console games───电视游戏
console table───n.桌案;螺形托脚桌案;倚墙饰托桌
console tables───n.桌案;螺形托脚桌案;倚墙饰托桌
control the game───控制游戏
con game───骗局,诈骗
on the game───(非正式)卖淫
Console game systems represent a huge segment of the games market within the United States, Japan, and parts of Europe.───游戏机游戏系统在美国、日本和欧洲的部分地区占据很大的游戏市场份额。
In contrast, it is near impossible to obtain a console game for free.───相反,游戏机中的游戏却几乎不可能免费获得。
The console game publishers took notice.───掌机游戏发行商开始对此投以关注。
Clancy's Splinter Cell took top honors on the console side, winning console game of the year.───《分裂细胞》赢得了本年主机游戏的最高荣誉:年度最佳主机游戏奖!
While the console game software market is dominated by a consolidated group of large publishing firms, the old business model is unsustainable.
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