fake blood───假血
sweat blood───万分忧虑;拼命地干
taste blood───因初次胜利而尝到甜头;初识真味
vomit blood───吐血
bad blood───恶感;嫌隙;不和
blue blood───贵族血统;出身贵族
cobalt bloom───钴华
Local people lined up to donate blood for the brave girl.───当地群众排队给这位勇敢的姑娘献血.
The person that there is hypoglycemia symptom whether donate blood?───有低血糖症状的人能否献血?
Q: Why should I donate blood?───问:我为什么应该献血?
I am 20 years old the first time I donate blood.───我第一次献血时20岁。
Some people think it is a good thing to donate blood for it could save somebody's life while others insist that we should not donate blood for it may cause some illnesses.───有些人认为献血是一件好事,因为它可以挽救某人的生命,而其他人坚持认为我们不应该献血,因为这可能会导致一些疾病。
Is nerve fibroma ill but in order to donate blood?───神经纤维瘤病可不可以献血?
After appendix excises operation not full why do 3 months should not be donate blood?───阑尾切除手术后未满三个月为何不宜献血?
Color is light, does haemoglobin slant can little person donate blood?───血色淡, 血红蛋白偏少的人可以献血 么 ?
In the lower picture: the youth medical staff of Wuxi sanitation system waiting to donate blood.───下图: 无锡市卫生系统的青年医务人员在等候献血.
Why be advocate free to donate blood, and does the hospital sell price however piece?───为什么都在提倡无偿献血, 而医院却高价卖出?
The invention discloses a hemoglobin determining method for donate blood, including plastic shell and paper tape.───本发明公开了一种无偿献血血红蛋白测定仪, 它包括塑料外壳和试纸条组成.
Many people offered to donate blood and skin for the badly burnt worker.───很多人要求为那个严重烧伤的工人献血献皮.
Afterwards, I was informed that I was healthy enough to donate blood.───之后他们通知我说我够健康,可以捐血.
method for donate blood, including plastic shell and paper tape.
Persons who have engaged in homosexual activities or have shot street drugs within the last 10 years should never donate blood.
Many people offered to donate blood and skin for the badly burnt worker.
The appeal for people to donate blood was very successful.
Each person who volunteers to donate blood goes through several screening steps before getting stuck with a needle.
Can I donate blood, organs, or semen if I have hepatitis B?
Is nerve fibroma ill but in order to donate blood?
Color is light, does haemoglobin slant can little person donate blood?
The idea is to make it convenient to donate blood.
- donate for
- donate money