

词汇 match up
释义 match up
match up发音

(使)相配, (使)相适合, (使)…相符合




catch up───赶上;把…缠住


patch up───修补;平息;拼凑

botch up───搞坏

fetch up───引起;到达;最终成为

hitch up───拉起(坐时把膝部裤管稍向上拉,以保持裤线挺直);准备开钻;使完婚


notch up───完成;创下;达到


He tries to match up to the situation.───他努力适应情势.

But would the six - seed yield the most advantageous match - up?───但是第六种子能否出产最有利的区域盯人 吗 ?

These colors match up very nicely.───这些颜色配得很好.

A very annoying match - up, packed with plenty of harassment and deception.───这会是非常恼人的战斗, 充满了大量的骚扰和诡计.

I'm confident this store's sales are going to match up with our other one.───我有信心这家店的业绩不会输给我们的另一间店.

They were unable to match up his tissue type with any of the possible donors.───他们无法在可捐赠者之中找到类型与他相配的身体组织.

Although their advantages come late in the match - up, winning is not impossible.───尽管它们的优势在对战后期, 胜利也不是不可能的.

The two statements don't match up.───这两种说法不相符.

Act of moving a mask or reticle to match up alignment marks.───对准,调整掩模和晶片之间的位置.

Her blouse and skirt match up nicely.───她的短上衣和裙子很相配.

The consultant seeks to match up jobless professionals with small companies in need of expertise.───这个顾问力求使失业的专业人员找到需要专门技术的小公司。

The pillow cover can match up with the sheets.───这条枕巾可以和床单配上。

The pillow cover can match up with the sheets.───这个枕巾可以和这些被单相配。

I can't match up the two halves of the photograph. A bit is missing from the middle.───我无法将照片的两半拼合起来, 中间少了一点点.

Supporter spokesperson's nationalities match up to their city of birth.───球迷发言人的国籍匹配他们出生的城市.

This erroneous match - up is true for both domestic and international companies.───对这对概念的错误理解,在国内和国外公司的现实中都存在.

The suspects' stories just don't match up.───各嫌疑犯交代的内容不一致。

The trip failed to match up to her expectations.───这次旅行令她很失望。


He tries to match up to the situation.

The film didn't match up to my expectations.

Her blouse and skirt match up nicely.

Their accounts just don't match up.

The two statements don't match up.

The pillow cover can match up with the sheets.

The employment agency exists to match up graduates and IT companies.

Anyone who doesn't match up is soon fired.

The trip failed to match up to her expectations.

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  • matching up




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