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词汇 cleared away
释义 cleared away
cleared away发音



clear away───清除;收拾;消失

clears away───清除;收拾;消失

clearing away───清除;收拾;消失

carted away───被车运走

chased away───赶走;驱逐

squared away───v.迎风扬帆;摆好姿势;把一切弄整齐

sweated away───通过出汗而减轻

beavered away───努力工作;勤奋工作;辛勤劳动;埋头苦干

blasted away───炸掉(炸毁)某物


He cleared away and made coffee.───他把东西收拾好以后煮了咖啡。

It's time your toys were cleared away.───现在该收走你的玩具了。

The waitress had cleared away the plates and brought coffee.───女服务员收走盘子,端来了咖啡。

A few days later after the old man's death, the old house was cleared away and a new house was built in that place.───在老人去世后不几天,老房子被清理掉了,在那地方盖起了一座新房子。

The hedgehogs were sent home, the breakfast things were cleared away, and soon the four animals sat down to lunch together.───豪猪被送回家了,早餐的用品也被清理干净,不久这四只动物又坐在一起吃午饭了。

The farmyard must be cleared away entirely, and planted up to shut out the blacksmith's shop.───场院必须彻底迁走,还要多种些树把铁匠铺子遮开。

ill gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.───成旧的然后被清除。我很抱歉这很戏剧性,但是这十分的真实。

Together, we have cleared away the rubble of crisis, and can say with renewed confidence that the state of our union is stronger.───我们共同努力,清理掉了危机留下的断壁残垣,我们可以宣布,合众国重拾信心、更加强大。

The King, however, quaffed cup after cup till, looking at the clock, she ordered the remains of the feast to be cleared away.───国王又饮数杯,命人把表取过看了一看,吩咐撤去筵席。


It's time your toys were cleared away.

I cleared away the tea things.

Ellie cleared away their supper things.

The fog cleared away and the full moon appeared.

The worker quickly cleared away the dirt that was choking up the chimney.

The clouds cleared away and the rest of the day was fine.

The waitress had cleared away the plates and brought coffee.

He cleared away and made coffee.

The rubbish must be cleared away.

  • cleared customs




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