

词汇 ing up
释义 ing up
ing up发音



ring up───打电话;把款项记入现金进出记录机

D'ing up───上去吧

;ing up───提出;教育;养育;呕出;(船等)停下

doing up───整理;刷新;修缮;使精疲力尽

eying up───注视

going up───上升;向上

lying up───入坞停用

tying up───捆绑;穿吊

using up───用完,耗尽


For this reason, the firm could have difficulty snapping up insurance assets of rivals worsted by the crisis, such as those of ing, a Dutch financial-services group which plans divestitures.───因为上述原因,忠利一直难以从因为金融危机而衰落的竞争对手那里抢购保险资产,比如计划进行资产剥离的荷兰ing金融集团。

I whipped through the woods the way a sparrow flies through the openings in a fence, without a thought, fold-ing up its wings at the right moment, gliding through.───我在林中飞驰,仿佛一只麻雀穿越篱笆间的空隙,不假思索就能在合适的时机收拢翅膀,飞翔而过。

Practicalities: DRY 'ing up your code and best practices (16:09).───实用性:DRY你的代码,并应用到实践中去(16:09)。

Cheerfully fess ing up to our failures turns crazy mind off, humility and compassion on.───愉快地承认失败会让疯狂的思维停止,会带来谦卑和同情心。

Amulet of the Cat: You cannot be heard when running ing up ladders|───猫之护身符:消除你跑步和爬楼梯时的声音。

I'm mann ing up, Imma hold my ground───我正武装起来,坚持自己的立场

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