

词汇 mortality rate
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mortality rates───死亡率

mortality table───死亡率表

morbidity rate───患病率;发病率

mortality tables───[医]死亡表;死亡率表;生命表

morbidity rates───患病率;发病率

infant mortality rate───婴儿死亡率

morality play───道德剧;寓意剧

morality plays───道德剧;寓意剧



The mortality rate was 14 % in EOD and 4 % in LOD infants.───临床上早发性病例较多爲早産儿,容易发生败血症,白血球缺乏与呼吸窘迫.

Hand , Foot and Mouth Disease is a high mortality rate of infectious diseases it?───手足口病是一种灭亡率很高的传染病 吗 ?

Hillary sat at the President's table and got into a debate with him about how bad Americas infant-mortality rate was.───希拉里坐在总统那一桌,她和总统就美国婴儿死亡率有多高争论起来。

In an urban population with good access to professional care, we found a high neonatal mortality rate, often due to preventable conditions.───在可获得专业护理的城区人群中,新生儿死亡率高通常与预防条件有关。

With a mortality rate of more than 50%, the bird flu outbreak in Asia is beginning to gain worldwide publicity.───禽流感在亚洲爆发后,死亡率已超过50%,且正蔓延向全球。

Imagine if it was the sixteen century and swine flu was ravishing the land. The mortality rate would have been innumerable and astounding.───想像一下,如果甲流是在16世纪侵犯人类,那死亡率将会大得惊人。

They found similar results, with a lower mortality rate and a higher suicide rate than the general population.───研究者发现了类似的结果:相对于一般人群更低的死亡率和更高的自杀率。

Needless to say, the mortality rate amongst derro children is quite high with only one out of every three children surviving to adulthood.───不用说,迪洛矮人小孩的死亡率非常高,每三个只有一个有幸活到成年。


The mortality rate was way down.

  • mortality risk




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