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词汇 cartoon strip
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cartoon strips───连环漫画

cant strip───[建]垫瓦条;[建]嵌角板条



parting strip───分型条

parting strips───分型条

cant strips───[建]垫瓦条;[建]嵌角板条

carbon steel───[材]碳钢,[材]碳素钢



What is your favorite cartoon [ strip ] and why? Tessa , IN U.S.A.───你最喜欢的卡通连环画是什么为什么?

Your message text will be displayed in a speech bubble, giving the recipient a look and feel of a cartoon strip .───你的讯息文本,将张贴在一次讲话中泡沫的情况,给予受赠人的外观和感觉的卡通地带。

An impressive but slightly disturbing cartoon strip about abstinence is the most popular example at the time of writing.───截至发稿时,一个有关禁欲的卡通漫画最受欢迎。这个漫画给人印象深刻,但有些令人哭笑不得。

Others say the vehicle was named for a popular character named "Eugene the Jeep" in the Popeye cartoon strip .───也有人说是为车辆命名为“尤金在大力水手漫画吉普”的最受欢迎的人物命名。

Their immediate popularity resulted in a regular cartoon strip for European audiences in 1959 and an animated movie in 1975.───蓝精灵的形象一问世就迅速走红,1959年推出了面向欧洲读者的连环画,1975年制成动画电影。

The resulting title, From Pasta to Pancakes, featured 750 step-by-step photographs arranged as a cartoon strip.───该书最后定名为《从意大利通心粉到松饼》(FromPastatoPancakes),以连环画的形式呈现750个烹饪步骤。

SAN JOSE, Calif. - Scott Adams doesn't just lampoon consultants in his Dilbert cartoon strip.───史考特·亚当斯(ScottAdams)不仅在他的呆伯特连环漫画中讽刺咨询师。


ToonDoo - The Cartoon Strip Creator - Create, Publish, Share, Discuss!

First Peanuts Cartoon Strip (1950): The very first Peanuts comic strip, written by Charles M. Schulz, appeared in seven newspapers on October 2, 1950.

It comes from Al Capp's cartoon strip Li'l Abner.

This will also lend a multicultural flavor to the cartoon strip.

I like Lucy of the Peanuts cartoon strip because of her healthy dosage of self-confidence.

I felt like Max Zillion, a cartoon strip character devised by Hunt Emerson.

Others say the vehicle was named for a popular character named "Eugene the Jeep" in the Popeye cartoon strip

In the earliest years of this organization, there was a cartoon strip about WHO, a serious adventure story that ran in a number of newspapers.

The cartoon strips are designed to make Shakespeare accessible to children.

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