

词汇 tourette syndrome
释义 tourette syndrome
tourette syndrome发音


n.杜尔雷斯综合征:一种严重的神经絮乱症; 特征为面部和身体其他部位的经常性抽搐; 是以进行性发展的多部位运动和发声抽动为特征的抽动障碍; 部分患儿伴有模仿语言、模仿动作


Tourette syndrome───妥瑞症

Tourette syndromes───妥瑞症

Tourette's syndrome───图雷特综合征

Tourettes syndromes───图雷特综合征

couvade syndrome───n.拟娩症

cot death syndrome───婴儿猝死综合征

Gorlin syndrome───戈林综合征

Hurler's syndrome───赫尔勒氏综合症;粘多糖增多症

Nonne's syndrome───诺恩综合征


He has overcome many difficulties and obstruction, tenacious beat Tourette syndrome.───他克服了很多困难和阻挠,顽强的战胜了妥瑞症。

Objective : To observe the curative effect of Dingxian Pill Yiguan Decoction on Tourette syndrome ( TS ) .───目的: 观察中药定痫丸合一贯煎加减方治疗小儿多发性抽动 症 的 疗效.

Self-hypnosis training may help children with Tourette syndrome, study finds.───研究表明自我催眠对儿童的图雷特综合症有效。

Aim: to explore the neurobiochemistry mechanisms of childhood Tourette syndrome.───目的:探讨儿童多发性抽动症的发病机制。


These conditions include cerebral palsy, Tourette syndrome, and high-risk infants.

Tourette syndrome. You might think that someone who exhibits the physical and verbal tics of Tourette has less control of hismind than do non-Tourette people.

Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder that can cause involuntary tics such as coughing, yelling, head jerking and blinking.

Objective:To study the effect of Xifeng Jingning decoction on the neurohumor in the children with Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome(TS).

Research out of the Neurological Institute at University Hospitals Case Medical Center finds that Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) helps patients who suffer from Tourette Syndrome (TS).

An excellent story featuring a protagonist with Tourette Syndrome, a killer giant and a Zen crime syndicate.

Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect of sodium valproate on gilles de la tourette syndrome.

To elucidate the effects and mechanism of Naoqingling Decoction(ND)on Gilles de la Tourette syndrome(TS).

Tourette syndrome (TS) is a kind of neuropsychiatry disorder in the beginning of child whose symptoms are multiple motor tics with vocal tics.





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