

词汇 希望我的建议能给你提供帮助用英语怎么说
释义 希望我的建议能给你提供帮助用英语怎么说

I hope my advice can help you




Why is it that you've come out against the proposal he put forward?───为什么你要反对他提出的建议 呢 ?

His proposal sounds good.───他的建议听起来还不错.

I have doubts about the practicality of their proposal.───我怀疑他们的建议是否行得通。

The proposal was emphatically defeated.───这个建议已被断然否决。

Her proposal has something to recommend it.───她的建议有可取之处.

No one is against this proposal.───没有人反对这个提议.

He questioned the practicality of the proposal.───他对该项建议的可行性表示怀疑.

The proposal offered both sides a way out of the diplomatic impasse.───这一提议使双方都能摆脫外交僵局.

Might I draw your readers' attention to the dangers in the Government's proposal.───请各位在阅读时注意一下政府提案中的风险。

His proposal was qualified as practical.───他的建议被认为是可行的.


What do you think of my proposal?

They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.

The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.

I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.

He demurred at a proposal.

The proposal proposed by the President was sailed through.

His proposal is not acceptable.

The proposal is gaining more and more adherents.

Is he favourable to the proposal?

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  • 希望我的建议能给你提供帮助用英语怎么说
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  • marriage proposal
  • tabling a proposal
  • proposal on
  • thesis proposal
  • proposal research
  • origination of proposals
  • proposal report
  • proposal summary
  • counter proposal
  • region proposal




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