

词汇 city planning
释义 city planning
city planning发音



city planner───规划师;城市规划者

family planning───n.计划生育

city plan───城市平面图

city plans───城市平面图




town planning───n.[建]城镇规划;都市规划(等于cityplanning)



Secondly, this article will be on the green garden city planning principles.───其次, 本文将讲述城市园林绿地规划的原则.

It can provide a reliable scientific basis for city planning and environmental comprehensive management.───为城市规划和环境的综合治理提供了可靠的科学依据.

One small display provides a large demonstration of how things have changed here, and how the attitude toward city planning has changed with it.───在这里你可以管窥见豹,知悉事物如何变化,以及城市规划的态度如何随之而变。

Responsibilities: Responsible for city planning, construction and management.───分管工作: 负责城市规划 、 建设和管理工作.

So the company decided to decision - makers in the city - planning a comprehensive standard supermarket.───因此公司 决策层 决定在锡市筹建一家标准综合超市.

For city planning and reconstruction.───可作城市规划与灾区重建.

With potential applications ranging from city planning to marketing, such studies could also provide a new source of revenue for the cell phone companies.───随着潜在应用城市规划到营销,这种研究也可以为移动电话公司提供一个新的收入来源的。

I'm inquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.───我正在查阅这家图书馆可能保存的关于城市远景规划的任何资料.

This thesis concern about taking the non - constructive land into city planning.───本文以 非 建设用地纳入城市规划体系文研究课题.

I will speak to the mayor in regard to city planning.───我要向市长就城市规划问题进言.

There are also many problems in city planning.───城市规划中的问题也不少.

City planning and allied studies.───城市规划和相关研究.

The construction and development of city shopping center is always one focus of city planning.───城市中心商业区的建设与发展历来是城市规划研究的重点之一.

Eco - city planning is one of the effective measures improving the ability of sustainable development regional level.───生态市建设规划是促进可持续发展的有效措施.

The theoretical foundation for architectural criticism involves architecture aesthetics, history, city planning, etc.───建筑评论的理论基础涉及建筑学、美学 、 历史 、 城市规划等各个领域.

Almost all designs in city planning are made on topographic map.───城市规划中的各项规划设计总图,几乎全部是在地形图上编制的.

City planning has come to the fore, with help from Japanese companies, though urbanization is not without detractors.───虽然城市化建设没有遭到反对,但印度的城市建设在日本公司的协助下还是姗姗来迟。

City development of Nagoya is a mirror of modern city planning.───名古屋的城市建设,现代城市规划的典范.


I'm inquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.

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