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Church of England───英国国教

Church of Scotland───(苏格兰正式定为国教的)苏格兰长老会

Bank of England───英格兰银行

Church of God───上帝的教会

church attendance───出席教会

church calendar───教堂日历

church calendars───教堂日历

Primate of England───英格兰的灵长类动物

Chichagof Island───Chichagof岛


The minister left the Church of England and went across to Rome.───该教士脱离了英国国教圣公会,皈依了罗马天主教.

a campaign to disestablish the Church of England───废除英格兰圣公会国教地位的运动

He is expected to be enthroned early next year as the spiritual leader of the Church of England.───预计他将于明年年初登位,成为英国国教的精神领袖。

In a historic vote, the Church of England decided to allow women to become leaders.───英国国教会在一项具有历史意义的表决中决定允许妇女成为领袖.

He was confirmed as a member of the Church of England.───他领受了坚振礼,成为英国国教会的一员。

The Queen is titular head of the Church of England.───英国女王是英国国教名义上的领袖.

These are the great and fundamental confession of faith of the Church of England.───这些是基督教英国圣公会最主要的和最根本的教义纲要.

It was called the Church of England, or the Anglican Church.───被称为英国国教或英国圣公会.

The Church of England put a serious obstacle in the path of women who want to become priests.───英国国教在妇女成为牧师的道路上设置了重大障碍。

Henry VIII founded the Church of England.───享利八世创建了英国国教.

It would clearly be easy to form it by analogy with the " Established Church " of England.───显然,仿照英国的 “ EstablishedChurch ” 是不难造出这个词来的.

The Church of England votes to allow women to become priests.───1992年的今天,英格兰教堂投票允许女性成为牧师.

The Church of England, with threats of split from within, has still to make up its mind.───尽管面临内部分裂的危险,英国国教会也必须下定决心。

Quaque is first non-European ordained priest in the Church of England.───奎是第一位被任命为英国国教牧师的非欧洲人。

The Archbishop of Canterbury holds the highest position in the Church of England.───坎特伯雷大主教在英国国教中拥有最高地位.

The Church of England holds the annual meeting of its deliberative council in London.───英格兰教堂在伦敦举行其审议委员会的年会。

November 11, 1992, The Church of England votes to allow women to become priests.───的11月11日,英格兰教堂投票允许女性成为牧师。

He belongs to the Church of England.───他属于英国教会.

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