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词汇 in honour of
释义 in honour of
in honour of发音




in honor of───向…致敬,向…表示敬意;为庆祝…

in favour of───支持,赞成

in honour bound───受荣誉约束

do honour to───给……带来荣誉;尊敬地对待……

in danger of───处于…危险之中

in favor of───有利于;支持;赞同

in the course of───在…过程中;在…期间


The United Nations has issued a stamp in honour of Captain Alfred Dreyfus.───联合国发行了一枚纪念阿尔弗雷德·德雷富斯上尉的邮票。

By observances in honour of mothers were held in every state of the United States.───1911年,美国各州都开始举行庆祝母亲节的活动.

She gave a lavish banquet in honour of the delegation.───她设盛宴招待代表团.

We celebrate Mother's Day in honour of our mothers.───我们庆祝母亲节是对母亲表示感谢和敬意.

A commemorative medal was struck in honour of the event.───为纪念这次活动铸造了一枚纪念章.

The monument was erected in honour of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country.───这个纪念碑是为纪念为国牺牲的战士而建立的。

Commemorative activities in honour of some other leaders also sometimes smacked of the cult of personality.───对其他领导人的纪念,有时也带有个人崇拜的成分.

In honour of the distinguished guest they let off a salute of 21 guns.───为向贵宾表示敬意,他们鸣礼炮21响.

It gives me great pleasure to preside at this dinner in honour of Chairman Clark.───我为能在此为克拉克董事长主持晚宴而深感愉快.

The Foundation is holding a dinner at the Museum of American Art in honour of the opening of its new show.───基金会在美国艺术博物馆举行宴会,庆祝新展览开幕。

They held a reception in honour of the foreign visitors.───他们为国外来访者举行了招待会.

The Foundation is holding a dinner at the Museum of American Art in honour of the opening of their new show.───该基金会将在美国艺术博物馆举办宴会,庆祝新展览的开幕。

The Foundation is holding a dinner in honour of something or other.───基金会正举办某个纪念宴会。

In honour of his achievement, we held a celebration for him.───为了庆祝他的成功, 我们为他举行了一个庆祝会.

They held a state funeral in honour of the statesman.───他们为这位政治家举行了国葬.

A monument was made in honour of the little hero.───为了纪念小英雄他们立了一块纪念碑.

He has just published a memoir in honour of his captain.───他刚刚出了一本传记来纪念他的队长。

a state banquet in honour of the visiting President───为来访总统举办的国宴

They run up the flag in honour of the victory.───他们升旗庆祝胜利.

A memorial meeting was held in honour of Dr Bethune.───为纪念白求恩医生而举行了悼念会.

It was named in honour of our departed hero.───它被命名以纪念逝去的英雄.

Flags will Be flown in honour of the holiday.───假日要升旗.

This monument was erected in honour of the martyrs during the internal waw.───这座纪念碑是为内战中牺牲的烈士们而建立的.

The dinner was given in honour of the new president of the company.───宴会是为欢迎公司的新经理而举行的.

Madame Curie named it polonium in honour of her native country.───居里夫人将它命名为钋,以纪念她的祖国.

There is a party tonight in honour of the new chairman.───为向新主席表示欢迎将举行晚会.

This monument was erected in honour of the Queen.───这座纪念碑是为女王而建的.

I'll drink his health in honour of its being Christmas Day.───在这圣诞佳节里,让我举杯祝他健康.

The foundation is holding a dinner in honour of something or other.───基金会正设宴庆祝着什么。

Flags were hung out in honour of the state visit.───到处悬挂旗帜以庆祝这次国事访问.

The same evening they gave a banquet in honour of the delegation.───同一天晚上他们为代表团举行了宴会.


A commemorative medal was struck in honour of the event.

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