

词汇 by rote
释义 by rote
by rote发音



by Jove───天啊

buoy rope───浮子吊网

by repute───根据名声


by Jove!───天啊

by water───由海路,乘船;由水路

guy rope───支索;钢缆;拉绳


buoy ropes───浮子吊网


More and more young people object to spoon - feeding and learning by rote.───越来越多年轻人反对填鸭式教学和死记硬背.

Some children learn best by rote.───一些孩子通过死记硬背学得很好.

She copied her teacher by rote.───她机械地模仿她的老师.

He used to learn everything by rote.───他过去总是死记硬背.

His poor method of learning by rote made him unable to deal with the problems in his work flexibly.───他死记硬背的学习方法使他在工作中不能灵活处理问题。

There were about forty children to a class, sitting at double - desks and learning by rote.───每个班有四十名学生, 用的都是双人桌,教学特点是死记硬背.

They did not, as we tend to assume, teach by rote.───它们并非像我们往往认为的那样要求学生死记硬背.

You are merely reciting facts that you have learned by rote.───你只是在背诵自己死记硬背下来的东西。

He has conned the poems by rote.───他已经把这诗歌背下来了.

He can say the whole of the English Bible by rote.───他能把整本英语《圣经》硬背出来.

I know that many teachers of the present day think that learning by rote is archaic.───我知道,当前的许多老师认为死记硬背过时了.

Some children learn best by rote, in structured environments with high certainty and strict discipline.───在非常稳定和严格的纪律构成的环境里,有的孩子是靠死记硬背学习的。

From specific by - rote to NON - SPECIFIC generally applicable methods of ATTACK!───从机械的特定动作到非特定的、广泛适用的攻击!

She used to learn everything by rote.───她过去总是死记硬背.

Because the math teacher never nag, boring, for we never force us by rote.───因为数学老师从来不喋喋不休 、 枯燥乏味地为我们讲解,也从来不强迫我们死记硬背.

And finally, time was also found for Pandit Heramba Tatwaratna to come and get us to learn by rote rules of Sanscrit grammar.───最后,还找出时间让塔瓦拉纳先生来教我们死记硬背梵语语法。

He recited the poem by rote.───他强记背诵了这首诗.

  • by singing
  • by my way
  • by meitu
  • by the bay
  • by my lover
  • by subway anmail
  • by contraries
  • by-laws image
  • byplay defined
  • by when
  • by word
  • by business entity pa
  • by product
  • by-place definition
  • bye boy
  • byway def
  • by the coast
  • by one
  • by default
  • by the river
  • by the hand




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