

词汇 match days
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match day───比赛日

match plays───比洞赛(一种高尔夫球比赛方式);对抗赛;一对一比赛

arch dams───[水利]拱坝,拱形坝

catch dogs───捉狗


match play───比洞赛(一种高尔夫球比赛方式);对抗赛;一对一比赛


watch caps───导烟帽

match player───比洞赛(一种高尔夫球比赛方式);对抗赛;一对一比赛(matchplay的变形)


For instance, they do not get much from renting out VIP boxes at their grounds on match days: Italian businesspeople tend to take clients to dinner or the opera;───比如说,在比赛日里,他们不能从出租场地中贵宾包厢这一项上得到可观的收益:意大利商人往往邀请客户共进晚餐或者观赏歌剧;

Wenger has criticised the way the club has handled stadium announcements during match days.───温格批评俱乐部处理比赛日球场广播的方式。

These days, he was collecting materials for a book on football match.───这些日子,他正在收集一本关于足球比赛的书的材料。

He programmed himself to be right for match days but you accept that because you know he will then go out and get you three points.───因为你知道,他肯定能行,只要一上场,三分拿到手。

Lampard dreads driving to his home ground on match days.───兰帕德都不敢在比赛日自己开车去主场。

Miriam Belchior, the planning minister, suggested that the government would declare holidays on match days to avoid traffic jams.───巴西计划部部长米利亚姆•贝尔科提议,政府可将比赛日设为法定假日以避免交通阻塞。

Previously the protests were limited to match days but we are doing everything we can and decided to expand it to other areas.───之前抗议只限制在比赛当日,但是我们可以做任何我们想要做的事,我们选择要扩大其他地区。

On each of the following match days, the process will be repeated using the same firearm and ammunition (from the same factory lot).───而在赛会接下来的每一天,使用相同枪枝与弹药(同一出厂批号)的这个程序将会被重复。

The fuelling process get more complicated on match days.───比赛期间,补充身体能量的整个过程更为复杂。


The trip includes airfare, accommodation, car rental and admission tickets to the golf course for all practice and match days.

He gets so excited on match days he is often up and about by noon.

It was founded by Stan Barnet and Sid Dicker and in the early days met behind the grandstand on match days.

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