Change the spelling
Children write down the word, cover it up and then try to spell it from memory.───孩子们把这个词写下来蒙住,然后试着凭记忆拼出来。
It is a superstitious idea that the ghost can cast a living man under a spell.───鬼魂能迷住人是一种迷信的观念.
Those dark clouds spell rain.───那些乌云意味着下雨.
A spell of poor health took the edge off her performance.───一度身体欠佳令她表现有失水准。
This development could spell disaster for the steel industry.───这一发展有可能给钢铁工业带来灾难.
How many times do I have to spell it out?───我要仔仔细细讲多少遍?
If I don't know a word, I ask them to spell it out for me.───如果我不会写某个字,就让他们替我拼出来。
Someone's spell of good fortune has run out.───气数已尽.
Could you spell your name, please?
They were impoverished by a prolonged spell of unemployment.
I don't know how to spell your name.
Sorry, would you please spell your name?
The dry spell quickly diminished our water suply.
- 你如何拼写它呢用英语怎么说
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- 请拼写一下这个单词用英语怎么说
- 你知道如何拼写这个单词吗用英语怎么说
- 它的拼写是用英语怎么说
- 这个单词的拼写是什么用英语怎么说
- 请把你的名字拼写出来用英语怎么说
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- 改拼写用英语怎么说
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