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contact sport───身体接触项目

contact sheets───联系表;相版

conduct reports───进行报告

contact papers───[感光]接触印相纸

contact prints───[印刷]接触印刷

contact sheet───联系表;相版



contract works───包工工程


Like other contact sports, the argument runs, politics can be brutal, but it still has rules, one of which is that arguments are conducted within agreed parameters.───争论就像接触性竞技运动一样进行着:政治可能是残忍的,但仍然有规则,其中一条就是争论必须在共同认可的范围内进行。

If you follow football, hockey, soccer, or boxing, then you know that athletes in these and other contact sports are at constant risk for a concussion.───如果你喜欢橄榄球、橄榄球、足球或是拳击运动,那么你就会很清楚这些以及其他接触性运动中的运动员常处于脑震荡的危险境地。

Contact sports' is an umbrella term for a variety of different sports.───接触式运动”是多种不同体育运动的总称。

Ankle fractures are a frequently seen injury in both the general population and also occur frequently in contact sports.───踝关节骨折在正常人群中和从事对抗性体育活动的人群中的常常发生。

The injury prevented him from playing contact sports and led him to golf, the sport that changed his life.───这起事故使他不能从事对抗性体育项目,却使他迷上了高尔夫,从而高尔夫运动改变了他的生活。

Participation in contact sports or long term exercise programs can increase the likelihood of a sports injury occurrence.───尤其是进行那些有身体接触的运动或参加长时间的锻炼计划,运动创伤发生可能性更大。

To date, all known cases of CTE involve victims who have taken repeated blows to the head, through contact sports like football and boxing.───迄今为止,所有已知的热膨胀系数案件涉及谁已多次打击头部通过喜欢足球和拳击接触的运动,受害者。

You shine in physical-contact sports. Your many friends admire you, but relationships suffer because you change partners often.───在身体接触的体育运动中你很占优势,朋友们都很钦佩你,但经常地变换伴侣会让你与他人的关系恶化。

Japanese social and business interactions are famously not contact sports, but the obvious exception is the rush-hour trains.───日本社会和商业之间的互动不是因体育运动联系在一起,而是高峰时段的火车这一特例。


There is a high risk of injury in contact sports such as rugby.

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